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The PARI/GP Logo

Our logo was drawn in 2012 by Sylvain Glaviano, from Bordeaux University cellule Infographie et Multimédia (I & M, ICT department):



Please check the Graphic style manual for usage guidelines.

You may advertise PARI in a web page by copying one of the following two HTML snippets

<!-- small PARI/GP logo -->
<A href="">
<IMG alt="PARI/GP" border=0 width="150" height="83"
<!-- large PARI/GP logo -->
<A href="">
<IMG alt="PARI/GP" border=0 width="300" height="165"
You may want to use a different size from the defaults, in which case update the width and height properties in the code below:
<A href="">
<IMG alt="PARI/GP" border=0 width="..." height="..."


The blue-green A-shape is reminiscent of the old emblem of Université Bordeaux 1 (that became Université de Bordeaux in 2013)

[Current U Bdx 1 Emblem]

The design is derived from the older logo, drawn by Gerhard Niklasch (used from 1997 to 2012):

Old Pari Logo
Gerhard described his work as follows in 1997:

As to the decorated letter `A', it was (mainly) derived from (a small version of) the emblem of the Université Bordeaux 1:

[OLD U Bdx 1 Emblem]

I simplified the colours (the emblem seems to have been derived either from scanned hardcopy, or from a much larger version; at any rate the green and blue bits are heavily dithered with a random pattern of darker and lighter pixels), dropped the outer fields at top left and right, and dimmed the two middle arcs to bring out the `A' shape more clearly. The crossbar was added in a way that suggests some mathematics even to the layperson's eye. Also, if you're gifted with a lot of visual imagination, the resulting shape may remind you faintly of something in Paris.

PARI/GP Development
Last Modified: 2016-10-05 17:03:23
Copyleft © 2003-2022 the PARI group.