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Changes commited to PARI GIT during the last two weeks

8afb0ed74 | Karim Belabas | Mon, 1 Jul 2024 16:50:24 +0200
pardirpowerssum: remove many interface problems, start refactoring
232	257	src/basemath/dirichlet.c
16	30	src/basemath/lfunlarge.c
3	3	src/test/32/dirpowers

29b47637f | Karim Belabas | Mon, 1 Jul 2024 16:50:13 +0200
improve doc
4	2	src/functions/number_theoretical/dirpowerssum

f6e192e0d | Karim Belabas | Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:11:18 +0200
dirpowerssum doc: document vector-valued functions
3	0	src/functions/number_theoretical/dirpowerssum

66f929829 | Karim Belabas | Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:10:50 +0200
add test
3	1	src/test/32/zetahurwitz
1	0	src/test/in/zetahurwitz

25afd0d1c | Bill Allombert | Fri, 28 Jun 2024 19:00:29 +0200
hgmH: fix off-by-2 error from 43fa896d08 [#2557]
1	1	src/basemath/hgm.c
3	1	src/test/32/hgm
4	0	src/test/in/hgm

b3e391262 | Karim Belabas | Fri, 28 Jun 2024 12:04:32 +0200
vec* functions: avoid SEGV on t_POL/t_SER
5	5	src/basemath/base4.c

19dd2b519 | hecohen | Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:27:10 +0200
psi(x,der): allow to compute derivative, complex or p-adic
2	2	doc/usersch5.tex
28	13	src/basemath/lerch.c
59	6	src/basemath/trans2.c
10	7	src/functions/transcendental/psi
3	2	src/headers/paridecl.h
94	21	src/test/32/gamma
11	1	src/test/32/padic
7	7	src/test/in/gamma
2	1	src/test/in/padic

9c2792bef | Henri Cohen | Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:18:00 +0200
zetahurwitz(2,20*I) bug corrected
5	1	src/basemath/lerch.c

d1d0e5811 | Bill Allombert | Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:26:13 +0200
psi(O(7^10)) -> wrong result (from 9711b80ce59)
1	1	src/basemath/trans2.c
5	4	src/test/32/padic
1	0	src/test/in/padic

a9bbc2102 | Aurel Page | Wed, 26 Jun 2024 14:28:12 +0200
typo in doc matrixqz
2	2	src/functions/linear_algebra/matrixqz

934c68d2c | Bill Allombert | Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:15:54 +0200
group_is_elt: detect galoisinit with trivial group
1	1	src/basemath/galconj.c

bf659a8e9 | Bill Allombert | Mon, 24 Jun 2024 16:31:39 +0200
galoissubgroups: accept groups given by list of permutations.
29	16	src/basemath/galconj.c
4	4	src/test/32/alggroup
2	2	src/test/32/galoischartable
2	1	src/test/32/galoisinit
1	0	src/test/in/galoisinit

3040afe31 | Bill Allombert | Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:17:12 +0200
galoissubgroups: Add support for minimal perfect groups.
66	14	src/basemath/perm.c
2	2	src/test/32/galoisinit

7964a5e68 | Karim Belabas | Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:04:59 +0200
doc typo
1	1	doc/usersch5.tex

c5dbd63e5 | Karim Belabas | Sat, 22 Jun 2024 13:59:13 +0200
20- [libpari] PRIMES_search
6	0	doc/usersch5.tex
4	4	src/basemath/ifactor1.c
6	6	src/basemath/prime.c
1	1	src/headers/paridecl.h
1	1	src/language/forprime.c

f598f70b3 | Karim Belabas | Fri, 21 Jun 2024 02:53:20 +0200
fix FpXQX_to_mod and FpXQX_to_mod_raw for exact 0 input

23- f = Mod(Mod(1,3), Mod(a^2+2,3))*x^3; (1/f) * O(x^2) -> O(x^0) instead of
    Mod(Mod(0, 3), Mod(1, 3)*a^2 + Mod(2, 3))*x^-2 + O(x^-1) [#2558]
6	7	src/basemath/FpV.c
22	10	src/basemath/FpXX.c
2	1	src/test/32/pol
2	1	src/test/in/pol

4edfe37d6 | Bill Allombert | Thu, 20 Jun 2024 23:10:43 +0200
Fp_log_index: better choice of auxiliary generators
23	15	src/basemath/arith1.c

PARI/GP Development
Last Modified: 2016-03-22 20:34:27
Copyleft © 2003-2022 the PARI group.