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Type a GP expression in the blue box then hit <Shift>-<Enter> or click on the Evaluate button below it. A trailing semi-colon ; prevents output, but not warnings or diagnostics. You can assign to variables and define user functions. Speed is approximately 15% of native speed.

Examples (click a statement below to paste it)

  • ?eulerphi (short help), ??factor (long help in new tab)
  • 2*3 , 10! , (1+x)^10 , exp(Pi*sqrt(163))
  • factor(2^128+1) , factor(x^4+4) , isprime(10^50+151)
  • ploth(x=1,100,[sqrt(2/(Pi*x)),besselj(0,x),-sqrt(2/(Pi*x))])
  • ploth(x=0,2*Pi,[sin(2*x),cos(3*x)],1)
  • ploth(x=0,20,zeta(1/2+I*x),"Complex")
  • intnum(x=-oo,oo,1/(1+x^2)) , sumpos(n=1, n^(-3))
  • sin(x) , ellj(x + O(x^20))
  • Mod(x,x^2-x-1)^100000==fibonacci(100000)*x+fibonacci(99999)
  • g=gamma(1/4+O(5^20)) , algdep(g,4) , g^4+4*g^2+5
  • \p100 : change default accuracy to 100 decimal digits
  • K=bnfinit(a^2+23); (huge: don't forget the ; ), K.clgp , bnrclassfield(K)
  • E=ellinit([1,3]*Mod(1,10^50+151)); ellcard(E)
  • E=ellinit([-157^2,0]); P=ellheegner(E) , ellisoncurve(E,P)
  • polgalois(x^8-2) , ellsearch(11) (loads packages on demand)
  • lfun(x^3-2, 2) (Dedekind zeta function)
  • z=exp(lfun(4*67,1)*sqrt(67));[(z+1/z)/2,(z-1/z)/2/sqrt(67)]
  • E=ellinit("11a1");L=lfuninit(E,[0,100]);ploth(x=0,100,lfunhardy(L,x))
  • ecm(N, B = 1000!, nb = 100)=
      for(a = 1, nb,
        iferr(ellmul(ellinit([a,1], N), [0,1], B),
          E, return(gcd(lift(component(E,2)),N))))
  • K=matkerint(Mat(concat([vector(23,i,2*i+1),51,145])));
    L24 = K~*M*K (Leech Lattice), qfminim(L24)[1] , qfauto(L24)[1]

PARI is compiled using emscripten. Enter \v for version information.

PARI/GP Development
Last Modified: 2024-05-26 12:43:32
Copyleft © 2003-2022 the PARI group.