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How to use extern: the example of mwrank
Unfortunately, using
We assume henceforth that you have a working version of
mwrank . And similarly the output
of mwrank with proper flags follows the GP syntax.
In more complicated cases, one would also need a wrapper script converting GP
data to the format expected by the external program, and the program's output
to GP syntax. This is easily done in Bash, Perl or Python, but beyond the
scope of this document.
Wrapper gpscriptIn order to define the functionmwrank , create a file
mwrank.gp containing the following lines:
mwrank(E)= { my(cmd=Str("echo '", E[1..5], "' | mwrank -q -o -v 0")); eval(externstr(cmd)[2]); }
This calls Put this file somewhere in your GP path. (See the path default in the manual.) Loading mwrank on startupAdd the following line at the end of your.gprc file:
read "mwrank.gp"
This causes the
Of course, the names of the file and function do not have to coincide. They
were chosen as above for consistency and self-documentation:
path = "$HOME/pari/gpscripts"in your .gprc, if for instance mwrank.gp went there. TestingYou are ready to test the installation. Start gp and try some examples:? mwrank([0,-1,1,-10,-20]) %1 = [[0], []] ? mwrank([0,0,1,-1,0]) %2 = [[1], [[0, 0]]] ? mwrank([1,0,0,0,1]) %3 = [[2], [[1, 1], [3/4, 7/8]]] |
PARI/GP Development
Last Modified: 2024-10-06 17:08:25
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the PARI group.