hermann on Fri, 17 Nov 2023 00:10:15 +0100 |
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Re: Question on ternary quadratic form |
On 2023-11-16 23:28, Bill Allombert wrote:
I think your "threesquares()" in that script is faster than American Citizen's code.If you want all the solutions, no, there are too many of them. If you need only one solution, you can use my script <https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Scripts/foursquares.gp> Cheers, Bill.
But I determined sum of 4 squares for Mersenne primes M_p=2^p-1 (they do not have sum of 3 squares representation). Your "foursquares()" takes 21ms for M_1279.But I had to stop it after more than an hour for M_2203 on i7-11850H CPU.
Latest tqf.gp gist https://gist.github.com/Hermann-SW/f13b8adf7d7e3094f0b6db0bce29a7b8 takes less than 1s for M_p with p<=9689(!). For bigger Mersenne primes find runtime table here: https://gist.github.com/Hermann-SW/f13b8adf7d7e3094f0b6db0bce29a7b8?permalink_comment_id=4763152#gistcomment-4763152 (as well as next tuning step for processing even larger Mersenne primes) Regards, Hermann.