Gottfried Helms on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 14:27:02 +0100

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Re: Programmatically obtain a complete list of commands and keywords for updating the PARI/GP third-party IDE tools.

Am 14.01.2023 um 03:52 schrieb Hongyi Zhao:
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 2:11 AM Bill Allombert
> <> wrote:
>> Note: the PARI installation includes a file pari.desc that includes all this data
>> in RFC822 format. We also provide a perl module to read it PARI/
> I downloaded the source distribution from here [1], and then performed
> the following check:
> As you can see, there is no the file pari.desc at all.
Hmm, in the GP-version, downloaded in the tarball


I didn't find something like "pari.desc" as well.

But in the subdirectories of /scr/functions/ I find info-files for
each GP-command the full documentation.

 Example ---  file:"lindep"  (no extension)
Function: lindep
Section: linear_algebra
C-Name: lindep0
Prototype: GD0,L,
Help: lindep(v,{flag=0}): integral linear dependencies between components of v.
 flag is optional, and can be 0: default, guess a suitable
 accuracy, or positive: accuracy to use for the computation, in decimal
Doc: \sidx{linear dependence} finds a small nontrivial integral linear
 combination between components of $v$. If none can be found return an empty

>From that it should be easy to access the help-info programmatically.

(Didn't expect that something like this were around when I started
developing my own toolbox for this...)
