Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - arith1.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.0 lcov report (development 29712-7c8a932571) Lines: 2072 2272 91.2 %
Date: 2024-11-15 09:08:45 Functions: 216 230 93.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Fl_log_Fp 0
Fl_sqrtl 0
Z_ZV_mod 0
Z_nv_mod 0
gcf2 0
nmV_chinese_center_tree 0
nxCV_chinese_center 0
nxCV_chinese_center_tree 0
pnqn 0
rootsof1_Fp 0
sersfcont 0
sqrt_Cipolla 0
sqrt_Cipolla_msqr 0
sqrt_Cipolla_sqr 0
bestappr_frac 7
fibo 7
sfcont2 14
chinese_intpol 21
gc_empty 42
mod_to_frac 42
contfrac0 49
serPade 49
err_oo 56
lucas 56
Fp_log_index 63
Fp_log_sieve 63
check_kernel 63
compute_nbgen 63
opt_param 63
znorder 63
Fp_factored_order 70
Zp_order 70
nxMV_chinese_center 90
nxMV_polint_center_tree 90
bestappr_ser 98
get_PHI 98
Fp_pow_init 105
mpprimorial 105
_gc_upto 112
gcf 112
mod_to_rfrac 112
bestapprPade 119
bestappr_RgX 119
Fp_log_find_ind 126
Fp_log_find_rel 126
bestapprPade0 126
znlog_rec 126
_Fp_rand 147
factorial_Fp 158
err_p 161
err_prec 196
lift_padic 210
znlog 238
contfracpnqn 252
gener_Zp 259
znprimroot 329
Fp_gausssum 334
lift_intmod 420
ZXM_nv_mod_tree 430
nxMV_chinese_center_tree_seq 430
nxMV_polint_center_tree_seq 430
FpV_prod 497
muls_interval 560
Fp_rootsof1 796
ECP_psi 837
_computeG 837
nxMV_polint_center_tree_worker 840
nonsquare_Fp 1472
_psi 1714
odd_prime_divisors 1812
remove2 1812
Z_chinese 2142
addifsmooth1 2163
chinese1 2415
rootsof1u_Fp 3033
Fp_2gener 3192
ZXC_nv_mod_tree 4048
nxCV_polint_center_tree 4614
is_gener_expo 4909
ZV_chinese 5141
ncV_chinese_center_tree 5457
chinese 5495
Fp_2gener_all 5910
Fp_powers 5931
get_Fp_field 6967
mphilbertoo 7329
nonsquare_Fl 7935
ncV_chinese_center 10263
is_gener_Fp 13948
Fp_invmBarrett 14991
Fp_sqrts 19200
Fp_2gener_i 19931
Fl_log_naive_pre 25027
Fl_log_pre 25426
Fp_pows 29435
Fp_log_sieve_worker 30234
_Fp_s 32894
_Fp_inv 34435
kroui 35006
krois 39641
Fp_pow_table 43694
pgener_Fp 44226
_Fp_one 47162
factorial_Fl 56644
tr 59731
Fp_log_halfgcd 60476
hilbert 62314
Fl_2gener_pre_i 67842
istotient 70000
Fp_order 75413
Fp_sqrt_ii 77487
addifsmooth2 83825
ZXX_nv_mod_tree 86571
mulu_interval_step 90656
bestappr 104686
nmV_chinese_center_tree_seq 109262
nmV_polint_center_tree_seq 109262
Fl_log 132629
Fl_log_naive 132629
hilbertii 140826
Fl_lgener_pre_all 141239
krosi 143221
ZV_chinese_center 154224
mulu_interval 158933
rt 169813
pgener_Zp 170583
Fp_sqrtn 173327
ZM_nv_mod_tree 176828
Fl_2gener_pre 177342
krouodd 178227
Fl_sqrtn 196858
Fl_sqrtn_pre 196858
pgener_Zl 205339
rootsof1_Fl 215508
nxV_chinese_center_tree 217055
Fl_sqrtl_i 223205
Fl_sqrtl_pre 223205
Fl_sqrtl_raw 225617
_Fp_equal0 261718
Z_chinese_all 267588
Z_chinese_pre 271292
Fl_powers 296029
Z_factor_listP 350651
pgener_Fp_local 358126
nmV_chinese_center 372756
nmV_polint_center_tree 372756
polint_chinese 372846
nxV_chinese_center 415249
u_odd_prime_divisors 463759
u_remove2 463759
Fl_order 482515
mpfact 496552
u_is_gener_expo 531123
Z_chinese_coprime 535041
pgener_Fl 574517
_Fp_rmul 585377
istotient_i 621565
init_montdata 670670
nxV_polint_center_tree 718583
_mul_remiibar 774306
Fp_select_red 865450
ZV_allpnqn 894782
_Fp_red 901624
nmV_polint_center_tree_worker 936675
gc_chinese 957724
pgener_Fl_local 1050446
_Fp_neg 1115040
ZV_nv_mod_tree 1171121
to_ZX 1189897
_Fp_add 1205873
bestappr_real 1250270
ncV_polint_center_tree 1440342
_mul_remii 1508110
u_chinese_post 1598961
u_chinese_coprime 1598965
is_gener_Fl 1627969
_mul2_remiibar 2079460
chinese1_coprime_Z_aux 2191737
bestappr_Q 2250426
checkp 2254004
ZX_nv_mod_tree 2382775
chinese1_coprime_Z 2412951
gen_chinese 2415366
ZV_sqr 2493320
ZV_chinesetree 2493321
ZV_invdivexact 2493321
ZV_producttree 2497531
Z_chinese_post 2998323
Fp_powu 3059820
icopy_lg 3136994
Qsfcont 3137344
gboundcf 3142293
_mul2_remii 3194893
Fp_log 3925738
Fl_2powu 4305191
Fp_log_use_index 4663067
Fp_sqrt 4835338
Fp_sqrt_i 4892356
gome 5601851
Fp_invgen 5921758
_mul_montred 6957579
_Fp_sqr 8134253
_sqr_remiibar 8437352
Fp_easylog 8463150
Fp_rem_mBarrett 9211658
_mul2_montred 11062748
nonsquare1_Fl 11615432
Fl_2powu_pre 11835633
kronecker 11969945
Fl_sqrt_i 12269708
Fl_sqrt 12324884
Fl_powers_pre 12788541
ZT_sqr 12819416
_Fp_mul 14128250
Fl_sqrt_pre 21060073
_sqr_remii 23021385
kroiu 27631238
_Fp_pow 27877136
Fl_sqrt_pre_i 33547333
Fp_pow 36207988
ZV_chinese_tree 39574124
lcmii 54609023
Z_ZV_mod_tree 57216030
_sqr_montred 67916769
kross 97730385
krouu 98571771
Fl_powu 139753984
Fl_powu_pre 150560268
krouu_s 227960714
ome 321210857

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16