Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - gen3.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29873-a0b27995a4) Lines: 2427 2629 92.3 %
Date: 2025-01-14 09:09:31 Functions: 234 245 95.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Itos 19061
QpV_to_QV 196
Qp_to_Q 735
RgC_RgV_mulrealsym 21630
RgM_mulreal 0
RgXY_cxevalx 63
RgX_cxeval 2417071
RgX_deflate_max 533808
RgX_deflate_order 1209682
RgX_degree 563659
RgX_derivn 833
RgX_integ 105
ZX_deflate_max 322644
ZX_deflate_order 520435
_abs 518
_egal 108073054
_egal_i 108073051
_gtopoly 3474141
_polcoef 2598402
_quot 875
_quotfi 7
_quotfs 301
_quotqs 28
_quotri 7
_quotrs 28
_quotsf 35
_quotsq 70
_quotsr 70
_rfraccoef 21
_sercoef 111902
ceil_safe 1052032
ceilr 2468
centerlift 60473
centerlift0 707
centerliftii 42518
compo 327
constmat 14
content0 131005
deg1pol 560475
deg1pol_shallow 8557271
deg2pol_shallow 320354
degree 11223
denom 228909
denom_i 12231528
denominator 128149
denominator_v 287
denompol 119
deriv 114128
derivn 1351
derivnser 189
derivser 25424
diffop 3535
diffop0 42
diviiround 63211202
divrem 1057
err_intformal 35
floor_safe 71430
gceil 235489
gcvtoi 1134996
gdeflate 14553
gdivent 6204674
gdiventgs 298550
gdiventres 1064
gdiventsg 6202486
gdivmod 0
gdivround 1459074
gdvd 15869
geq 47215153
geval 0
geval_gp 11020
gfloor 5354818
gfrac 426311
gge 248443
ggrando 7007
ggt 2374906
gimag 29344
gle 7628235
glt 6328214
gmod 46131457
gmodgs 22028433
gmodsg 44995247
gmodulo 1925408
gmodulsg 1358417
gmodulss 1052609
gne 60857901
gnot 604184
gppadicprec 105
gppoldegree 31231
gprecision 14483038
gpserprec 42
greal 7014
grndtoi 89393906
ground 2795300
gshift 47700586
gsubst 2653660
gsubst_v 84
gsubstpol 8708
gsubstvec 966
gtocol 350
gtocol0 3808
gtocolrev 0
gtocolrev0 294
gtopoly 1040090
gtopolyrev 2434047
gtovec 118985
gtovec0 123206
gtovecpost 1092
gtovecpre 3619
gtovecrev 0
gtovecrev0 308
gtovecsmall 19026
gtovecsmall0 7784
gtovecsmallpost 98
gtovecsmallpre 98
gtrunc 597763
gtrunc2n 117137075
gvar 130838685
gvar2 20636210
gvar9 57946
hqfeval 0
imag_i 298563020
init_qf_apply 504697
init_vectopre 3563
integ 350
integ_act 14
integser 26061
is_realext 178206
is_realquad 1099
iscomplex 0
isinexact 140526922
isinexactreal 14357
isint 445890
isrationalzeroscalar 0
isrealappr 1869953
issmall 326463
lift 2157211
lift0 2474043
lift_shallow 637291
liftall 26243
liftall_shallow 2003435
liftint 119
liftint_shallow 546
liftpol 5726
liftpol_shallow 21730853
listdeflate 21
lookup 833
mkcoln 1379
mkintn 24076
mkpoln 5465625
mkvecn 1142839
mkvecsmalln 126428
modRr_i 4878942
modRr_safe 0
mod_r 196
modrs 14
modsf 35
modsr 35
mulreal 15699036
numer 8631
numer_i 8974936
numerator 8925
op_ReIm 203195724
padic_to_Q 689529
padic_to_Q_shallow 14
padicprec 4172
padicprec_relative 2303
polcoef 727580
polcoef_i 3606065
poldeflate 8722
poldegree 107135
poleval 2909163
pollead 1211
prec0 9633031
precCOMPLEX 22916053
precREAL 944850044
precision 957424988
precrealexact 1320672
qf_RgM_apply 7663
qf_ZM_apply 497034
qfb_ZM_apply 61920
qfbeval 347816
qfbevalb 7
qfbil 0
qfeval 17023
qfeval0 348068
qfevalb 21
qfnorm 0
qfnorm0 348012
quad_floor 518
quot 777
quotfi 7
quotfs 301
quotqs 14
quotrem 518
quotri 7
quotrs 14
quotsf 35
quotsq 35
quotsr 35
real_i 320827142
recvar 26719
rfrac_deriv 56
rfrac_derivn 42
round0 6027
round_i 52652756
roundr 3055621
roundr_safe 299476
safe_polmod 1358
scalarmat2 56
scalarpol 17755082
scalarpol_shallow 3680236
ser2pol_i 10124131
ser2pol_i_normalize 757181
ser2rfrac 686
ser2rfrac_i 11032
ser_inv 45556
ser_unscale 4193
serdeflate 5768
serdiffop 7
serequalXk 21161
serprec 70
serreverse 98
sertrunc 70
sertrunc_copy 1960
simplify 11842280
simplify_shallow 529771545
subst_higher 705705
subst_polmod 574
swapvar_act 28
tayl 21
tayl_act 14
trunc0 217
uu32toi 243455
uu32toineg 72140
var2_aux 10493
var2_polmod 3458
var2_rfrac 7035
variables_vec 42
variables_vecsmall 1071
vdeflate 63
vec_padicprec 826
vec_padicprec_relative 399
vec_serprec 14
vecdenom 242315
vecdenompol 14

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16