This section collects functions related to associative algebras and central simple algebras (CSA) over number fields.
Let A be a finite-dimensional unital associative algebra over a field K. The algebra A is central if its center is K and it is simple if it has no nontrivial two-sided ideals.
We provide functions to handle associative algebras of finite
dimension over ℚ or 𝔽p. We represent them by the left multiplication
table on a basis over the prime subfield; the function algtableinit
creates the object representing an associative algebra. We also provide
functions to handle central simple algebras (CSA) over a number field K,
including quaternion algebras as a special case. We represent them either by
the left multiplication table on a basis over the center K or by a cyclic
algebra (see below); the function alginit
creates the object representing
a central simple algebra.
The set of elements of an algebra A that annihilate every simple left A-module is a two-sided ideal, called the Jacobson radical of A. If the Jacobson radical is trivial, the algebra is semisimple: it is isomorphic to a direct product of simple algebras. The dimension of a CSA over its center K is always a square d2 and the integer d is called the degree of the algebra over K, quaternion algebras corresponding to the case d = 2. A CSA over a field K is always isomorphic to Mk(D) for some integer k and some central division algebra D of degree e: the integer e is the index of the algebra.
Let L/K be a cyclic extension of degree d, let σ be a generator of Gal(L/K) and let b ∈ K*. Then the cyclic algebra (L/K,σ,b) is the algebra ⨁ i = 0d-1xiL with xd = b and ℓ x = xσ(ℓ) for all ℓ ∈ L. The algebra (L/K,σ,b) is a central simple K-algebra of degree d, and it is an L-vector space. Left multiplication is L-linear and induces a K-algebra isomorphism (L/K,σ,b) ⨂ K L → Md(L). This contains quaternion algebras as a special case: for d = 2 the extension L/K is of the form L = K(i) with i^2 = a ∈ K* and σ(i) = -i, and using the more common notation j for the x above, we have j^2 = b and the relation ij = jσ(i) = -ji, so that the cyclic algebra (L/K,σ,b) = K(i)+jK(i) = K+Ki+Kj+Kji is the quaternion algebra (a,b)K.
Let K be a nonarchimedean local field with uniformizer π, and let L/K be the unique unramified extension of degree d. Then every central simple algebra A of degree d over K is isomorphic to (L/K, Frob, πh) for some integer h. The element h/d ∈ ℚ/ℤ is called the Hasse invariant of A.
Let H be the Hamilton quaternion algebra, that is the 4-dimensional
algebra over ℝ with basis 1,i,j,ij and multiplication given
by i2 = j2 = -1 and ji = -ij, which is also the cyclic
algebra (ℂ/ℝ,z ⟼
Every central simple algebra A of degree d over ℝ is isomorphic
to Md(ℝ) or Md/2(H). We define the Hasse invariant
of A to be 0 ∈ ℚ/ℤ in the first case and 1/2 ∈ ℚ/ℤ in the second
A place is split in A if the Hasse invariant is 0 and ramified otherwise. In the quaternion algebra case, the Hasse invariants can only be 0 or 1/2 and the set of ramified places has even cardinality.
Let A be an algebra of finite dimension over ℚ. An order
in A is a finitely generated ℤ-submodule 𝒪 such
that ℚ𝒪 = A, that is also a subring with unit.
By default the data computed by alginit
contains a ℤ-basis of a
maximal order 𝒪0. We define natural
orders in central simple algebras defined by a cyclic algebra or by a
multiplication table over the center. Let A = (L/K,σ,b) =
⨁ i = 0d-1xiL be a cyclic algebra over a number field K of
degree n with ring of integers ℤK. Let ℤL be the ring of integers
of L, and assume that b is integral. Then the submodule 𝒪 =
⨁ i = 0d-1xiℤL is an order in A, called the
natural order. Let ω0,...,ωnd-1 be a ℤ-basis
of ℤL. The natural basis of 𝒪
is b0,...,bnd2-1
where bi = xi/(nd)ω(i mod nd). Now let A be a central simple
algebra of degree d over a number field K of degree n with ring of
integers ℤK. Let e0,...,ed2-1 be a basis of A over K and
assume that the left multiplication table of A on (ei) is integral. Then
the submodule 𝒪 = ⨁ i = 0d^{2-1}ℤK ei is an order
in A, called the natural order. Let ω0,...,ωn-1 be
a ℤ-basis of ℤK. The natural basis of 𝒪
is b0,...,bnd2-1 where bi = ω(i mod n)ei/n.
We also provide functions to handle full lattices in algebras over ℚ. A
full lattice J ⊂ A is represented by a 2-component t_VEC
representing J = tI, where
* I is an integral nonsingular upper-triangular matrix representing a sublattice of 𝒪0 expressed on the integral basis, and
* t ∈ ℚ > 0 is a t_INT
or t_FRAC
For the sake of efficiency you should use matrices I that are primitive and
in Hermite Normal Form; this makes the representation unique. No GP function
uses this property, but all GP functions return lattices in this form. The
prefix for lattice functions is alglat
As with number fields, we represent elements of central simple algebras
in two ways, called the algebraic representation and the basis
representation, and you can convert betweeen the two with the functions
and algbasistoalg
. In every central simple algebra
object, we store a ℤ-basis of an order 𝒪0, and the basis
representation is simply a t_COL
with coefficients in ℚ expressing the
element in that basis. If no maximal order was computed by alginit
then 𝒪0 is the natural order. If a maximal order was computed,
then 𝒪0 is a maximal order containing the natural order. For a cyclic
algebra A = (L/K,σ,b), the algebraic representation is a t_COL
coefficients in L representing the element in the decomposition A =
⨁ i = 0d-1xiL. For a central simple algebra defined by a
multiplication table over its center K on a basis (ei), the algebraic
representation is a t_COL
with coefficients in K representing the element
on the basis (ei).
Warning. The coefficients in the decomposition A = ⨁ i = 0d-1xiL are not the same as those in the decomposition A = ⨁ i = 0d-1Lxi! The i-th coefficients are related by conjugating by xi, which on L amounts to acting by σi.
Warning. For a central simple algebra over ℚ defined by a
multiplication table, we cannot distinguish between the basis and the algebraic
representations from the size of the vectors. The behavior is then to always
interpret the column vector as a basis representation if the coefficients are
or t_FRAC
, and as an algebraic representation if the coefficients
are t_POL
An element of the Hamilton quaternion algebra H can be represented as a
representing an element of ℂ = ℝ+ℝ i ⊂
H, or a 4 components t_COL
of t_REAL
encoding the coordinates
on the basis 1,i,j,ij.
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes their sum x+y in the algebra al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y),[-1,1]); ? algadd(A,[1,x]~,[1,2,3,4]~) % = [2, 1, 1, 6]~ ? algadd(,sqrt(2+I),[-1,0,1,2]~) % = [0.4553466902, 0.3435607497, 1, 2]~
Also accepts matrices with coefficients in al.
If x and y are given in the same format, then one should simply use +
instead of algadd
The library syntax is GEN algadd(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y)
Given an element x in the central simple algebra al output
by alginit
, transforms it to a column vector on the integral basis of
al. This is the inverse function of algbasistoalg
? A = alginit(nfinit(y^2-5),[2,y]); ? algalgtobasis(A,[y,1]~) %2 = [0, 2, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0]~ ? algbasistoalg(A,algalgtobasis(A,[y,1]~)) %3 = [Mod(Mod(y, y^2 - 5), x^2 - 2), 1]~
The library syntax is GEN algalgtobasis(GEN al, GEN x)
Given a cyclic algebra al = (L/K,σ,b) output by
, returns the automorphism σ.
? nf = nfinit(y); ? p = idealprimedec(nf,7)[1]; ? p2 = idealprimedec(nf,11)[1]; ? A = alginit(nf,[3,[[p,p2],[1/3,2/3]],[0]]); ? algaut(A) %5 = -1/3*x^2 + 1/3*x + 26/3
The library syntax is GEN algaut(GEN al)
Given a cyclic algebra al = (L/K,σ,b) output by
, returns the element b ∈ K.
nf = nfinit(y); ? p = idealprimedec(nf,7)[1]; ? p2 = idealprimedec(nf,11)[1]; ? A = alginit(nf,[3,[[p,p2],[1/3,2/3]],[0]]); ? algb(A) %5 = Mod(-77, y)
The library syntax is GEN algb(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
a ℤ-basis of the order 𝒪0 stored in al with respect to the
natural order in al. It is a maximal order if one has been computed.
A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algbasis(A) %2 = [1 0 0 1/2] [0 1 0 1/2] [0 0 1 1/2] [0 0 0 1/2]
The library syntax is GEN algbasis(GEN al)
Given an element x in the central simple algebra al output
by alginit
, transforms it to its algebraic representation in al.
This is the inverse function of algalgtobasis
? A = alginit(nfinit(y^2-5),[2,y]); ? z = algbasistoalg(A,[0,1,0,0,2,-3,0,0]~); ? liftall(z) %3 = [(-1/2*y - 2)*x + (-1/4*y + 5/4), -3/4*y + 7/4]~ ? algalgtobasis(A,z) %4 = [0, 1, 0, 0, 2, -3, 0, 0]~
The library syntax is GEN algbasistoalg(GEN al, GEN x)
Given an element x in the quaternion algebra al output
by alginit
, transforms it to a quaternion expressed on the
basis (1,i,j,ij). This function is provided for convenience, as algebra
functions do not support elements represented on this basis. This is the
inverse function of algquattobasis
? nf = nfinit(y^2+1); ? alg = alginit(nf, [3,2*y-1]); ? algbasistoquat(alg, [1..8]~) % = [Mod(-4*y + 3, y^2 + 1), ... , Mod(-4*y - 3, y^2 + 1)]~
The library syntax is GEN algbasistoquat(GEN al, GEN x)
If al is a table algebra output by algtableinit
, returns a
basis of the center of the algebra al over its prime field (ℚ or
𝔽p). If al is a central simple algebra output by alginit
returns the center of al, which is stored in al.
A simple example: the 2 x 2 upper triangular matrices over ℚ,
generated by I2, a = [0,1;0,0]
and b = [0,0;0,1]
such that a2 = 0, ab = a, ba = 0, b2 = b: the diagonal matrices
form the center.
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algcenter(A) \\ = (I2) %3 = [1] [0] [0]
An example in the central simple case:
? nf = nfinit(y^3-y+1); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); ? algcenter(A).pol %3 = y^3 - y + 1
The library syntax is GEN algcenter(GEN al)
Given a table algebra al output by algtableinit
and a
z = [z1,...,zn] of orthogonal central idempotents,
returns a t_VEC
[al1,...,aln] of algebras such that
ali = zi al. If maps = 1, each ali is a t_VEC
[quo,proj,lift] where quo is the quotient algebra, proj is a
representing the projection onto this quotient and lift is a
representing a lift.
A simple example: 𝔽2 x 𝔽4, generated by 1 = (1,1), e = (1,0) and x such that x2+x+1 = 0. We have e2 = e, x2 = x+1 and ex = 0.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? e = [0,1,0]~; ? e2 = algsub(A,[1,0,0]~,e); ? [a,a2] = algcentralproj(A,[e,e2]); ? algdim(a) %6 = 1 ? algdim(a2) %7 = 2
The library syntax is GEN alg_centralproj(GEN al, GEN z, long maps)
Given an algebra al output by alginit
or algtableinit
returns the characteristic of al.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,13); ? algchar(A) %3 = 13
The library syntax is GEN algchar(GEN al)
Given an element b in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), returns
its characteristic polynomial as a polynomial in the variable v. If al
is a table algebra output by algtableinit
or if abs = 1, returns the
absolute characteristic polynomial of b, which is an element of
𝔽p[v], ℚ[v] or ℝ[v]; if al is omitted or a central simple
algebra output by alginit
and abs = 0, returns the reduced characteristic
polynomial of b, which is an element of K[v] where K is the center of
? al = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); \\ (-1,-1)Q ? algcharpoly(al, [0,1]~) %2 = x^2 + 1 ? algcharpoly(al, [0,1]~,,1) %3 = x^4 + 2*x^2 + 1 ? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? al = alginit(nf,[-1,y]); ? a = [y,1+x]~*Mod(1,y^2-5)*Mod(1,x^2+1); ? P = lift(algcharpoly(al,a)) %7 = x^2 - 2*y*x + (-2*y + 5) ? algcharpoly(al,a,,1) %8 = x^8 - 20*x^6 - 80*x^5 + 110*x^4 + 800*x^3 + 1500*x^2 - 400*x + 25 ? lift(P*subst(P,y,-y)*Mod(1,y^2-5))^2 %9 = x^8 - 20*x^6 - 80*x^5 + 110*x^4 + 800*x^3 + 1500*x^2 - 400*x + 25 ? algcharpoly(,[sqrt(2),-1,0,Pi]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %10 = x^2 - 2.8284271247*x + 12.8696044010
Also accepts a square matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algcharpoly(GEN al = NULL, GEN b, long v = -1, long abs)
where v
is a variable number.
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
the degree of al.
? nf = nfinit(y^3-y+1); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); ? algdegree(A) %3 = 2
The library syntax is long algdegree(GEN al)
If al is a table algebra output by algtableinit
or if abs = 1,
returns the dimension of al over its prime subfield (ℚ or 𝔽p) or
over ℝ for real algebras.
If al is a central simple algebra output by alginit
and abs = 0,
returns the dimension of al over its center.
? nf = nfinit(y^3-y+1); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); ? algdim(A) %3 = 4 ? algdim(A,1) %4 = 12 ? C = alginit(I,0); \\ complex numbers as a real algebra ? algdim(C,1) %6 = 2
The library syntax is long algdim(GEN al, long abs)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, computes
the discriminant of the order 𝒪0 stored in al, that is the
determinant of the trace form \rm{Tr} : 𝒪0 x 𝒪0
→ ℤ.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-3,1-y]); ? [PR,h] = alghassef(A) %3 = [[[2, [2, 0]~, 1, 2, 1], [3, [3, 0]~, 1, 2, 1]], Vecsmall([0, 1])] ? n = algdegree(A); ? D = algdim(A,1); ? h = vector(#h, i, n - gcd(n,h[i])); ? n^D * nf.disc^(n^2) * idealnorm(nf, idealfactorback(nf,PR,h))^n %4 = 12960000 ? algdisc(A) %5 = 12960000
The library syntax is GEN algdisc(GEN al)
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes their left quotient x\y in the algebra al: an element z such that xz = y (such an element is not unique when x is a zerodivisor). If x is invertible, this is the same as x-1y. Assumes that y is left divisible by x (i.e. that z exists). Also accepts square matrices with coefficients in al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y),[-1,1]); ? x = [1,1]~; algisinv(A,x) % = 0 ? z = algmul(A,x,algrandom(A,2)) % = [0, 0, 0, 8]~ ? algdivl(A,x,z) % = [4, 4, 0, 0]~
The library syntax is GEN algdivl(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y)
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), returns xy-1. Also accepts square matrices with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algdivr(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
and a
nonzero integral ideal N of the center nf of al, returns a
ℤ-basis of an Eichler order of level N in al.
More precisely, at all primes dividing N, the order 𝒪 stored in
al must be maximal and the algebra al must be unramified (not
checked), and the function returns a suborder of 𝒪 that is an Eichler
suborder of 𝒪 locally at all primes dividing N.
Here an Eichler order means the stabiliser of a line modulo pr^m for every
exact divisor pr^m of N. In quaternion algebras (degree 2), Eichler
orders in this sense are exactly the intersections of pairs of maximal orders.
The level N is factored by this function, but can be given by a factorization matrix.
? nf = nfinit(y); ? al = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); ? B = algeichlerbasis(al, 3^27); ? matdet(B) == 3^27 \\ B has the expected index % = 1 ? alt = algtableinit(algmultable(al),3); \\ maximal order mod 3 ? alB = algsubalg(alt, matimage(Mod(B,3)))[1]; \\ image of Eichler order ? algdim(alB) % = 3 ? [J,dec] = algsimpledec(alB); ? #J \\ 1-dimensional radical % = 1 ? #dec \\ semisimplification F3 x F3 % = 2
The library syntax is GEN algeichlerbasis(GEN al, GEN N)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, and an
element x of its center, returns x as an element of al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y^2-5),[2,y]); ? z = algeltfromnf(A, 1+2*y) % = [3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]~ ? algtrace(A,z) % = Mod(4*y + 2, y^2 - 5)
The library syntax is GEN algeltfromnf(GEN al, GEN x)
Initializes the group algebra K[G] over K = ℚ (p omitted) or 𝔽p
where G is the underlying group of the galoisinit
structure gal.
The input gal is also allowed to be a t_VEC
of permutations that is
closed under products.
? K = nfsplitting(x^3-x+1); ? gal = galoisinit(K); ? al = alggroup(gal); ? algissemisimple(al) %4 = 1 ? G = [Vecsmall([1,2,3]), Vecsmall([1,3,2])]; ? al2 = alggroup(G, 2); ? algissemisimple(al2) %8 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alggroup(GEN gal, GEN p = NULL)
Initializes the center Z(K[G]) of the group algebra K[G] over K = ℚ
(p = 0 or omitted) or 𝔽p where G is the underlying group of the
structure gal. The input gal is also allowed to
be a t_VEC
of permutations that is closed under products.
Sets cc to a t_VEC
where elts is a sorted t_VEC
containing the list of elements
of G, conjclass is a t_VECSMALL
of the same length as elts
containing the index of the conjugacy class of the corresponding element (an
integer between 1 and the number of conjugacy classes), and rep is a
of length the number of conjugacy classes giving for each
conjugacy class the index in elts of a representative of this conjugacy
class. Finally flag is 1 if and only if the permutation
representation of G is transitive, in which case the i-th element
of elts is characterized by g[1] = i; this is always the case
when gal is a galoisinit
structure. The basis of Z(K[G]) as
output consists of the indicator functions of the conjugacy classes in the
ordering given by cc. Example:
? K = nfsplitting(x^4+x+1); ? gal = galoisinit(K); \\ S4 ? al = alggroupcenter(gal,,&cc); ? algiscommutative(al) %4 = 1 ? #cc[3] \\ number of conjugacy classes of S4 %5 = 5 ? gal = [Vecsmall([1,2,3]),Vecsmall([1,3,2])]; \\ C2 ? al = alggroupcenter(gal,,&cc); ? cc[3] %8 = Vecsmall([1, 2]) ? cc[4] %9 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alggroupcenter(GEN gal, GEN p = NULL, GEN *cc = NULL)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
and a prime
ideal or an integer between 1 and r1+r2, returns a t_FRAC
h : the
local Hasse invariant of al at the place specified by pl.
If al is an algebra over ℝ, returns the Hasse invariant of al
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); ? alghasse(A, 1) %3 = 1/2 ? alghasse(A, 2) %4 = 0 ? alghasse(A, idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]) %5 = 1/2 ? alghasse(A, idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]) %6 = 0 ? H = alginit(1.,1/2); \\ Hamilton quaternion algebra ? alghasse(H) %8 = 1/2
The library syntax is GEN alghasse(GEN al, GEN pl = NULL)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
a t_VEC
, hf] describing the local Hasse invariants at the
finite places of the center: PR
is a t_VEC
of primes and hf is a
of integers modulo the degree d of al. The Hasse
invariant of al at the primes outside PR
is 0, but PR
include primes at which the Hasse invariant is 0.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,2*y-1]); ? [PR,hf] = alghassef(A); ? PR %4 = [[19, [10, 2]~, 1, 1, [-8, 2; 2, -10]], [2, [2, 0]~, 1, 2, 1]] ? hf %5 = Vecsmall([1, 0])
The library syntax is GEN alghassef(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
hi of r1 integers modulo the degree d of al,
where r1 is the number of real places of the center: the local Hasse
invariants of al at infinite places.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); ? alghassei(A) %3 = Vecsmall([1, 0])
The library syntax is GEN alghassei(GEN al)
Returns the index of the central simple algebra A over K (as output by alginit), that is the degree e of the unique central division algebra D over K such that A is isomorphic to some matrix algebra Mk(D). If pl is set, it should be a prime ideal of K or an integer between 1 and r1+r2, and in that case return the local index at the place pl instead.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); ? algindex(A, 1) %3 = 2 ? algindex(A, 2) %4 = 1 ? algindex(A, idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]) %5 = 2 ? algindex(A, idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]) %6 = 1 ? algindex(A) %7 = 2
The library syntax is long algindex(GEN al, GEN pl = NULL)
Initializes the central simple algebra defined by data B, C and variable v, as follows.
* (quaternion algebra) B is an nf
structure attached to a number field K, C = [a,b] is a vector
containing two elements of K*, returns the quaternion algebra (a,b)K.
The elements a and b must be integral.
The algebra is represented as a cyclic algebra (see general case below)
(K(sqrt{a})/K,σ,b) if a is not a square in K, and as a table CSA
The variable v ('x
by default) must have higher priority than the
variable of K.pol
and is used to represent elements in a splitting
field (K[x]/(x2-a) if a is not a square in K).
? Q = nfinit(y); A = alginit(Q, [-1,-1]); \\ (-1,-1)ℚ
* (cyclic algebra, generalisation of quaternion algebra case above) B is
an rnf
structure attached to a cyclic number field extension L/K of
degree d, C is a t_VEC
with 2 components: sigma
representing an automorphism generating Gal(L/K), b
is an element in K*.
This represents the cyclic algebra (L/K,σ,b). The element b has to be
? Q = nfinit(y); T = polcyclo(5, 'x); F = rnfinit(Q, T); ? A = alginit(F, [Mod(x^2,T), 3]);
defines the cyclic algebra (L/ℚ, σ, 3), where
L = ℚ(ζ5) and σ:ζ ⟼
ζ2 generates
* (multiplication table) B is the base number field K in nfinit
form, C is a "multiplication table" over K.
As a K-vector space, the algebra is generated by a basis
(e1 = 1,..., en); the table is given as a t_VEC
of n matrices
in Mn(K), giving the left multiplication by the basis elements ei,
in the given basis.
Assumes that e1 = 1, that the multiplication table is integral, and that
( ⨁ i = 1nK ei,C) describes a central simple algebra over K.
{ mi = [0,-1,0, 0; 1, 0,0, 0; 0, 0,0,-1; 0, 0,1, 0]; mj = [0, 0,-1,0; 0, 0, 0,1; 1, 0, 0,0; 0,-1, 0,0]; mk = [0, 0, 0, -1; 0, 0,-1, 0; 0, 1, 0, 0; 1, 0, 0, 0]; A = alginit(nfinit(y), [matid(4), mi,mj,mk], , 0); }
represents (in a complicated way) the quaternion algebra (-1,-1)ℚ.
* (algebra/K defined by local Hasse invariants)
B is an nf
structure attached to a number field K,
C = [d, [PR
,hf], hi] is a triple
containing an integer d > 1, a pair [PR
, hf] describing the
Hasse invariants at finite places, and hi the Hasse invariants
at archimedean (real) places. A local Hasse invariant belongs to (1/d)ℤ/ℤ
⊂ ℚ/ℤ, and is given either as a t_FRAC
(lift to (1/d)ℤ),
a t_INT
modulo d (lift to ℤ/dℤ); a whole vector
of local invariants can also be given as a t_VECSMALL
, whose
entries are handled as t_INT
s. PR
is a list of prime ideals
structures), and hf is a vector of the same length giving the
local invariants at those maximal ideals. The invariants at infinite real
places are indexed by the real roots K.roots
: if the Archimedean
place v is attached to the j-th root, the value of
hv is given by hi[j], must be 0 or 1/2 (or d/2 modulo d), and
can be nonzero only if d is even.
By class field theory, provided the local invariants hv sum to 0, up to Brauer equivalence, there is a unique central simple algebra over K with given local invariants and trivial invariant elsewhere. In particular, up to isomorphism, there is a unique such algebra A of degree d.
We realize A as a cyclic algebra through class field theory. The variable v
by default) must have higher priority than the variable of
and is used to represent elements in the (cyclic) splitting
field extension L/K for A.
? nf = nfinit(y^2+1); ? PR = idealprimedec(nf,5); #PR %2 = 2 ? hi = []; ? hf = [PR, [1/3,-1/3]]; ? A = alginit(nf, [3,hf,hi]); ? algsplittingfield(A).pol %6 = x^3 - 21*x + 7
For the special case of a quaternion algebra given by its ramification set, we
allow the shortcut C = [PR
,hi], where PR
is the list of ramified
primes and hi describes ramification at infinity.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-2); ? PR = idealprimedec(nf,2); \\ ramified at the prime above 2 ? hi = [1,0]; \\ ramified at one place at infinity ? A = alginit(nf, [PR,hi]); \\ quaternion algebra from ramification ? #algramifiedplaces(A) % = 2
* (matrix algebra, toy example) B is an nf
structure attached
to a number field K, C = d is a positive integer. Returns a cyclic
algebra isomorphic to the matrix algebra Md(K).
* (algebras over ℝ) If B is a t_REAL
and C = 1/2, returns
a structure representing the Hamilton quaternion algebra H =
(-1,-1)ℝ. If B is a t_REAL
and C = 0, returns an algebra structure
representing ℝ. If B is a t_COMPLEX
and C = 0, returns an algebra
structure representing ℂ.
In all cases over a number field, this function factors various discriminants and computes a maximal order for the algebra by default, which may require a lot of time. This can be controlled by flag, whose binary digits mean:
* 1: compute a maximal order.
* 2: fully factor the discriminants instead of using a lazy factorisation. If this digit of flag is set to 0, the local Hasse invariants are not computed.
If only a partial factorisation is known, the computed order is only guaranteed to be maximal at the known prime factors.
The pari object representing such an algebra A is a t_VEC
with the
following data:
* A splitting field L of A of the same degree over K as A, in
format, accessed with algsplittingfield
* The Hasse invariants at the real places of K, accessed with
* The Hasse invariants of A at the finite primes of K that ramify in
the natural order of A, accessed with alghassef
* A basis of an order 𝒪0 expressed on the basis of the natural
order, accessed with algbasis
* A basis of the natural order expressed on the basis of 𝒪0,
accessed with alginvbasis
* The left multiplication table of 𝒪0 on the previous basis,
accessed with algmultable
* The characteristic of A (always 0), accessed with algchar
* The absolute traces of the elements of the basis of 𝒪0.
* If A was constructed as a cyclic algebra (L/K,σ,b) of degree
d, a t_VEC
[σ,σ2,...,σd-1]. The function
returns σ.
* If A was constructed as a cyclic algebra (L/K,σ,b), the
element b, accessed with algb
* If A was constructed with its multiplication table mt over K,
the t_VEC
of t_MAT
mt, accessed with algrelmultable
* If A was constructed with its multiplication table mt over K,
a t_VEC
with three components: a t_COL
representing an element of A
generating the splitting field L as a maximal subfield of A, a t_MAT
representing an L-basis ℬ of A expressed on the ℤ-basis of
𝒪0, and a t_MAT
representing the ℤ-basis of 𝒪0
expressed on ℬ. This data is accessed with algsplittingdata
The library syntax is GEN alginit(GEN B, GEN C, long v = -1, long flag)
where v
is a variable number.
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes its inverse x-1 in the algebra al. Assumes that x is invertible.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? alginv(A,[1,1,0,0]~) %2 = [1/2, 1/2, 0, 0]~ ? alginv(,[1,0,Pi,sqrt(2)]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %3 = [0.0777024661, 0, -0.2441094967, -0.1098878814]~
Also accepts square matrices with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN alginv(GEN al = NULL, GEN x)
Given an central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
a ℤ-basis of the natural order in al with respect to the
order 𝒪0 stored in al.
A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? alginvbasis(A) %2 = [1 0 0 -1] [0 1 0 -1] [0 0 1 -1] [0 0 0 2]
The library syntax is GEN alginvbasis(GEN al)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted) with stored involution s, computes s(x) in the algebra al. If x is omitted, returns the matrix of s. For quaternion algebras, the stored involution is the quaternionic conjugation.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? a = algquattobasis(al, [1,2,3,4]~); ? b = alginvol(al, a); ? algbasistoquat(al, b) % = [1, -2, -3, -4]~
The library syntax is GEN alginvol(GEN al = NULL, GEN x = NULL)
Returns 1 if the multiplication table mt
is suitable for
, 0 otherwise. More precisely, mt
should be
a t_VEC
of n matrices in Mn(K), giving the left multiplications
by the basis elements e1,..., en (structure constants).
We check whether the first basis element e1 is 1 and
ei(ejek) = (eiej)ek for all i,j,k.
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? algisassociative(mt) %2 = 1
May be used to check a posteriori an algebra: we also allow mt
output by algtableinit
(p is ignored in this case).
The library syntax is int algisassociative(GEN mt, GEN p = NULL)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
or a central
simple algebra output by alginit
, tests whether the algebra al is
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algiscommutative(A) %3 = 0 ? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? algiscommutative(A) %6 = 1
The library syntax is int algiscommutative(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, tests
whether al is a division algebra. If pl is set, it should be a
prime ideal of K or an integer between 1 and r1+r2, and in that
case tests whether al is locally a division algebra at the place
pl instead.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); \\ quaternion algebra ? algisdivision(A, 1) %3 = 1 ? algisdivision(A, 2) %4 = 0 ? algisdivision(A, idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]) %5 = 1 ? algisdivision(A, idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]) %6 = 0 ? algisdivision(A) %7 = 1
The library syntax is int algisdivision(GEN al, GEN pl = NULL)
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), tests whether y is left divisible by x, that is whether there exists z in al such that xz = y, and sets z to this element if it exists.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,1]); ? algisdivl(A,[x+2,-x-2]~,[x,1]~) %2 = 0 ? algisdivl(A,[x+2,-x-2]~,[-x,x]~,&z) %3 = 1 ? z %4 = [Mod(-2/5*x - 1/5, x^2 + 1), 0]~
Also accepts square matrices with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is int algisdivl(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y, GEN *z = NULL)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), tests whether x is invertible, and sets ix to the inverse of x.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,1]); ? algisinv(A,[-1,1]~) %2 = 0 ? algisinv(A,[1,2]~,&ix) %3 = 1 ? ix %4 = [Mod(Mod(-1/3, y), x^2 + 1), Mod(Mod(2/3, y), x^2 + 1)]~
Also accepts square matrices with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is int algisinv(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN *ix = NULL)
Given a central simple algebra al over a field F, output by
, returns the t_VEC
[a,b] if al was constructed as a
quaternion algebra (a,b)F, and 0 otherwise.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-2); ? pr = idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]; ? al = alginit(nf, [[pr],[1,0]]); \\ quaternion algebra from ramification ? algisquatalg(al) % = [y + 1, y + 1]
The library syntax is GEN algisquatalg(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, tests
whether al is ramified, i.e. not isomorphic to a matrix algebra over its
center. If pl is set, it should be a prime ideal of K or an integer
between 1 and r1+r2, and in that case tests whether al is
locally ramified at the place pl instead.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); \\ quaternion algebra ? algisramified(A, 1) %3 = 1 ? algisramified(A, 2) %4 = 0 ? algisramified(A, idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]) %5 = 1 ? algisramified(A, idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]) %6 = 0 ? algisramified(A) %7 = 1
The library syntax is int algisramified(GEN al, GEN pl = NULL)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
or a central
simple algebra output by alginit
, tests whether the algebra al is
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algissemisimple(A) %3 = 0 ? mi=[0,-1,0,0;1,0,0,0;0,0,0,-1;0,0,1,0]; \\ quaternion algebra (-1,-1) ? mj=[0,0,-1,0;0,0,0,1;1,0,0,0;0,-1,0,0]; ? mk=[0,0,0,-1;0,0,-1,0;0,1,0,0;1,0,0,0]; ? mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algissemisimple(A) %9 = 1
The library syntax is int algissemisimple(GEN al)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
or a central
simple algebra output by alginit
, tests whether the algebra al is
simple. If ss = 1, assumes that the algebra al is semisimple
without testing it.
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); \\ matrices [*,*; 0,*] ? algissimple(A) %3 = 0 ? algissimple(A,1) \\ incorrectly assume that A is semisimple %4 = 1 ? mi=[0,-1,0,0;1,0,0,0;0,0,0,-1;0,0,1,0]; ? mj=[0,0,-1,0;0,0,0,1;1,0,0,0;0,-1,0,0]; ? mk=[0,0,0,-1;0,0,b,0;0,1,0,0;1,0,0,0]; ? mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); \\ quaternion algebra (-1,-1) ? algissimple(A) %10 = 1 ? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); \\ direct product F4 x F2 ? algissimple(A) %13 = 0
The library syntax is int algissimple(GEN al, long ss)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, tests
whether al is split, i.e. isomorphic to a matrix algebra over its center.
If pl is set, it should be a prime ideal of K or an integer between 1
and r1+r2, and in that case tests whether al is locally split
at the place pl instead.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); \\ quaternion algebra ? algissplit(A, 1) %3 = 0 ? algissplit(A, 2) %4 = 1 ? algissplit(A, idealprimedec(nf,2)[1]) %5 = 0 ? algissplit(A, idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]) %6 = 1 ? algissplit(A) %7 = 0
The library syntax is int algissplit(GEN al, GEN pl = NULL)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the sum lat1 + lat2. If ptinter is present, set it to the intersection lat1 ∩ lat2.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,[1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? latsum = alglatadd(al,lat1,lat2,&latinter); ? matdet(latsum[1]) %5 = 4 ? matdet(latinter[1]) %6 = 64
The library syntax is GEN alglatadd(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2, GEN *ptinter = NULL)
Given an algebra al, a lattice lat and x in al,
tests whether x ∈ lat. If ptc is present, sets it to the t_COL
coordinates of x in the basis of lat.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? a1 = [1,-1,0,1,2,0,1,2]~; ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,a1); ? alglatcontains(al,lat1,a1,&c) %4 = 1 ? c %5 = [-1, -2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]~
The library syntax is int alglatcontains(GEN al, GEN lat, GEN x, GEN *ptc = NULL)
Given an algebra al, a lattice lat and a t_COL
returns the element of al whose coordinates on the ℤ-basis of lat
are given by c.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? a1 = [1,-1,0,1,2,0,1,2]~; ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,a1); ? c = [1..8]~; ? elt = alglatelement(al,lat1,c); ? alglatcontains(al,lat1,elt,&c2) %6 = 1 ? c==c2 %7 = 1
The library syntax is GEN alglatelement(GEN al, GEN lat, GEN c)
Given an algebra al and a matrix m with columns representing
elements of al, returns the lattice L generated by the columns of
m. If provided, d must be a rational number such that L contains
d times the natural basis of al. The argument m is also
allowed to be a t_VEC
of t_MAT
, in which case m is replaced by
the concatenation of the matrices, or a t_COL
, in which case m is
replaced by its left multiplication table as an element of al.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? a = [1,1,-1/2,1,1/3,-1,1,1]~; ? mt = algtomatrix(al,a,1); ? lat = alglathnf(al,mt); ? lat[2] %5 = 1/6
The library syntax is GEN alglathnf(GEN al, GEN m, GEN d = NULL)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the generalized index of lat1 relative to lat2, i.e. |lat2/lat1∩ lat2|/|lat1/lat1∩ lat2|.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,[1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? alglatindex(al,lat1,lat2) %4 = 1 ? lat1==lat2 %5 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alglatindex(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the intersection lat1∩ lat2. If ptsum is present, sets it to the sum lat1 + lat2.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,[1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? latinter = alglatinter(al,lat1,lat2,&latsum); ? matdet(latsum[1]) %5 = 4 ? matdet(latinter[1]) %6 = 64
The library syntax is GEN alglatinter(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2, GEN *ptsum = NULL)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the left transporter from lat1 to lat2, i.e. the set of x ∈ al such that x.lat1 ⊂ lat2.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,[1,-1,0,1,2,0,5,2]~); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,[0,1,-2,-1,0,0,3,1]~); ? tr = alglatlefttransporter(al,lat1,lat2); ? a = alglatelement(al,tr,[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]~); ? alglatsubset(al,alglatmul(al,a,lat1),lat2) %6 = 1 ? alglatsubset(al,alglatmul(al,lat1,a),lat2) %7 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alglatlefttransporter(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the lattice generated by the products of elements of lat1 and lat2. One of lat1 and lat2 is also allowed to be an element of al; in this case, computes the product of the element and the lattice.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? a1 = [1,-1,0,1,2,0,1,2]~; ? a2 = [0,1,2,-1,0,0,3,1]~; ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,a1); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,a2); ? lat3 = alglatmul(al,lat1,lat2); ? matdet(lat3[1]) %7 = 29584 ? lat3 == alglathnf(al, algmul(al,a1,a2)) %8 = 0 ? lat3 == alglatmul(al, lat1, a2) %9 = 0 ? lat3 == alglatmul(al, a1, lat2) %10 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alglatmul(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, computes the right transporter from lat1 to lat2, i.e. the set of x ∈ al such that lat1.x ⊂ lat2.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,matdiagonal([1,3,7,1,2,8,5,2])); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,matdiagonal([5,3,8,1,9,8,7,1])); ? tr = alglatrighttransporter(al,lat1,lat2); ? a = alglatelement(al,tr,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]~); ? alglatsubset(al,alglatmul(al,lat1,a),lat2) %6 = 1 ? alglatsubset(al,alglatmul(al,a,lat1),lat2) %7 = 0
The library syntax is GEN alglatrighttransporter(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2)
Given an algebra al and two lattices lat1 and lat2 in al, tests whether lat1 ⊂ lat2. If it is true and ptindex is present, sets it to the index of lat1 in lat2.
? al = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? lat1 = alglathnf(al,[1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? lat2 = alglathnf(al,[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]~); ? alglatsubset(al,lat1,lat2) %4 = 0 ? latsum = alglatadd(al,lat1,lat2); ? alglatsubset(al,lat1,latsum,&index) %6 = 1 ? index %7 = 4
The library syntax is int alglatsubset(GEN al, GEN lat1, GEN lat2, GEN *ptindex = NULL)
mt being a multiplication table over ℚ in the same format as the
input of algtableinit
, computes an integral multiplication table
mt2 for an isomorphic algebra. When maps = 1, returns a t_VEC
[mt2,S,T] where S and T are matrices
respectively representing the map from the algebra defined by mt to the
one defined by mt2 and its inverse.
? mt = [matid(2),[0,-1/4;1,0]]; ? algtableinit(mt); *** at top-level: algtableinit(mt) *** ^ — — — — — - *** algtableinit: domain error in algtableinit: denominator(mt) != 1 ? mt2 = algmakeintegral(mt); ? al = algtableinit(mt2); ? algisassociative(al) %4 = 1 ? [mt2, S, T] = algmakeintegral(mt,1); ? S %6 = [1 0] [0 1/4] ? T %7 = [1 0] [0 4] ? vector(#mt, i, S * (mt * T[,i]) * T) == mt2 %8 = 1
The library syntax is GEN algmakeintegral(GEN mt, long maps)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, an
element x in al and the output modP of algmodprinit
compute the image of x under the corresponding map, if it is
? nf = nfinit(y^2-2); ? alg = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); ? pr = idealprimedec(nf,7)[1]; ? modP = algmodprinit(alg,pr); ? a = algrandom(alg,10); ? algmodpr(alg,a,modP) % = [1 4] [0 4] ? algmodpr(alg,a/3,modP) % = [5 6] [0 6] ? algmodpr(alg,a/7,modP) *** at top-level: algmodpr(alg,a/7,modP) *** ^ — — — — — — — - *** algmodpr: impossible inverse in algmodpr: Mod(0, 7). ? pr2 = idealprimedec(nf,7)[2]; ? b = algdivl(alg, algfromcenter(alg,pr2.gen[2]), a); ? denominator(b) \\b has a denominator at 7 but not at pr % = 7 ? algmodpr(alg,b,modP) % = [6 3] [0 3]
Also accepts a matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algmodpr(GEN al, GEN x, GEN modP)
Consider a central simple algebra al output by alginit
and a
pr representing a prime ideal 𝔭 at which the order
𝒪 stored in al is maximal (not checked; by default, this is true
for all primes, see alginit
). This function returns a data structure
modP representing a reduction mod 𝔭 map
𝒪 / 𝔭𝒪 - ⟶
𝒪 / 𝔓
~ Mk(𝔽p^m)
where 𝔓 is the unique maximal two-sided 𝒪-ideal above 𝔭,
m = e x pr.f with e the ramification index of al
at 𝔭 (𝔓^e = 𝔭𝒪) and d = ke is the degree of al.
In particular, if 𝔭 is unramified in al, then k = d and 𝔽p^m
is isomorphic to the residue field of 𝔭.
The variable v is used to display the finite field elements.
The function is nondeterministic and does not always return the same map, but
the target ring is deterministic (the finite field is always represented by the
The structure modP contains:
* modP[1]: the prid
* modP[2]: the t_VECSMALL
* modP[3]: the t_FFELT
1 ∈ 𝔽q^m;
* other technical data.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? al = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); \\quaternion algebra unramified at all primes ? pr = idealprimedec(nf, 3)[1]; pr.f % = 2 ? modP = algmodprinit(al, pr, 'a); ? modP[2] \\image in M2(F3^2) % = Vecsmall([2,2]) ? type(modP[3]) % = "t_FFELT" ? algmodpr(al,algrandom(al,3),modP) % = [2*a + 1 2*a + 1] [ a 2*a] ? nf = nfinit(y); \\ Q ? al = alginit(nf, [-1,-1]); \\ quaternion algebra ramified at 2 and oo ? pr = idealprimedec(nf, 2)[1]; ? modP = algmodprinit(al, pr, 'a); ? modP[2] \\ image in M1(F2^2) % = Vecsmall([1,2]) ? algmodpr(al,algrandom(al,4),modP) % = [a + 1]
The library syntax is GEN algmodprinit(GEN al, GEN pr, long v = -1)
where v
is a variable number.
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, a
matrix x and the output modP of algmodprinit
, compute a
preimage of x under the corresponding map.
? nf = nfinit(y^2+2); ? alg = alginit(nf,[-1,-3]); ? pr = idealprimedec(nf,5)[1]; ? modP = algmodprinit(alg,pr,'z); ? m = [1,2;3,4]; ? li = algmodprlift(alg,m,modP) % = [0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0]~ ? algmodpr(alg,li,modP) % = [1 2] [3 4] ? m = [0,z;1,0]; ? li = algmodprlift(alg,m,modP) % = [4, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2]~ ? algmodpr(alg,li,modP) % = [0 z] [1 0]
Also accepts a matrix whose number of rows and columns are multiples of k, where the codomain of the map is Mk(𝔽q); if they are not both equal to k, returns a matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algmodprlift(GEN al, GEN x, GEN modP)
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes their product xy in the algebra al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algmul(A,[1,1,0,0]~,[0,0,2,1]~) % = [2, 3, 5, -4]~ ? algmul(,[1,2,3,4]~,sqrt(I)) \\ Hamilton quaternions % = [-0.7071067811, 2.1213203435, 4.9497474683, 0.7071067811]~
Also accepts matrices with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algmul(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y)
Returns a multiplication table of al over its
prime subfield (ℚ or 𝔽p) or over ℝ for real algebras, as a
of t_MAT
: the left multiplication tables of basis elements.
If al was output by algtableinit
, returns the multiplication
table used to define al.
If al was output by alginit
, returns the multiplication table of
the order 𝒪0 stored in al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? M = algmultable(A); ? #M %3 = 4 ? M[1] \\ multiplication by e1 = 1 %4 = [1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 1] ? M[2] %5 = [0 -1 1 0] [1 0 1 1] [0 0 1 1] [0 0 -2 -1] ? H = alginit(1.,1/2); \\ Hamilton quaternions ? algmultable(H)[3] \\ multiplication by j %7 = [0 0 -1 0] [0 0 0 1] [1 0 0 0] [0 -1 0 0]
The library syntax is GEN algmultable(GEN al)
Given an element x in al, computes its opposite -x in the algebra al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted).
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algneg(A,[1,1,0,0]~) %2 = [-1, -1, 0, 0]~
Also accepts a matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algneg(GEN al = NULL, GEN x)
Returns a copy of the algebra al
using the current (usually larger)
The library syntax is GEN algnewprec(GEN al, long prec)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted),
computes its norm. If al is a table algebra output by algtableinit
or if abs = 1, returns the absolute norm of x, which is an element of
𝔽p, ℚ or ℝ; if al is omitted or a central simple algebra
output by alginit
and abs = 0 (default), returns the reduced norm of
x, which is an element of the center of al.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,19); ? algnorm(A,[0,-2,3]~) %3 = 18 ? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? B = alginit(nf,[-1,y]); ? b = [x,1]~; ? n = algnorm(B,b) %7 = Mod(-y + 1, y^2 - 5) ? algnorm(B,b,1) %8 = 16 ? nfeltnorm(nf,n)^algdegree(B) %9 = 16 ? algnorm(,[0,sqrt(3),0,sqrt(2)]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %10 = 5.0000000000
Also accepts a square matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algnorm(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, long abs)
Given an element b in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted) and a
polynomial T in K[X], computes T(b) in al. Here K = ℚ or 𝔽p
for a table algebra (output by algtableinit
) and K is the center of
al for a central simple algebra (output by alginit
Also accepts as input a t_VEC
[b,mb] where mb is the left
multiplication table of b.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? al = alginit(nf,[y,-1]); ? b = [1..8]~; ? pol = algcharpoly(al,b,,1); \\ absolute characteristic polynomial ? algpoleval(al,pol,b)==0 % = 1 ? mb = algtomatrix(al,b,1); ? algpoleval(al,pol,[b,mb])==0 % = 1 ? pol = algcharpoly(al,b); \\ reduced characteristic polynomial ? algpoleval(al,pol,b) == 0 % = 1 ? algpoleval(,polcyclo(8),[1,0,0,1]~/sqrt(2)) \\ Hamilton quaternions % = [0.E-38, 0, 0, 0.E-38]~
The library syntax is GEN algpoleval(GEN al = NULL, GEN T, GEN b)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted) and an integer n, computes the power xn in the algebra al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algpow(A,[1,1,0,0]~,7) %2 = [8, -8, 0, 0]~ ? algpow(,[1,2,3,sqrt(3)]~,-3) \\ Hamilton quaternions % = [-0.0095664563, 0.0052920822, 0.0079381233, 0.0045830776]~
Also accepts a square matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algpow(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN n)
al being the output of algtableinit
representing a semisimple
algebra of positive characteristic, returns a basis of the prime subalgebra
of al. The prime subalgebra of al is the subalgebra fixed by the
Frobenius automorphism of the center of al. It is abstractly isomorphic
to a product of copies of 𝔽p.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? algprimesubalg(A) %3 = [1 0] [0 1] [0 0]
The library syntax is GEN algprimesubalg(GEN al)
Given an element x in the quaternion algebra al output by
, expressed on the basis (1,i,j,ij), transforms it to a column
vector on the integral basis of al. This function is provided for
convenience, as algebra functions do not support elements represented on this
basis. This is the inverse function of algbasistoquat
? nf = nfinit(y^2+1); ? alg = alginit(nf, [2,3*y+1]); ? algquattobasis(alg,[1,2,y,0]~) % = [1, -1, 1, -2, -2, 2, 0, 0]~ ? algsqr(alg,algquattobasis(alg,[0,1,0,0]~)) \\ i^2==2 % = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]~
The library syntax is GEN algquattobasis(GEN al, GEN x)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
and I
being a basis of a two-sided ideal of al represented by a matrix,
returns the quotient al/I. When maps = 1, returns a
[al/I,proj,lift] where proj and
lift are matrices respectively representing the projection map and a
section of it.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? AQ = algquotient(A,[0;1;0]); ? algdim(AQ) %4 = 2
The library syntax is GEN alg_quotient(GEN al, GEN I, long maps)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
, returns a
basis of the Jacobson radical of the algebra al over its prime field
(ℚ or 𝔽p).
Here is an example with A = ℚ[x]/(x2), with the basis (1,x):
? mt = [matid(2),[0,0;1,0]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algradical(A) \\ = (x) %3 = [0] [1]
Another one with 2 x 2 upper triangular matrices over ℚ, with basis
I2, a = [0,1;0,0]
and b = [0,0;0,1]
, such that a2 =
0, ab = a, ba = 0, b2 = b:
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algradical(A) \\ = (a) %6 = [0] [1] [0]
The library syntax is GEN algradical(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns a
containing the list of places of the center of al that are
ramified in al. Each place is described as an integer between 1
and r1 or as a prime ideal.
? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf, [-1,y]); ? algramifiedplaces(A) %3 = [1, [2, [2, 0]~, 1, 2, 1]]
The library syntax is GEN algramifiedplaces(GEN al)
Given an algebra al and a nonnegative integer b, returns a random element in al with coefficients in [-b,b].
? al = alginit(nfinit(y),[-1,-1]); ? algrandom(al,3) % = [2, 0, 3, -1]~
If al is an algebra over ℝ (Hamilton quaternions if omitted) and
b is a positive t_REAL
, returns a random element of al with
coefficients in [-b,b].
? algrandom(,1.) % = [-0.1806334680, -0.2810504190, 0.5011479961, 0.9498643737]~
The library syntax is GEN algrandom(GEN al = NULL, GEN b)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
defined by a multiplication table over its center (a number field), returns this multiplication table.
? nf = nfinit(y^3-5); a = y; b = y^2; ? {mi = [0,a,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,a; 0,0,1,0];} ? {mj = [0, 0,b, 0; 0, 0,0,-b; 1, 0,0, 0; 0,-1,0, 0];} ? {mk = [0, 0,0,-a*b; 0, 0,b, 0; 0,-a,0, 0; 1, 0,0, 0];} ? mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; ? A = alginit(nf,mt,'x); ? M = algrelmultable(A); ? M[2] == mi %8 = 1 ? M[3] == mj %9 = 1 ? M[4] == mk %10 = 1
The library syntax is GEN algrelmultable(GEN al)
al being the output of algtableinit
, returns a t_VEC
[J,[al1,...,aln]] where J is a basis of the
Jacobson radical of al and al/J is isomorphic to the direct
product of the simple algebras ali. When maps = 1,
each ali is replaced with a t_VEC
[ali,proji,lifti] where proji
and lifti
are matrices respectively representing the projection map al →
ali and a section of it. Modulo J, the images of the
form a direct sum in al/J, so that the images of 1 ∈ ali
under lifti are central primitive idempotents of al/J. The
factors are sorted by increasing dimension, then increasing dimension of the
center. This ensures that the ordering of the isomorphism classes of the
factors is deterministic over finite fields, but not necessarily over ℚ.
The library syntax is GEN algsimpledec(GEN al, long maps)
If al is a table algebra over 𝔽p output by algtableinit
that represents a simple algebra, computes an isomorphism between al and
a matrix algebra Md(𝔽pn) where N = nd2 is the dimension
of al. Returns a t_VEC
[map,mapi], where:
* map is a t_VEC
of N matrices of size d x d with
coefficients using the variable v, representing the image of
the basis of al under the isomorphism.
* mapi is an N x N matrix with t_INT
representing the image in al by the inverse isomorphism of the
basis (bi) of Md(𝔽p[α]) (where α has degree n
over 𝔽p) defined as follows:
let Ei,j be the matrix having all coefficients 0 except the (i,j)-th
coefficient equal to 1, and define
bi_{3+n(i2+di1)+1} = Ei_{1+1,i2+1} αi3,
where 0 ≤ i1,i2 < d and 0 ≤ i3 < n.
? al0 = alginit(nfinit(y^2+7), [-1,-1]); ? al = algtableinit(algmultable(al0), 3); \\ isomorphic to M2(F9) ? [map,mapi] = algsplit(al, 'a); ? x = [1,2,1,0,0,0,0,0]~; fx = map*x %4 = [2*a 0] [ 0 2] ? y = [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1]~; fy = map*y %5 = [1 2*a] [2 a + 2] ? map*algmul(al,x,y) == fx*fy %6 = 1 ? map*mapi[,6] %7 = [0 0] [a 0]
Warning. If al is not simple, algsplit(al)
can trigger
an error, but can also run into an infinite loop. Example:
? al = alginit(nfinit(y),[-1,-1]); \\ ramified at 2 ? al2 = algtableinit(algmultable(al),2); \\ maximal order modulo 2 ? algsplit(al2); \\ not semisimple, infinite loop
The library syntax is GEN algsplit(GEN al, long v = -1)
where v
is a variable number.
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
by a multiplication table over its center K (a number field), returns data
stored to compute a splitting of al over an extension. This data is a
with 3 components:
* an element t of al such that L = K(t) is a maximal subfield of al;
* a matrix Lbas
expressing a L-basis of al (given an
L-vector space structure by multiplication on the right) on the integral
basis of al;
* a matrix Lbasinv
expressing the integral basis of al on
the previous L-basis.
? nf = nfinit(y^3-5); a = y; b = y^2; ? {mi = [0,a,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,a; 0,0,1,0];} ? {mj = [0, 0,b, 0; 0, 0,0,-b; 1, 0,0, 0; 0,-1,0, 0];} ? {mk = [0, 0,0,-a*b; 0, 0,b, 0; 0,-a,0, 0; 1, 0,0, 0];} ? mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; ? A = alginit(nf,mt,'x); ? [t,Lb,Lbi] = algsplittingdata(A); ? t %8 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]~; ? matsize(Lb) %9 = [12, 2] ? matsize(Lbi) %10 = [2, 12]
The library syntax is GEN algsplittingdata(GEN al)
Given a central simple algebra al output by alginit
, returns
an rnf
structure: the splitting field of al that is stored in
al, as a relative extension of the center.
nf = nfinit(y^3-5); a = y; b = y^2; {mi = [0,a,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,a; 0,0,1,0];} {mj = [0, 0,b, 0; 0, 0,0,-b; 1, 0,0, 0; 0,-1,0, 0];} {mk = [0, 0,0,-a*b; 0, 0,b, 0; 0,-a,0, 0; 1, 0,0, 0];} mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; A = alginit(nf,mt,'x); algsplittingfield(A).pol %8 = x^2 - y
The library syntax is GEN algsplittingfield(GEN al)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes its square x2 in the algebra al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algsqr(A,[1,0,2,0]~) %2 = [-3, 0, 4, 0]~ ? algsqr(,[0,0,0,Pi]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %3 = [-9.8696044010, 0, 0, 0]~
Also accepts a square matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algsqr(GEN al = NULL, GEN x)
Given two elements x and y in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted), computes their difference x-y in the algebra al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algsub(A,[1,1,0,0]~,[1,0,1,0]~) %2 = [0, 1, -1, 0]~
Also accepts matrices with coefficients in al.
If x and y are given in the same format, then one should simply use -
instead of algsub
The library syntax is GEN algsub(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, GEN y)
al being a table algebra output by algtableinit
and B
being a basis of a subalgebra of al represented by a matrix, computes an
algebra al2 isomorphic to B.
Returns [al2,B2] where B2 is a possibly different basis of the subalgebra al2, with respect to which the multiplication table of al2 is defined.
? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? B = algsubalg(A,[1,0; 0,0; 0,1]); ? algdim(A) %4 = 3 ? algdim(B[1]) %5 = 2 ? m = matcompanion(x^4+1); ? mt = [m^i | i <- [0..3]]; ? al = algtableinit(mt); ? B = [1,0;0,0;0,1/2;0,0]; ? al2 = algsubalg(al,B); ? algdim(al2[1]) ? al2[2] %13 = [1 0] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0]
The library syntax is GEN algsubalg(GEN al, GEN B)
Initializes the associative algebra over K = ℚ (p omitted) or 𝔽p
defined by the multiplication table mt.
As a K-vector space, the algebra is generated by a basis
(e1 = 1, e2,..., en); the table is given as a t_VEC
of n matrices in
Mn(K), giving the left multiplication by the basis elements ei, in the
given basis.
Assumes that e1 = 1, that K e1⨁ ...⨁ K en] describes an
associative algebra over K, and in the case K = ℚ that the multiplication
table is integral. If the algebra is already known to be central
and simple, then the case K = 𝔽p is useless, and one should use
The point of this function is to input a finite dimensional K-algebra, so as to later compute its radical, then to split the quotient algebra as a product of simple algebras over K.
The pari object representing such an algebra A is a t_VEC
with the
following data:
* The characteristic of A, accessed with algchar
* The multiplication table of A, accessed with algmultable
* The traces of the elements of the basis.
A simple example: the 2 x 2 upper triangular matrices over ℚ,
generated by I2, a = [0,1;0,0]
and b = [0,0;0,1]
such that a2 = 0, ab = a, ba = 0, b2 = b:
? mt = [matid(3),[0,0,0;1,0,1;0,0,0],[0,0,0;0,0,0;1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt); ? algradical(A) \\ = (a) %6 = [0] [1] [0] ? algcenter(A) \\ = (I2) %7 = [1] [0] [0]
The library syntax is GEN algtableinit(GEN mt, GEN p = NULL)
Given two algebras al1 and al2, computes their tensor
product. flag has the same meaning as in alginit
Currently only implemented for cyclic algebras of coprime degree over the same center K, and the tensor product is over K.
The library syntax is GEN algtensor(GEN al1, GEN al2, long flag)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted),
returns the image of x under a homomorphism to a matrix algebra. If
al is a table algebra output by algtableinit
or if abs = 1, returns
the left multiplication table on the integral basis; if al is a central
simple algebra and abs = 0, returns φ(x) where φ : A ⨂ K L →
Md(L) (where d is the degree of the algebra and L is an extension of L
with [L:K] = d) is an isomorphism stored in al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algtomatrix(A,[0,0,0,2]~) %2 = [Mod(x + 1, x^2 + 1) Mod(Mod(1, y)*x + Mod(-1, y), x^2 + 1)] [Mod(x + 1, x^2 + 1) Mod(-x + 1, x^2 + 1)] ? algtomatrix(A,[0,1,0,0]~,1) %2 = [0 -1 1 0] [1 0 1 1] [0 0 1 1] [0 0 -2 -1] ? algtomatrix(A,[0,x]~,1) %3 = [-1 0 0 -1] [-1 0 1 0] [-1 -1 0 -1] [ 2 0 0 1] ? algtomatrix(,[1,2,3,4]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %4 = [1 + 2*I -3 - 4*I] [3 - 4*I 1 - 2*I] ? algtomatrix(,I,1) %5 = [0 -1 0 0] [1 0 0 0] [0 0 0 -1] [0 0 1 0]
Also accepts a matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algtomatrix(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, long abs)
Given an element x in al (Hamilton quaternions if omitted),
computes its trace. If al is a table algebra output by algtableinit
or if abs = 1, returns the absolute trace of x, which is an element of
𝔽p, ℚ or ℝ; if al is omitted or the output of alginit
abs = 0 (default), returns the reduced trace of x, which is an element of
the center of al.
? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algtrace(A,[5,0,0,1]~) %2 = 11 ? algtrace(A,[5,0,0,1]~,1) %3 = 22 ? nf = nfinit(y^2-5); ? A = alginit(nf,[-1,y]); ? a = [1+x+y,2*y]~*Mod(1,y^2-5)*Mod(1,x^2+1); ? t = algtrace(A,a) %7 = Mod(2*y + 2, y^2 - 5) ? algtrace(A,a,1) %8 = 8 ? algdegree(A)*nfelttrace(nf,t) %9 = 8 ? algtrace(,[1.,2,3,4]~) \\ Hamilton quaternions %10 = 2.0000000000 ? algtrace(,[1.,2,3,4]~,0) %11 = 4.0000000000
Also accepts a square matrix with coefficients in al.
The library syntax is GEN algtrace(GEN al = NULL, GEN x, long abs)
Given an algebra al output by alginit
or by algtableinit
, returns an integer indicating the type of algebra:
* 0: not a valid algebra.
* 1: table algebra output by algtableinit
* 2: central simple algebra output by alginit
and represented by
a multiplication table over its center.
* 3: central simple algebra output by alginit
and represented by
a cyclic algebra.
* 4: division algebra over ℝ (ℝ, ℂ or Hamilton quaternion algebra H).
? algtype([]) %1 = 0 ? mt = [matid(3), [0,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,0,0], [0,0,1; 0,0,0; 1,0,1]]; ? A = algtableinit(mt,2); ? algtype(A) %4 = 1 ? nf = nfinit(y^3-5); ? a = y; b = y^2; ? {mi = [0,a,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,a; 0,0,1,0];} ? {mj = [0, 0,b, 0; 0, 0,0,-b; 1, 0,0, 0; 0,-1,0, 0];} ? {mk = [0, 0,0,-a*b; 0, 0,b, 0; 0,-a,0, 0; 1, 0,0, 0];} ? mt = [matid(4), mi, mj, mk]; ? A = alginit(nf,mt,'x); ? algtype(A) %12 = 2 ? A = alginit(nfinit(y), [-1,-1]); ? algtype(A) %14 = 3 ? H = alginit(1.,1/2); ? algtype(H) %16 = 4
The library syntax is long algtype(GEN al)