Tiago Mendes on Mon, 11 May 2020 17:38:09 +0200

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Length of a vector


I have the following vector ,  GEN vec = mkvecn(0). I will add numbers to this vector and in the end i need to know the size of this vector.

Is there a function like the  len function in python that returns the length of the vector ?

Or do i need to count the number of elements ?


os meus cumprimentos

Tiago Mendes

No dia 08/04/2020, às 18:33, Tiago Mendes <tiagovazmendes7@gmail.com> escreveu:


I am using the function   qflll(x, {flag = 0})    and i need to the Worst Case Time Complexity . Anyone knows ?

os meus cumprimentos

Tiago Mendes