Bill Allombert on Tue, 25 Sep 2018 13:19:13 +0200

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Re: One more question now that I have built Pari/gp with source code

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 06:31:14PM -0700, Joseph Ferrara wrote:
> Hi Bill and Peter,
> Thank you for your help! I would have responded earlier but I didn't see
> your responses until today. I didn't realize that I would have to go to the
> forum archive page to see them.

Sorry, I did not notice you were not subscribed.

> With your help, I've managed to fix the issues and I've gotten pari/gp
> installed and working on my machine. Like I mentioned before, I would like
> to read the code for the function quadray(D, f). I've been looking at the
> User's Guide to the PARI library and it is a bit advanced/over my head with
> the coding and developing instructions. At the moment, I do not want to do
> any coding. I would just like to understand what exactly the function
> quadray(D, f) is outputting for imaginary quadratic fields. Is there a
> way/command that lets me read the code for quadray(D, f)? (I'm more
> familiar with SAGE than Pari and in SAGE if I put two question marks after
> a function in a sage terminal the code for the function is printed. Is
> there something like that for Pari in the gp terminal?)

No, because gp is written in C. Instead you should use ctags which you
can create using
make ctags etags
(the tags are created in src/)

The code for quadray is in the file src/modules/stark.c, line 3168 and
passim, the core of the code being the function ellphist.
