Karim Belabas on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:05:24 +0200 |
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Re: Unable to run script |
* blade server [2011-08-20 11:33]: > Hi, > > Had a script that can't be run. > Keep prompting syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting KPARROW or ',': .... > > Try to google for more inform on KPARROW but was not able to find things > related to it. > > Thus would like to seek some advice on this list. The first until((bitsize(p)>=x), in Keygen() is missing a closing ')' somewhere. A few random remarks 1) you should indent your scripts so that the structure becomes clearer, e.g. until((bitsize(p)>=x), p=lookprime(enlar); \\q=divisors(p-1)[1]; test=1; until((isprime(q))&&(bitsize(q)>=y), if((test>numdiv(p-1)), break; ); q=divisors(p-1)[test]; test++; ); ===> until((bitsize(p)>=x), p=lookprime(enlar); \\q=divisors(p-1)[1]; test=1; until((isprime(q))&&(bitsize(q)>=y), if((test>numdiv(p-1)), break; ); q=divisors(p-1)[test]; test++; ); 2) The numdiv(p-1) / divisors(p-1) are fixed and should be moved out of the second 'until' loop. In fact, even then, this would be highly inefficient. Use something like Q = factor(p-1)[,1] \\ prime divisors of p-1 if (bitsize(Q[#Q]) >= y, ...) \\ largest prime divisor of p-1 3) It's immaterial here, but you probably want to start using my() rather than local() [ see manual for the differences between the 2 ] 4) Sequences of print() statements quickly become unreadable; printf() is your friend: print("P= ",p);print(" |p|_2= ",bitsize(p)); ==> printf("P = %d, |p|_2 = %d", p, bitsize(p)); 5) Sequences of boolean tests are evaluated from left to right: expressions like (isprime(q))&&(bitsize(q)>=y) are highly inefficient (contains 2 tests, the first one being slow, the second one trivial). The following is much better: (bitsize(q)>=y) && (isprime(q)) 6) No need to enclose tests within parentheses: it is enough to write bitsize(q)>=y && isprime(q) 7) Sequences of lift / Mod quickly become unreadable: decide once and for all whether you want to use t_INTs or t_INTMODs (almost certainly the latter). Once a sensible base ring is thus fixed, you can use lift() for printing purposes (only). E.g. w=lift(1/Mod(s,q)); u1=lift(Mod(m*w,q)); u2=lift(Mod(r*w,q)); v=lift(Mod(lift(Mod((g^u1)*(y1^u2),p)),q)); Since g / y1 are t_INTs, the last line is almost certainly not why you want [ computing g^u1 requires exponential time in log(p) ! ] Compare: \\ ASSUME that g and y1 are t_INTMOD mod p, requires modifying Keygen() s = Mod(s, q) \\ paranoia in case s is a t_INT or t_INTMOD mod p*q w = 1 / s; u1 = lift(m*w); \\ t_INT exponent u2 = lift(r*w); v = Mod(g^u1 * y1^u2, q); I have more comments, but please rewrite your script first. Cheers, K.B. -- Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251) Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17 Universite Bordeaux 1 Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50 351, cours de la Liberation http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/~belabas/ F-33405 Talence (France) http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/ [PARI/GP] `