Bill Allombert on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 00:05:54 +0100

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Re: Pari programs on oeis, accessing internal calculatios

On Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 05:07:58PM -0700, Jamie Morken wrote:
> Hi,For an example, since it is a general idea and not pari
> specific,for the sequence a(n)=n*n! for 1<n<10, there are three
> sequencesthat have equal lengths, ie, n, n!, n*n!

what if the program does a(n)=(n+1)!-n! instead ?

>For any pari program
> on OEIS, I was wondering if it could be possibleto break down the pari
> program to access the sequences that areused to create the overall
> a(n) sequence, including numerators anddenominator sequences of
> rational numbers.The main goal I was considering is to find as many
> sub-sequencesfor each oeis sequence as possible, and then build a
> graph data structurethat shows links between different oeis sequences,
> based on sharedsubsequences.

Let's say
a(n) = sum(k=0,n,binomial(n,k)^3)

what should that give ?
