Bill Daly on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 20:44:38 +0200

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I think I now understand what is going on in the PARI implementation of zeta(), and I have a couple of comments.

1. In the Euler-MacLaurin sum loop in czeta(), the summand is of the form gamma(s+2*j-1)/gamma(s) * B(2*j)/((2*j)!*nn^(2*j)). Using the identity B(2*j) = -(-1)^j * zeta(2*j) * 2*(2*j)!/(2*Pi)^(2*j), the summand becomes gamma(s+2*j-1)/gamma(s) * -(-1)^j * zeta(2*j) * 2/(2*Pi*n)^(2*j). This substitution has two potential advantages:

a) If 2*j > bit_accuracy(prec), we may take zeta(2*j) = 1, while for smaller values of j, the values of zeta(2*j) can be precomputed and stored in a table.

b) The terms (2*j)! cancel out, eliminating the need to call divgsns() in the Euler-MacLaurin loop. The new term (2*Pi)^(2*j) can be combined with the existing term nn^(2*j) by defining invn2 as 1/(2*Pi*nn)^2 instead of 1/nn^2.

I don't have a development environment set up for PARI, so I haven't been able to test this idea directly. I have tested it successfully in GP, and I can supply the code to anyone who may be interested. The same substitution might be advantageous in calculating gamma(), lngamma() and psi().

2. In the Dirichlet sum loop, the code calls n_s() for each odd n to calculate n^-s, and n_s() does a linear search to find the prime power factors of n. It seems to me that if memory is not a constraint, one could save the cost of the linear searches by calculating the odd entries in tab[] by sieving, i.e. something of the form:

    p_s = p^-s;
    q = p;
    while (q <= nn,
      r = q;
      while (r <= nn,
        tab[r] *= p_s;
        r += q;
      q *= p;

This assumes that the odd entries in tab[] have all been initialized to 1.

Regards, Bill


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