Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - base3.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30106-3f17b77578) Lines: 2062 2170 95.0 %
Date: 2025-03-31 09:19:50 Functions: 227 238 95.4 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
idealstar0 0
nfM_ker 0
nfembed 0
sprk_get_AgL2 0
tablemul 0
zidealstar 0
zidealstarinit 0
zidealstarinitgen 0
zkadd 0
zkchinese 0
zksub 0
Q_mod_bid 14
ideallistarch 14
join_archunit 14
nfM_det 14
famatQ_to_famatZ 35
famat_abs 35
famat_cba 35
famat_norm 35
famat_sign 35
join_arch 42
join_bid_arch 42
log_prk_units_init 49
idmulred 56
gideallist 63
idealHNF_norm_pval 63
sprk_get_k 63
sprk_to_bid 63
ideallog_units 84
nfV_cxlog 97
idealstarmod 112
to_RgX 119
nfinvmodideal 189
famat_zlog_pr_coprime 196
idealprincipalunits 196
nfdiveuc 259
nfdivrem 259
nfmod 259
zkchinese1init2 259
Idealstarprk 273
pr_equal 357
idpowred 413
join_unit 448
rnfeltnorm 462
join_bid 469
join_idealinit 469
veclog_prk 497
ZM_ZMV_mul 518
log_prk_units 518
cxlog_m1 534
nfeltembed 728
nfeltembed_i 728
Idealstar 938
rnfelttrace 1050
pl_convert 1213
nfissquare 1218
famat_logembed 1309
RgM_RgX_mul 1365
rnfalgtobasis 1428
multable 1995
tablemulvec 1995
sprk_log_gen_pr 2037
nfembed_i 2140
nfpolsturm 2163
nfM_mul 2934
matbasistoalg 2975
pl_normalize 2996
vecsmall01_to_indices 2996
nfM_inv 3339
_nf_s 3353
tablemul_ei 4158
tablemul_ei_ej 5834
isprfact 6218
pr_init 6218
RgM_to_nfM 6338
chineseinit_i 6687
mulbytab 7139
nfispower 7727
tablesqr 10356
ideallist 10563
ideallist0 11298
Ideallist 11333
idealchinese 12779
is_chineseinit 13267
_nf_inv 13727
ideallog 13769
nfchecksigns 14499
gpnfvalrem 15015
scalar_logembed 15239
nftrace 21301
cxlog_1 23112
oksigns 25130
RgX_to_nfX 29280
nfC_multable_mul 30724
matalgtobasis 33104
chk_ind 37121
nfdiv 38024
ei_multable 39552
pr_basis_perm 43813
nfsign 44352
nfM_nfC_mul 48529
get_nf_field 54816
principal_units_relations 56784
rnfbasistoalg 61264
ZC_sub1 70514
idmul 72020
zk_embed 74956
nfchecksigns_i 80959
log_gen_arch 86269
idealfactorback 86503
idpow 87971
log_prk_init 90229
nflogembed 98707
sprk_log_gen_pr2 105868
nfC_nf_mul 112320
RgC_to_nfC 112322
nfeltsign 126175
parse_embed 129059
checkarchp 134090
indices_to_vec01 136893
idealprincipalunits_i 169274
principal_units 169282
ZC_add1 169816
polmod_nffix 181329
polmod_nffix2 181420
nfinv 188588
zkC_multable_mul 194479
_nf_neg 204392
check_nfelt 219036
nfnorm 220356
famat_cxlog 223244
ideallog_units0 227163
zidealij 237224
zkchineseinit 237270
zkVchinese1 237505
zkadd1 255473
zkmul 255506
zkchinese1 255530
zksub1 255531
split_U 257561
Idealstarmod 258021
Idealstarmod_i 258290
bid_grp 258581
famat_strip2 258924
check_mod_factored 258926
nffactorback 265774
join_ideal 268493
sprk_log_prk1 275853
zk_inv 306024
sprk_get_gnf 318207
eltmul 329121
sprk_get_gen 336016
nfpow_u 342219
coltoalg 350380
_mul 355561
init_zlog 380249
zlog 381677
setsigns_init 390867
sprk_log_prk1_2 404405
log_gen_pr 413997
famat_nfvalrem 420735
sprkinit 426146
basistoalg 428522
eltpow 466832
sarch_get_cyc 486536
order_update 559971
nfarchstar 566493
sarch_get_F 607718
sarch_get_MI 607718
sarch_get_lambda 607718
get_C 607719
nfsetsigns 721652
set_sign_mod_divisor 752710
concat_join 758717
_nf_red 777913
num_positive 911921
nfpow 944102
algtobasis 968142
powp 973413
_sqr 981615
nfsign_arch 1052153
vec01_to_indices 1098949
sprk_get_U2 1205079
sprk_get_L2 1213665
zkmultable_capZ 1249301
ZC_prdvd 1250007
nf_cxlog 1309474
log_prk1 1331623
famat_zlog 1374116
ideallog_i 1383369
ideallogmod 1390048
nfsub 1430803
sarch_get_archp 1554100
zkmultable_inv 1555323
ZC_cxlog 1715064
ZMV_ZCV_mul 1755748
ZV_snf_gcd 1952958
famat_zlog_pr 1968777
sprk_get_expo 1968973
init_zlog_mod 1990767
apply_U 2156159
sprk_is_prime 2543387
sprk_get_ff 2543394
sprk_get_pr 2603318
log_prk 2617314
famat_to_nf_modideal_coprime 2621695
nfsqrmodideal 2687706
pol_to_scalar_or_basis 3470265
nfvalrem 3662740
_nf_add 3857230
sprk_get_cyc 3983640
nfsqri 4491174
_nf_mul 4496758
nfmuli 4539765
low_prec 4611734
nfmulpowmodideal 4697024
nf_to_scalar_or_alg 4841108
sprk_get_prk 4916822
zk_scalar_or_multable 4998824
nfval 5606117
nfpowmodideal 5848063
nfsqr 6069385
nfsqri_ZC 7103334
nfmulmodideal 7294071
zk_modHNF 7823412
nfmuli_ZC 8068550
poltobasis 9360550
ZM_ZX_mul 9964322
zk_multable 10794684
nfadd 14243903
ZC_nfval 19743007
zk_ei_mul 23934100
ZC_nfvalrem 24013632
nfmul 24537060
get_tab 39152800
is_famat 53870737
nf_to_scalar_or_basis 121422705
_mulii 1086456069

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16