Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - FpV.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30007-407ab607e8) Lines: 735 961 76.5 %
Date: 2025-02-20 09:19:49 Functions: 109 137 79.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Flm_Fl_mul_inplace 0
Flv_Fl_div_inplace 0
Flv_Fl_mul_inplace 0
Flv_sub_inplace 0
Flx_dotproduct 0
FpC_center_inplace 0
FpM_add 0
FpM_powu 0
FpM_sub 0
FpMs_FpC_mul 0
FpMs_FpCs_solve 0
FpMs_FpCs_solve_safe 0
FpV_add 0
FpV_dotsquare 0
FpV_sub 0
FpXC_to_mod_raw 0
FpXM_to_mod 0
ZV_zMs_mul 0
ZlM_gauss 0
ZpMs_ZpCs_solve 0
_FpM_mul 0
_FpM_sqr 0
gen_ZpM_Dixon_Wiedemann 0
wrap_relcomb 0
wrap_relcomb_modp 0
zCs_to_ZC 0
zMs_ZC_mul 0
zMs_to_ZM 0
FpXQC_to_mod 7
_F3C_center_inplace 7
Flc_Flv_mul 14
Flc_to_mod 28
FqC_to_mod 28
matid_F2xqM 35
FpM_center_inplace 42
FpMs_leftkernel_elt 42
scalar_Flm 42
matid_FlxqM 56
_FpC_center_inplace 77
FpC_to_mod 105
FpMs_leftkernel_elt_col 147
FpMs_structelim_back 147
gen_FpM_Wiedemann 147
random_FpV 147
FpM_to_mod 226
FpV_red 420
FpVV_to_mod 574
Flm_powers 868
_Flm_one 868
random_FpC 924
zm_mul 2114
gen_matid 2464
Flm_Fl_sub 3766
Flv_sum 3871
Fp_to_mod 4003
Flv_Fl_div 4692
ZMV_to_FlmV 4931
FpC_FpV_mul 5696
Flv_neg_inplace 6202
Flm_Flc_mul_pre 6693
Flm_mul_sw 8288
Flm_center 11347
ZVV_to_FlvV 14722
_Flm_mul 21065
vecprow 23039
FqM_to_mod 26145
Flm_add 29029
add_slices 33151
FpV_to_mod 36502
random_Flv 41403
Flm_Fl_add 51190
Flm_powu 51210
subtract_slices 58015
Flv_dotproduct_pre 58818
Flm_to_mod 59694
add_slices_ip 66302
wrap_relker 68823
FpV_FpMs_mul 68970
Flm_Fl_mul 82227
FpXC_to_mod 84021
Flm_sqr 92313
_Flm_sqr 92313
FqC_to_mod_raw 107975
Flv_center 164710
FpC_add 281384
Flm_neg 325429
Flm_Flc_mul_i_2 330326
Flv_add_inplace 443723
Fl_to_intmod 578850
Fq_to_mod_raw 582533
Flv_dotproduct 724610
Flm_transpose 736539
Flv_dotproductspec_i 741040
FpM_Fp_mul 765910
FpC_Fp_mul 958527
FpC_sub 971803
FpX_to_mod_raw 997241
Flm_Flc_mul 1071061
FpM_FpC_mul_FpX 1234580
FpX_to_mod 1278163
matid_Flm 1436856
FpM_mul 1639693
Flv_Fl_mul 1734303
FpM_FpC_mul_i 1753553
FpM_FpC_mul 1753556
Flv_add 1786398
FpM_center 2729346
Flv_neg 4108092
FpM_red 5196603
zm_zc_mul 6450520
FpC_center 6866514
Flm_Flc_mul_pre_Flx 7538690
Flv_Fl_mul_part_inplace 7780561
FpV_dotproduct 8498446
Flm_Fl_mul_OK 8647691
Flv_dotproductspec_SMALL 9392858
Flx_dotproduct_pre 9417667
ZM_to_Flm 12913077
Flm_mul_pre 13810182
Flm_mul 14108041
Flm_Fl_mul_pre_i 17166949
ZMrow_ZC_mul_i 18994277
to_intmod 19093341
Flm_Fl_mul_pre 25732493
Flm_sub 25793632
Flm_mul_classical 28062546
Flm_mul_i 28069642
FpC_red 29861616
ZV_to_Flv 56340898
Flm_Flc_mul_i_SMALL 83115404
__Flm_Flc_mul_i_SMALL 86426078
Flm_Flc_mul_i 90683783
__Flm_Flc_mul_i 94825687
zmrow_zc_mul 97688575
Flv_sub 231327448
Flmrow_Flc_mul_i 531986454
Flmrow_Flc_mul_SMALL 768031431

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16