GP defaults

This section documents the GP defaults, that can be set either by the GP function default or in your GPRC. Be sure to check out parisize and parisizemax !


The bits of this default allow gp to use less rigid TeX formatting commands in the logfile. This default is only taken into account when log = 3. The bits of TeXstyle have the following meaning

2: insert {}right / {}left pairs where appropriate.

4: insert discretionary breaks in polynomials, to enhance the probability of a good line break. You must then define {}PARIbreak as follows:

     \def\PARIbreak{\hskip 0pt plus \hsize\relax\discretionary{}{}{}}

The default value is 0.


If true, enables the "break loop" debugging mode, see Section se:break_loop.

The default value is 1 if we are running an interactive gp session, and 0 otherwise.


This default is only usable if gp is running within certain color-capable terminals. For instance rxvt, color_xterm and modern versions of xterm under X Windows, or standard Linux/DOS text consoles. It causes gp to use a small palette of colors for its output. With xterms, the colormap used corresponds to the resources Xterm*colorn where n ranges from 0 to 15 (see the file misc/color.dft for an example). Accepted values for this default are strings "a1,...,ak" where k ≤ 7 and each ai is either

* the keyword no (use the default color, usually black on transparent background)

* an integer between 0 and 15 corresponding to the aforementioned colormap

* a triple [c0,c1,c2] where c0 stands for foreground color, c1 for background color, and c2 for attributes (0 is default, 1 is bold, 4 is underline).

The output objects thus affected are respectively error messages, history numbers, prompt, input line, output, help messages, timer (that's seven of them). If k < 7, the remaining ai are assumed to be no. For instance

  default(colors, "9, 5, no, no, 4")

typesets error messages in color 9, history numbers in color 5, output in color 4, and does not affect the rest.

A set of default colors for dark (reverse video or PC console) and light backgrounds respectively is activated when colors is set to darkbg, resp. lightbg (or any proper prefix: d is recognized as an abbreviation for darkbg). A bold variant of darkbg, called boldfg, is provided if you find the former too pale.

In the present version, this default is incompatible with PariEmacs. Changing it will just fail silently (the alternative would be to display escape sequences as is, since Emacs will refuse to interpret them). You must customize color highlighting from the PariEmacs side, see its documentation.

The default value is "" (no colors).


Obsolete. This default is now a no-op.


The name of directory containing the optional data files. For now, this includes the elldata, galdata, galpol, seadata packages.

The default value is /usr/local/share/pari, or the override specified via Configure --datadir = .

Windows-specific note. On Windows operating systems, the special value @ stands for "the directory where the gp binary is installed". This is the default value.


Debugging level. If it is nonzero, some extra messages may be printed, according to what is going on (see \g). To turn on and off diagnostics attached to a specific feature (such as the LLL algorithm), use setdebug.

The default value is 0 (no debugging messages).


This is a deprecated alias for setdebug("io",). If nonzero, gp will print information on file descriptors in use and I/O operations (see \gf).

The default value is 0 (no debugging messages).


Memory debugging level (see \gm). If this is nonzero, gp will print increasingly precise notifications about memory use:

* debugmem > 0, notify when parisize changes (within the boundaries set by parisizemax);

* debugmem > 1, indicate any important garbage collection and the function it is taking place in;

* debugmem > 2, indicate the creation/destruction of "blocks" (or clones); expect lots of messages.

Important Note: if you are running a version compiled for debugging (see Appendix A) and debugmem > 1, gp will further regularly print information on memory usage, notifying whenever stack usage goes up or down by 1 MByte. This functionality is disabled on non-debugging builds as it noticeably slows down the performance.

The default value is 1.


This default can be 0 (off), 1 (on) or 2 (on, raw). When echo mode is on, each command is reprinted before being executed. This can be useful when reading a file with the \r or read commands. For example, it is turned on at the beginning of the test files used to check whether gp has been built correctly (see \e). When echo is set to 1 the input is cleaned up, removing white space and comments and uniting multi-line input. When set to 2 (raw), the input is written as-is, without any pre-processing.

The default value is 0 (no echo).


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, the integer factorization machinery calls addprimes on prime factors that were difficult to find (larger than 224), so they are automatically tried first in other factorizations. If a routine is performing (or has performed) a factorization and is interrupted by an error or via Control-C, this lets you recover the prime factors already found. The downside is that a huge addprimes table unrelated to the current computations will slow down arithmetic functions relying on integer factorization; one should then empty the table using removeprimes.

The default value is 0.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). By default, the factors output by the integer factorization machinery are only pseudo-primes, not proven primes. If this toggle is set, a primality proof is done for each factor and all results depending on integer factorization are fully proven. This flag does not affect partial factorization when it is explicitly requested. It also does not affect the private table managed by addprimes: its entries are included as is in factorizations, without being tested for primality.

The default value is 0.


gp precomputes a list of all primes less than primelimit at initialization time (and can quickly generate more primes on demand, up to the square of that bound). Let N be an integer. The command factor(N) factors the integer, starting by trial division by all primes up to some bound (which depends on the size of N and less than 219 is any case), then moving on to more advanced algorithms. When additionally D is an integer, factor(N, D) uses only trial division by primes less than D. In both case, trial division is sped up by precomputations involving primes up to another bound called factorlimit. Trial division up to a larger bound is possible, but will be slower than for bounds lower than factorlimit and will slow down factorization on average. If factorlimit is larger than primelimit, then primelimit is increased to match factorlimit.

In the present version, precomputations are only used on startup and changing either primelimit or factorlimit will not recompute new tables. Changing primelimit has no effect, while changing factorlimit affects the behavior in factorizations.

The default value is 220, which is the default primelimit. This default is only used on startup: changing it will not recompute a new table.

Note that the precomputations are expensive both in terms of time and space, although softly linear in the bound, and the ones attached to factorlimit more so. So neither should be taken too large. Here are sample timings: in the first column are the increasing values of primelimit, in the second column is the startup time keeping factorlimit at its default value, and the third column is the startup time with factorlimit = primelimit.

  2^20:      40 ms         40 ms
  2^23:      40 ms        230 ms
  2^26:     140 ms      2,410 ms
  2^29:     810 ms     27,240 ms
  2^32:   6,040 ms    293,660 ms

The final 232 for factorlimit requires a 10GB stack. On the other hand, here are timings trying factor(p, D) for some random 1000-bit prime (so we are in the worst case of performing trial division in a setting where it cannot succeed) and increasing values of D. We use a primelimit of 232; the first column corresponds to the values of D, the second to the times for the default factorlimit and the third to fifth for factorlimit matching D, D/2 and D/4 respectively.

  2^20:       1 ms        1 ms        6 ms        18 ms
  2^23:      72 ms       18 ms       21 ms        63 ms
  2^26:     296 ms       50 ms      176 ms       233 ms
  2^29:   1,911 ms      266 ms    1,023 ms     1,404 ms
  2^32:  15,505 ms    2,406 ms    6,954 ms    15,264 ms

As expected, matching factorlimit's fast trial division to the desired trial division bound D is optimal if we do not take precomputation time into account. But this data also shows that if you need to often trial divide above 4 factorlimit, then you should not bother and can just as well stick with the default value: the extra efficiency up to factorlimit is negligible compared to the naive trial division that will follow. Whereas the increase in memory usage and startup time are very noticeable.

The default value is 220.


Of the form x.n, where x (conversion style) is a letter in {e,f,g}, and n (precision) is an integer; this affects the way real numbers are printed:

* If the conversion style is e, real numbers are printed in scientific format, always with an explicit exponent, e.g. 3.3 E-5.

* In style f, real numbers are generally printed in fixed floating point format without exponent, e.g. 0.000033. A large real number, whose integer part is not well defined (not enough significant digits), is printed in style e. For instance 10.^100 known to ten significant digits is always printed in style e.

* In style g, nonzero real numbers are printed in f format, except when their decimal exponent is < -4, in which case they are printed in e format. Real zeroes (of arbitrary exponent) are printed in e format.

The precision n is the number of significant digits printed for real numbers, except if n < 0 where all the significant digits will be printed (initial default is 38 decimal digits). For more powerful formatting possibilities, see printf and strprintf.

The default value is "g.38".


A vector of colors, to be used by hi-res graphing routines. Its length is arbitrary, but it must contain at least 3 entries: the first 3 colors are used for background, frame/ticks and axes respectively. All colors in the colormap may be freely used in plotcolor calls.

A color is either given as in the default by character strings or by an RGB code. For valid color names, see the standard rgb.txt file in X11 distributions, where we restrict to lowercase letters and remove all whitespace from color names. An RGB code is a vector with 3 integer entries between 0 and 255 or a # followed by 6 hexadecimal digits. For instance [250, 235, 215], "#faebd7" and "antiquewhite" all represent the same color.

The default value is ["white", "black", "blue", "violetred", "red", "green", "grey", "gainsboro"].

The colormap elements can not be changed individually as in a vector (you must either leave the colormap alone or change it globally). All color functions allow you either to hardcode a color given its descriptive name or RGB code, or to use a relative color scheme by changing the colormap and referring to an index in that table: for historical and compatibility reasons, the indexing is 0-based (as in C) and not 1-based as would be expected in a GP vector. This means that the index 0 in the default colormap represents "white", 1 is "black", and so on.


Entries in the graphcolormap that will be used to plot multi-curves. The successive curves are drawn in colors whose index in graphcolormap are the non-negative integers

graphcolors[1], graphcolors[2],...

cycling when the graphcolors list is exhausted. Beware that for historical and compatibility reasons, graphcolormap is 0-based.

The default value is [4,5]. With factory settings for graphcolormap, this corresponds to "red" then "green".


Name of the external help program to use from within gp when extended help is invoked, usually through a ?? or ??? request (see Section se:exthelp), or M-H under readline (see Section se:readline).

Windows-specific note. On Windows operating systems, if the first character of help is @, it is replaced by "the directory where the gp binary is installed".

The default value is the path to the gphelp script we install.


Name of a file where gp will keep a history of all input commands (results are omitted). If this file exists when the value of histfile changes, it is read in and becomes part of the session history. Thus, setting this default in your gprc saves your readline history between sessions. Setting this default to the empty string "" changes it to < undefined > . Note that, by default, the number of history entries saved is not limited: set history-size in readline's .inputrc to limit the file size.

The default value is < undefined > (no history file).


gp keeps a history of the last histsize results computed so far, which you can recover using the % notation (see Section se:history). When this number is exceeded, the oldest values are erased. Tampering with this default is the only way to get rid of the ones you do not need anymore.

The default value is 5000.


If set to a positive value, gp prints at most that many lines from each result, terminating the last line shown with [+++] if further material has been suppressed. The various print commands (see Section se:gp_program) are unaffected, so you can always type print(%) or \a to view the full result. If the actual screen width cannot be determined, a "line" is assumed to be 80 characters long.

The default value is 0.


If set to a positive value, gp wraps every single line after printing that many characters.

The default value is 0 (unset).


This can be either 0 (off) or 1, 2, 3 (on, see below for the various modes). When logging mode is turned on, gp opens a log file, whose exact name is determined by the logfile default. Subsequently, all the commands and results will be written to that file (see \l). In case a file with this precise name already existed, it will not be erased: your data will be appended at the end.

The specific positive values of log have the following meaning

1: plain logfile

2: emit color codes to the logfile (if colors is set).

3: write LaTeX output to the logfile (can be further customized using TeXstyle).

The default value is 0.

Note. Logging starts as soon as log is set to a nonzero value. In particular, when log is set in gprc, warnings and errors triggered from the rest of the file will be written in the logfile. For instance, on clean startup, the logfile will start by Done. (from the Reading GPRC:...Done. diagnostic printed when starting gp), then the gp header and prompt.


Name of the log file to be used when the log toggle is on. Environment and time expansion are performed.

The default value is "pari.log".


This default is specific to the parallel version of PARI and gp (built via Configure --mt = pthread or mpi) and is ignored otherwise. In parallel mode, it governs the number of threads to use for parallel computing. The exact meaning and default value depend on the mt engine used:

* single: not used (always a single thread).

* pthread: number of threads (unlimited, default: number of cores)

* mpi: number of MPI processes to use (limited to the number allocated by mpirun, default: use all allocated processes).

See also threadsize and threadsizemax.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, the polgalois command will use a different, more consistent, naming scheme for Galois groups. This default is provided to ensure that scripts can control this behavior and do not break unexpectedly.

The default value is 0. This value will change to 1 (set) in the next major version.


There are three possible values: 0 ( =  raw), 1 ( =  prettymatrix), or 3 ( =  external prettyprint). This means that, independently of the default format for reals which we explained above, you can print results in three ways:

* raw format, i.e. a format which is equivalent to what you input, including explicit multiplication signs, and everything typed on a line instead of two dimensional boxes. This can have several advantages, for instance it allows you to pick the result with a mouse or an editor, and to paste it somewhere else.

* prettymatrix format: this is identical to raw format, except that matrices are printed as boxes instead of horizontally. This is prettier, but takes more space and cannot be used for input. Column vectors are still printed horizontally.

* external prettyprint: pipes all gp output in TeX format to an external prettyprinter, according to the value of prettyprinter. The default script (tex2mail) converts its input to readable two-dimensional text.

Independently of the setting of this default, an object can be printed in any of the three formats at any time using the commands \a and \m and \B respectively.

The default value is 1 (prettymatrix).


gp, and in fact any program using the PARI library, needs a stack in which to do its computations; parisize is the stack size, in bytes. It is recommended to increase this default using a gprc, to the value you believe PARI should be happy with, given your typical computation. We strongly recommend to also set parisizemax to a much larger value in your gprc, about what you believe your machine can stand: PARI will then try to fit its computations within about parisize bytes, but will increase the stack size if needed (up to parisizemax). PARI will restore the stack size to the originally requested parisize once we get back to the user's prompt.

If parisizemax is unset, this command has a very unintuitive behaviour since it must abort pending operations, see ??allocatemem.

The default value is 8M.


gp, and in fact any program using the PARI library, needs a stack in which to do its computations. If nonzero, parisizemax is the maximum size the stack can grow to, in bytes. If zero, the stack will not automatically grow, and will be limited to the value of parisize.

When parisizemax is set, PARI tries to fit its computations within about parisize bytes, but will increase the stack size if needed, roughly doubling it each time (up to parisizemax of course!) and printing a message such as Warning: increasing stack size to some value. Once the memory intensive computation is over, PARI will restore the stack size to the originally requested parisize without printing further messages.

We strongly recommend to set parisizemax permanently to a large nonzero value in your gprc, about what you believe your machine can stand. It is possible to increase or decrease parisizemax inside a running gp session, just use default as usual.

The default value is 0, for backward compatibility reasons.


This is a list of directories, separated by colons ':' (semicolons ';' in the DOS world, since colons are preempted for drive names). When asked to read a file whose name is not given by an absolute path (does not start with /, ./ or ../), gp will look for it in these directories, in the order they were written in path. Here, as usual, . means the current directory, and .. its immediate parent. Environment expansion is performed.

The default value is ".:~:~/gp" on UNIX systems, ".;C:\;C:\GP" on DOS, OS/2 and Windows, and "." otherwise.


If the graphic driver allows it, the array contains the size of the terminal, the size of the font, the size of the ticks.


The name of an external prettyprinter to use when output is 3 (alternate prettyprinter). Note that the default tex2mail looks much nicer than the built-in "beautified format" (output = 2).

The default value is "tex2mail -TeX -noindent -ragged -by_par".


gp precomputes a list of all primes less than primelimit at initialization time, and can build fast sieves on demand to quickly iterate over primes up to the square of primelimit. These are used by functions looping over consecutive small primes. A related default is factorlimit, setting an upper bound for the small primes that can be quickly detected through fast trial division; you can still trial divide far above factorlimit, through factor(N, B) with large B but a slow algorithm will be used above factorlimit. If primelimit is set to a lower value than factorlimit, it is silently increased to match factorlimit.

The default value is 220. Since almost all arithmetic functions eventually require some table of prime numbers, PARI guarantees that the first 6547 primes, up to and including 65557 = 216 + 21, are precomputed, even if primelimit is 1.

A value of 232 allows to quickly iterate over consecutive primes up to 264, and is the upper range of what is generally useful. (Allow for a startup time of about 6 seconds.) On the other hand, factorlimit is more expensive: it must build a product tree of all primes up to the bound, which can considerably increase startup time. A factorlimit of 232 will increase startup time to about 5 minutes; and is only useful if you intend to call factor(N, D) many times with values of D about 232 or 233.

This default is only used on startup: changing it will not recompute a new table. Here are sample timings for startup using increasing values of primelimit:

  2^20:      40 ms
  2^23:     230 ms
  2^26:   2,410 ms
  2^29:  27,240 ms
  2^32: 293,660 ms

Deprecated feature. factorlimit was used in some situations by algebraic number theory functions using the nf_PARTIALFACT flag (nfbasis, nfdisc, nfinit,...): this assumes that all primes p > factorlimit have a certain property (the equation order is p-maximal). This is never done by default, and must be explicitly set by the user of such functions. Nevertheless, these functions now provide a more flexible interface, and their use of the global default factorlimit is deprecated.

Deprecated feature. factor(N, 0) is used to partially factor integers by removing all prime factors ≤ factorlimit. Don't use this, supply an explicit bound: factor(N, bound), which avoids relying on an unpredictable global variable.

The default value is 220 = 1048576.


A string that will be printed as prompt. Note that most usual escape sequences are available there: \e for Esc, \n for Newline,..., \\ for \. Time expansion is performed.

This string is sent through the library function strftime (on a Unix system, you can try man strftime at your shell prompt). This means that % constructs have a special meaning, usually related to the time and date. For instance, %H = hour (24-hour clock) and %M = minute [00,59] (use %% to get a real %).

If you use readline, escape sequences in your prompt will result in display bugs. If you have a relatively recent readline (see the comment at the end of Section se:def,colors), you can brace them with special sequences (\[ and \]), and you will be safe. If these just result in extra spaces in your prompt, then you'll have to get a more recent readline. See the file misc/gprc.dft for an example.

S< >Caution: PariEmacs needs to know about the prompt pattern to separate your input from previous gp results, without ambiguity. It is not a trivial problem to adapt automatically this regular expression to an arbitrary prompt (which can be self-modifying!). See PariEmacs's documentation.

The default value is "? ".


A string that will be printed to prompt for continuation lines (e.g. in between braces, or after a line-terminating backslash). Everything that applies to prompt applies to prompt_cont as well.

The default value is "".


This default is obsolete, use one of plotexport, plothexport or plothrawexport functions and write the result to file.


Switches readline line-editing facilities on and off. This may be useful if you are running gp in a Sun cmdtool, which interacts badly with readline. Of course, until readline is switched on again, advanced editing features like automatic completion and editing history are not available.

The default value is 1.


The number of significant bits used to convert exact inputs given to transcendental functions (see Section se:trans), or to create absolute floating point constants (input as 1.0 or Pi for instance). Unless you tamper with the format default, this is also the number of significant bits used to print a t_REAL number; format will override this latter behavior, and allow you to have a large internal precision while outputting few digits for instance.

Note that most PARI's functions currently handle precision on a word basis (by increments of 32 or 64 bits), hence bit precision may be a little larger than the number of bits you expected. For instance to get 10 bits of precision, you need one word of precision which, on a 64-bit machine, correspond to 64 bits. To make things even more confusing, this internal bit accuracy is converted to decimal digits when printing floating point numbers: now 64 bits correspond to 19 printed decimal digits (19 < log10(264) < 20).

The value returned when typing default(realbitprecision) is the internal number of significant bits, not the number of printed decimal digits:

  ? default(realbitprecision, 10)
  ? \pb
        realbitprecision = 64 significant bits
  ? default(realbitprecision)
  %1 = 64
  ? \p
        realprecision = 3 significant digits
  ? default(realprecision)
  %2 = 19

Note that realprecision and \p allow to view and manipulate the internal precision in decimal digits.

The default value is 128 bits.


The number of significant digits used to convert exact inputs given to transcendental functions (see Section se:trans), or to create absolute floating point constants (input as 1.0 or Pi for instance). Unless you tamper with the format default, this is also the number of significant digits used to print a t_REAL number; format will override this latter behavior, and allow you to have a large internal precision while outputting few digits for instance.

Note that PARI's internal precision works on a word basis (by increments of 32 or 64 bits), hence may be a little larger than the number of decimal digits you expected. For instance to get 2 decimal digits you need one word of precision which, on a 64-bit machine, actually gives you 19 digits (19 < log10(264) < 20). The value returned when typing default(realprecision) is the internal number of significant digits, not the number of printed digits:

  ? default(realprecision, 2)
        realprecision = 19 significant digits (2 digits displayed)
  ? default(realprecision)
  %1 = 19

The default value is 38 decimal digits.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If you change this to 0, any error becomes fatal and causes the gp interpreter to exit immediately. Can be useful in batch job scripts.

The default value is 1.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, the system and extern command are disabled. These two commands are potentially dangerous when you execute foreign scripts since they let gp execute arbitrary UNIX commands. gp will ask for confirmation before letting you (or a script) unset this toggle.

The default value is 0.


Number of significant terms when converting a polynomial or rational function to a power series (see \ps).

The default value is 16.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). When the PARI library computes something, the type of the result is not always the simplest possible. The only type conversions which the PARI library does automatically are rational numbers to integers (when they are of type t_FRAC and equal to integers), and similarly rational functions to polynomials (when they are of type t_RFRAC and equal to polynomials). This feature is useful in many cases, and saves time, but can be annoying at times. Hence you can disable this and, whenever you feel like it, use the function simplify (see Chapter 3) which allows you to simplify objects to the simplest possible types recursively (see \y).

The default value is 1.


This is a list of directories, separated by colons ':' (semicolons ';' in the DOS world, since colons are preempted for drive names). When asked to install an external symbol from a shared library whose name is not given by an absolute path (does not start with /, ./ or ../), gp will look for it in these directories, in the order they were written in sopath. Here, as usual, . means the current directory, and .. its immediate parent. Environment expansion is performed.

The default value is "", corresponding to an empty list of directories: install will use the library name as input (and look in the current directory if the name is not an absolute path).


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, all arguments to new user functions are mandatory unless the function supplies an explicit default value. Otherwise arguments have the default value 0.

In this example,


a is mandatory, while b is optional. If strictargs is on:

  ? fun()
   ***   at top-level: fun()
   ***                 ^ — --
   ***   in function fun: a,b=2
   ***                    ^ — --
   ***   missing mandatory argument 'a' in user function.

This applies to functions defined while strictargs is on. Changing strictargs does not affect the behavior of previously defined functions.

The default value is 0.


Obsolete. This toggle is now a no-op.


This default is specific to the parallel version of PARI and gp (built via Configure --mt = pthread or mpi) and is ignored otherwise. In parallel mode, each thread allocates its own private stack for its computations, see parisize. This value determines the size in bytes of the stacks of each thread, so the total memory allocated will be parisize+nbthreads x threadsize.

If set to 0, the value used is the same as parisize. It is not easy to estimate reliably a sufficient value for this parameter because PARI itself will parallelize computations and we recommend to not set this value explicitly unless it solves a specific problem for you. For instance if you see frequent messages of the form

   *** Warning: not enough memory, new thread stack 10000002048

(Meaning that threadsize had to be temporarily increased.) On the other hand we strongly recommend to set parisizemax and threadsizemax to a nonzero value.

The default value is 0.


This default is specific to the parallel version of PARI and gp (built via Configure --mt = pthread or mpi) and is ignored otherwise. In parallel mode, each threads allocates its own private stack for its computations, see parisize and parisizemax. The values of threadsize and threadsizemax determine the usual and maximal size in bytes of the stacks of each thread, so the total memory allocated will be between parisize+nbthreads x threadsize. and parisizemax+nbthreads x threadsizemax.

If set to 0, the value used is the same as threadsize. We strongy recommend to set both parisizemax and threadsizemax to a nonzero value.

The default value is 0.


This toggle is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). Every instruction sequence in the gp calculator (anything ended by a newline in your input) is timed, to some accuracy depending on the hardware and operating system. When timer is on, each such timing is printed immediately before the output as follows:

  ? factor(2^2^7+1)
  time = 108 ms.     \\ this line omitted if 'timer' is 0
  %1 =
  [     59649589127497217 1]
  [5704689200685129054721 1]

(See also # and ##.)

The time measured is the user CPU time, not including the time for printing the results. If the time is negligible ( < 1 ms.), nothing is printed: in particular, no timing should be printed when defining a user function or an alias, or installing a symbol from the library.

If you are using a parallel version of gp, the output is more complex, such as

  ? isprime( 10^300 + 331 )
  cpu time = 3,206 ms, real time = 1,289 ms. \\ omitted if 'timer' is 0
  %1 = 1

Now, real time is the wallclock time, and cpu time is the sum of the CPU times spent by the different threads.

The default value is 0 (off).