Bill Allombert on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 17:14:02 +0200

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PARI 2.16.2 beta released (prerelease for PARI 2.17.0)

Dear PARI developers,

I have released PARI 2.16.2-beta as a preview of PARI 2.17.0 that we will release
in September. Please test!

I join the provisional NEW file for PARI 2.17.0.
Please report any typo!

See <> for download.

On behalf of the PARI team,

P.S.: the changelog:

Bug numbers refer to the BTS at
Done for version 2.16.2 (released 02/08/2024):
XR   1- rare oo-loop in nfdisc [#2510]
PB   2- polcoeff(polmodular(2, 0, ffgen([7,2])^0),0).mod -> incorrect [#2533]
BA   3- rnfconductor(...,[P, B]) -> wrong result [#2534]
     4- vecsearch(t_LIST,) would raise a type error [#2535]
     5- subcycloiwasawa(x^2+87,3) -> SEGV
     6- forprimestep and variants with initial value negative [#2531]
     7- when converting a t_QFB to a vector of given length, remove discriminant
     8- \o3 [tex2mail]: support \*
     9- rnfpolredabs didn't always return a canonical model [#2538]
    10- weber(I/2+1/3,2) -> SEGV
BA  11- [mpi] setting datadir or path in .gprc caused crashes
    12- imprecise sqrtnr [#2543]
    13- idealstar(nf,id,,MOD). Need to store MOD in the structure, otherwise
        exceptions may occur [#2549]
BA  14- ellsaturation was leaking variable numbers
    15- rnfelttrace(rnf, t_POL in rnf.pol variable): wrong [#2509]
    16- rnfeltnorm(rnf, t_POL in rnf.pol variable): wrong [#2509]
    17- b=9/10; hypergeom([b+2, b], 2*b, 2/3): wrong [#2551]
    18- overflows not tested in subcycloiwasawa [#2552]
    19- randomprime([1,2], Mod(1,2)) -> 3
BA  20- b;a;gcd(Mod(1,a^2+1),Mod(1,b^2+Mod(-a,a^2+1))) -> wrong result [#2553]
    21- idealismaximal(nf, <some elt>) -> impossible inverse [#2556]
    22- polynomial coefs which are exact 0 should not be printed [#2558]
    23- f = Mod(Mod(1,3), Mod(a^2+2,3))*x^3; (1/f) * O(x^2) -> O(x^0) instead of
        Mod(Mod(0, 3), Mod(1, 3)*a^2 + Mod(2, 3))*x^-2 + O(x^-1) [#2558]
BA  24- hgmeulerfactor could return wrong result [#2557]
    25- (Mod(0,2)+O(x)) * (1+O(x)) -> Mod(0, 2)*x + O(x^2) [#2559]
BA  26- z = ffgen(11^5)^0; fflog(z, z, 1) ->SEGV [#2562]

BA   1- plotell renamed to plotarc
     2- lfun for degree 1 L-functions: use Riemann-Siegel when imag(s) is large
     3- zetahurwitz, lerchzeta: use Tyagi's method when imag(s) is large
     4- forprimestep: allow modulus not fitting in an unsigned long
     5- specify how Vec(v, n) truncates v when #v > |n|. Changes previous
        behaviour when n < 0: Vec([1,2,3], -2) -> [2,3]  (was [1,2])
        Same for Vecrev, Vecsmall, Col, and Colrev.
BA   6- allow abs(+oo), abs(-oo)
BA   7- [libpari] gp_embedded : make interface more similar to GP
BA   8- [libpari] callback cb_pari_display_hist (used by gp_embedded)
     9- [libpari] the diffptr low level interface is gone (table of difference
        of primes), replaced by a table of 32bit primes (pari_PRIMES).
        The byteptr type and following functions / macros are gone: initprimes,
        init_primepointer_geq, init_primepointer_gt, init_primepointer_leq,
        init_primepointer_lt NEXT_PRIME_VIADIFF, PREC_PRIME_VIADIFF,
    10- bnfisintnorm: add flag to return solution in factored form

BA   1- GP function mapapply
BA   2- GP function qfcholesky
BA   3- [libpari] pari_err_display, gp_display_hist, str_display_hist
     4- allow vecmin and vecmax to handle t_LIST
     5- support 'rnf' structure in nfnewprec
     6- [libpari] rnfnewprec, rnfnewprec_shallow
BA   7- [examples] gp_embedded.c, like minigp.c but using gp_embedded
     8- new GP default 'factorlimit'
XR   9- new GP function bnrstarkunit
    10- [libpari] bid_get_MOD
    11- [libpari] Z_to_famat, Q_to_famat
BA  12- new GP function hyperellordinate
BA  13- [libpari] closure_callgen0
WvW 14- new GP function qfcvp
BA  15- new GP function ellmaninconstant
BA  16- new GP function nfweilheight
BA  17- [libpari] Qp_psi
NM  18- [libpari] FlxqX_eval
    19- [libpari] Qp_zetahurwitz
    20- [libpari] PRIMES_search
HC  21- psi: support for derivative and t_PADIC
    22- [libpari] ZM2_sqr
BA  23- [libpari] FpXQX_roots_mult
BA  24- [libpari] ZXX_pvalrem, ZXV_pvalrem
BA  25- [libpari] pari_breakloop

This file highlights some of the novelties in PARI/GP 2.17 compared to
latest stable branch 2.15.*. The detailed Changelog is in CHANGES.
Incompatible changes are described in COMPAT.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VERSION 2.17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

[The GP language]
  - A few default values have been changed to take into account modern hardware
    (compared to the 1990s) and unified over 32bit and 64bit architectures:
      default 'parisize' is now 8M on all architectures
      default 'realprecision' is now 38 on all architectures
      default 'realbitprecision' is now 128 on all architectures
      default 'primelimit' is now 2^20 [instead of 500000]
    Now support kB or KB, MB, GB and TB as units for memory sizes (2^10, 2^20,
    2^30 and 2^40 bytes); in addition to the existing k or K, M, G and T (10^3,
    10^6, 10^9, 10^12 bytes).

  - New GP default 'factorlimit' (default value is 2^20, which is the default
    primelimit), allowing fast trial division by all primes up to that bound.
    See ??factorlimit for details and examples. Be careful with this one: it
    involves a precomputation on startup, which is not noticeable for the
    default value of 2^20, but requires 5 minutes when the value is increased
    to 2^32.

will require a few seconds a value

  - forvec: a new syntax is availabe to loop over representatives (with
    non-negative entries) of Z^n / v Z^n, where v is a vector of non-negative
    integers. This allows to iterate over elements of an abelian group using
    its .cyc vector.

  - New GP function mapapply, see ??mapapply for usecases

  - New GP function parforstep

[Lattices and Quadratic Forms]
  - New GP function qfcvp for Closest Vector Problems (related to the existing
    qfminim which handles Smallest Vector Problems)

  - New GP function qfcholesky

  - New recursive implementation of the qflll and qflllgram functions
    using the FLATTER reduction algorithm of N. Heninger and K. Ryan.

  - Allow qfsolve([Q, F]) where F is the factorization of disc(Q).

  - Allow Qfb(a*x^2 + b*x + c) and Qfb([a,b0; b1,c]) to input t_QFB a binary
    quadratic form.

[Elementary Number Theory]
  - forprimestep: allow arbitrary modulus (was limited to 2^64)

  - Dirichlet characters: allow t_INTMOD Mod(m,N) as a Conrey label for the
    character m mod N in all functions (expecting Dirichlet characters).

[Elliptic Curves and Curves of Higher Genus]
  - New GP function ellisisom: test whether two curves defined over the same
    base field are isomorphic and if so return the change of coordinates. The
    current implementation only supports number fields.

  - New GP function elliscm: tests whether an elliptic curve defined over
    a number field has CM; if so, return the discriminant of its endomorphism

  - New GP function ellsupersingularj(p): p being a prime number return a
    random supersingular j-invariant defined over F_{p^2}; also allow p to
    be a t_FFELT in which case the j-invariant is defined over the field of
    definition of p. The random distribution is close to uniform except when
    0 or 1728 are supersingular j-invariants (those are less likely).

  - New GP function polisclass(P): P being a monic irreducible polynomial in
    Z[X], return the discriminant D < 0 such that P = polclass(D) when P is
    a class polynomial for the j-invariant. Otherwise return 0.

  - New GP function ellmaninconstant, returns the Manin constant of a
    rational elliptic curve or isogeny class (from ellisomat). The algorithm
    is slow but unconditional.

  - New GP function hyperellordinate(H, x) return the y-coordinates of all
    affine points on the hyperelliptic curve H avec x as x-coordinate.

  - New GP function genus2igusa(H): returns the Igusa invariants
    [J2,J4,J6,J8,J10] of the hyperelliptic curve H of genus 2 (defined over a
    field of characteristic different from 2). An optional flag
    allows to compute a single invariant.

  - ellisomat: when E/nf has CM by an quadratic order included in nf,
    return the discriminant of the order instead of an error

  - dirpowerssum: allow functions with t_VEC output; add optional flag 'both' 
    to simultaneously compute sum f(n) n^s and sum \bar{f}(n) n^(-1-s)

  - lfun for degree 1 L-functions (zeta and Dirichlet L-functions) at complex
    s = c + I * t : use O(sqrt(|t|)) Riemann-Siegel formula instead
    of O(t) Euler-Maclaurin. Values of |t| up to 10^16 or so become feasible
    in about 1 minute, where Euler-Maclaurin ran out of stack after hours of

    ? zeta(1/2 + 10^12*I) \\ a few hours before running out of stack in 2.15
    time = 311 ms.
    %1 = 2.87796... - 3.20677...*I

    ? zeta(1/2+10^14*I)
    time = 2,564 ms.
    %2 = 7.33484... + 3.24237...*I

    ? zeta(1/2+10^16*I)
    time = 22,097 ms.
    %3 = 0.404494... + 3.67403...*I

    ? lfun(-4, 1/2+10^10*I) \\ Dirichlet L-function for quadratic char (-4/n)
    time = 85 ms.
    %4 = 0.0012889... + 0.006625758...*I

    ? lfun(Mod(2,23), 1/2+10^10*I) \\ General character, Conrey notation
    time = 197 ms.
    %5 = 0.0327006... + 0.1640295...*I

  Same for zetahurwitz and lerchzeta: use Tyagi's method when |t| is large

  - allow lfuncreate([bnr, subg]) to (efficiently) describe Dedekind zeta for
    an Abelian number field

[Number Fields and Central Simple Algebras]
  - faster qfbsolve when RHS is prime and disc < 0 (use qfbcornacchia whenever

  - bnfisintnorm: allow returning the results in factored form which helps 
    a lot when fundamental units are huge, see example in ??bnfisintnorm

  - rnfnewprec: also support 'rnf' structures from rnfinit

  - alginit: optional flag supports new values (was used to avoid computing
    a maximal order; now also allows to use lazy factorization of
    discriminants producing an order which is maximal at the known prime

  - New GP function bnrstarkunit: returns the characteristic polynomial of
    the (conjectural) Stark unit used in the bnrstark() function to construct
    class fields of totally real bases.

  - New GP function nfweilheight to compute the absolute logarithmic Weil
    height of an element in P^n(K), where K is a number field.

[Transcendental functions]
  - allow erfc(t_SER).

  - add an optional argument to psi() to compute derivatives and
    allow psi(t_PADIC).

  - allow hypergeom(N,D,t_PADIC).

  - allow n# for the primorial of n (product of primes <= n)

  - allow vecmin and vecmax to handle t_LIST inputs

  - allow abs(+oo), abs(-oo)  (= +oo)

  - allow fromdigits(t_COL or t_VECSMALL, B)

  - digits: also support negative bases (but stick with non-negative digits).

  - New GP function polfromroots

  - New GP function plotarc(w, x2, y2): draw an ellipse (possibly filled)
    that fits in a box defined by current cursor position and point (x2,y2)

  - new riscv64 assembly kernel.


0) Obsoleted functions and interfaces:
  - Qt4 graphing engine is no longer supported

  - removed lfunabelianrelinit. Use lfunfinit([bnr, subgroup]) instead.

  - [libpari] t_SER type: valser, evalvalser, setvalser need to be used instead
    of valp, evalvalp, setvalp (which become specific to p-adic numbers)

  - [libpari] the diffptr low level interface is gone (table of difference
    of primes), replaced by a table of 32bit primes (pari_PRIMES).
    The byteptr type and following functions / macros are gone: initprimes,
    init_primepointer_geq, init_primepointer_gt, init_primepointer_leq,
    init_primepointer_lt NEXT_PRIME_VIADIFF, PREC_PRIME_VIADIFF,

1) Output changes:
  - specify how Vec(v, n) truncates v when #v > |n|. Changes previous
    behaviour when n < 0: Vec([1,2,3], -2) -> [2,3]  (was [1,2])
    Same for Vecrev, Vecsmall, Col, and Colrev.

  - changed qfbred to use the same (standard) normalization as qfbredsl2 in
    all cases (was different for real forms)

  - binomial(negative t_INT, t_INT): use D. Loeb's definition which ensures
    (a + b)^n = sum_{k >= 0} binomial(n, k) a^(n-k) b^k for all complex
    numbers a, b, n with |b| < |a|. Beware that this extension is
    incompatible with the other traditional extension binomial(n, k) := 0
    if k < 0.

  - printf: numerical conversions now also apply (recursively) to complex

2) Input changes:
  - [libpari] major change in libpari's handling of "transcendental"
    functions: 'prec' arguments now represent a number of significant 'bits'
    (instead of an 'lg' counting words). Programs written using the proper
    interface (prec2nbits/nbits2prec macros and constants such as DEFAULTPREC)
    should not need an update.

    On the other hand, low-level code comparing directly 'lg' and 'prec'
    operands or using hardcoded precision (such as '3' as in a [deprecated
    for 20 years] cgetr(3) initialization) must be updated (a priori using new
    macros prec2lg / lg2prec and proper symbolic constants).