# Previous Ateliers: [2015 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202015), [2016 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202016), [2017 (Lyon)](Atelier%202017) [2017b (Clermont-Ferrand)](Atelier%202017b) [2017c (Oujda)](Atelier%202017c) [2018 (Besançon)](Atelier%202018) [2018b (Roma)](Atelier%202018b) [2019 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202019) [2019b (Roma)](Atelier%202019b) [2020 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202020) [2021b (Oujda)](Atelier%202021b) [2022 (Besançon)](Atelier%202022) [2023 (CIRM)](Atelier%202023) # [Welcome to Atelier PARI/GP 2024 (Lyon)](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Events/PARI2024/) [Doctesting](doc2024) ## Tasks - François: modular abelian varieties, Q-curves associated to newforms, twists between modular forms - Bernadette: algebraic number theory, eigenvalues over number fields (nfmateigen), tutorials - Fabrice: fast computation of class groups, rnf - Pierrick: doctesting - Arthur: tutorials, quadratic forms - Wessel: CVP, lattice reduction - Jean: Picard group of curves, coverings of curves - Nicolas: algebraic curves libpari - Andreas: partial ECPP certificates, class polynomials by CRT - Olivier: lattices, orbits of a subgroup of GL_n(F_2) on F_2^n - Sophie: tutorials algebraic number theory, finite fields, doctesting, Hilbert matrices - Rob: curves of low genus or hyperell, p-adic extensions - Pascal: mf package (bug), Sn and An Galois groups (polgalois) - Henri: Riemann-Siegel formula (now in master, including Lerch and Hurwitz but some bugs), continued fractions, Monsky's mock Heegner points - Abbas -> Shazzad (orthographe?): tutorials - Benjamin: central simple algebras / quaternion algebras (revewed libpari code) - Alice: tutorials (on lattices and norm relations) (read GP code from other people) - Leo: p-adic field extensions, more p-adic field extensions - Francesco: factorisation and resultants of polynomials, Groebner bases, discriminants of number fields - Thibaut, Denis: basic GP, 2-descent on hyperelliptic curves, reading code - Denis: mathnf(,4), round 2 algorithm - Mickaël: central simple algebras (splitting problem, study Ivanyos algorithm), bugs - Marine: doctesting - Xavier: debugging (fixed!) - Jean-Robert: abelian fields, doctesting, tutorials - Ayoub: capitulation problems, basics of GP - Rafik: tutorials, abelian groups - Trieu Thu Ha: L-function tutorial - Bill: helping around, slides, exceptionnal weight 1 modular forms - Aurel: helping around, (lattice algorithms), p-adic extensions, slides - Karim: helping around, debugging (lFUN) ## Future projects - qfauto using roots (Olivier) - Cvr package (Nicolas) - inner twists of mf (François) - norm relations (Aurel, Fabrice) - higher-dimensional isogenies (Pierrick) - mod p mf (Baptiste) - quaternion algebras functionalities from SQISign (Benjamin) - splitting of algebras (Mickaël, Aurel) - p-adic fields (Leo, Rob, Aurel) ## Feature requests - foreach(L,[a,b],...) - export coprime factorisation, cf ?? "Coprime factorization"@ factorcoprime coprimepart - interface gcharidentify with prec argument (like lindep) - gchar: algebraic characters with algebraic evaluation: one char, one field per modulus, one field (+cyclotomic) per bnf, p-adic evaluation. - gchar: change of field (two directions) - gchareval: how to obtain the chosen uniformiser? / evaluating the local character at a p-adic place (nfeltval + ideallog) gcharlocaleval? - courbe ell CM -> gchar - nfiscm (if the cm involution exists then you know it in all the embeddings so you can reconstruct it) - give a starting non-maximal order to nfinit