Revision 358e151dfea06c47b001430ac49b338d07d4e8f3 (click the page title to view the current version)

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Changes from 358e151dfea06c47b001430ac49b338d07d4e8f3 to b8b07330ed09b0ea66d686ce04bde7c9e46793a6

# Previous Ateliers:
[2015 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202015), 
[2016 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202016),
[2017 (Lyon)](Atelier%202017)
[2017b (Clermont-Ferrand)](Atelier%202017b)
[2017c (Oujda)](Atelier%202017c)
[2018 (Besançon)](Atelier%202018)

# [Welcome to Atelier PARI/GP 2018b (Roma)](

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# OS 

## Windows
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## Macos

## Linux

# Experience with PARI/GP
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## Beginner

## Know how to write a GP program or function
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## Have a computational project with PARI/GP
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
# Proposed topics

## GP programming
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
## algebraic number theory
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## class field theory
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## elliptic curves cryptography

## elliptiques curves over number fields
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
## L-functions
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI
Abdelaziz EL HABIBI Zouhair BOUGHADI
## modular forms

## numerical summations and integrations

## parallel computing with GP