Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - nflist.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29877-9124a6ce27) Lines: 3110 3230 96.3 %
Date: 2025-01-18 09:08:44 Functions: 316 323 97.8 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
makeCLall 0
polsubcycloC2 0
polsubcycloC2_i 0
polsubcycloC6 0
polsubcycloC6_i 0
veccond_to_A5 0
vecsliceA5cond 0
makeA56 7
makeA56resolvent 7
makeA5cond 7
makeV4pairssimple 7
polsubcycloC3 7
polsubcycloC3_i 7
polsubcycloC5 7
makeA5 14
makeC2resolvent 14
makeC32D4resolvent 14
makeC3resolvent 14
makeC4resolvent 14
makeD612resolvent 14
makeD9resolvent 14
makeS32resolvent 14
makeS3resolvent 14
nfmakesomehard 14
vecs14 14
vecsliceA5 14
condrel_dummy 21
divispowerall 21
divissquare 21
makeA5_i 21
makeC1resolvent 21
makeC3C3resolvent 21
makeS36resolvent 21
makeV4pairs 21
makeV4resolvent 21
okgal2 21
gceilsqrtdiv 28
group_add_elt 28
makeA4S4resolvent 28
makeC1vec 28
makeC32C4resolvent 28
makeC6resolvent 28
makepol6abs 28
mybnrclassfield_N 28
polsubcycloV4_i 28
makeA5condvec 35
makeDLresolvent 35
makeMgenresolvent 35
nfY 35
parselectS36 35
makeC32D4vec 42
makeC5vec 42
makeS32vec 42
makeS3C3vec 42
makeS46Mvec 42
makeV4vec 42
divissquareall 49
doC32C4 49
makeA4 49
makeA46 49
makeA462 49
makeA462vec 49
makeA4_i 49
makeC32C4vec 49
makeC32D4 49
makeC3C3 49
makeC3C3vec 49
makeC5 49
makeC9vec 49
makeCLresolvent 49
makeD612vec 49
makeD9vec 49
makeS32 49
makeS36vec 49
makeS3C3 49
makeS462 49
makeS46P 49
makeV4 49
C5bnf 56
arch3 56
makeA56vec 56
makeC32C4 56
makeC32C4_i 56
makeC9 56
makeD612 56
makeS462vec 56
makeS46M 56
arch1 63
arch1g 63
arch2 63
arch2g 63
gal_get_order 63
makeA56vec_i 63
makeC1 63
makeD9 63
makeS36 63
mynfsubfields 63
polsubcycloC4 63
vecs 70
extractS3cond 77
makeC3 77
makeS32common 77
makeS4 77
makeS4_i 77
nflist_C9_worker 77
ceilsqrtndiv 84
makeD4vec 84
archA462 91
gets2s3 91
makeA46S46Pvec 91
makeA4S4vec 91
makeC6vec 91
archS4621 98
archS4623 98
makeA5vec 98
makeCL_f 98
ZX_red_disc 105
makeC6 105
makeCL 105
minlim 105
condrelresolvent 112
lcmiu 112
makeC3_i 112
mullist2 112
arch0 126
decp 126
makeMgen 126
makepolC3 126
makeA5vec_i 133
makeC2 133
makeC4vec 133
makeC4vec_i 133
makeMgenvec 140
A5vec 154
makeD4 154
polsubcyclofast 154
polsubcyclofast_i 154
makeC2vec 161
nfmakesome 168
archD40 175
archD41 175
cubicimag 175
nflist_A462_worker 175
archD42 182
C3vec 189
ceilsqrt 189
floorsqrt 189
condrel 196
cubicreal 203
bnrcfC9 210
condrel_i 210
zvV_to_ZXV 210
makeC3vec 217
mynfsubfield 217
C3vec_F 224
nflist_C3C3_worker 224
getarchD4 238
makeCLvec 238
ceilsqrtn 245
nflist_S46M_worker 252
A5file 273
nflistfile 273
vecsliceA5all 273
vecslicebyX 273
Sextract 280
P2Nfa 294
makeC3_f 322
sum2sq 329
makeS46Ppols 343
checkcondC3 357
divisorsdisc 392
nflist_S3C3_worker 413
C5cleanB 427
checkfield 427
nflist_S3R_worker 427
sceilsqrtn 427
nfresolvent_small 441
MgenF 462
prMconj 462
nfresolvent 525
nfresolvent_i 525
makepolS32 560
doA4S4 637
glco46M 637
makeS46Mpols 637
makeC4 644
cmp2 700
A4clean3 707
ok_s 721
divisorsabsdisc 735
ZX_red_disc2 749
nflist_D612_worker 784
C3pol_f 861
nflist_C6_worker 867
nflist_A46S46P_worker 882
ok_disc 917
getpol 952
nflist_S462_worker 959
nflist_S3I_worker 1028
okfield 1036
divisorsdisc_i 1127
nflist_C32C4_worker 1132
gceilsqrtn 1162
makeDLvec 1211
nonabelianfilter 1260
cyclicprimegen 1288
makeS3vec 1316
cored 1358
makeDL 1428
nflist_D9_worker 1532
floorsqrtndiv 1617
lcmuu 1680
ok_intu 1792
C5prim 1820
makepolC5 1820
X2m 1883
nfmakevecnum 1904
nfmakenum 1995
nflist_C4vec_worker 2244
C4vec 2251
grouptranslate 2310
okgal1 2380
fa_is_fundamental_pm 2450
cyclicgalois 2632
isprM 2653
nflist_Mgen_worker 2806
checkfield_i 2814
getpell 2849
nflist_parapply 2905
okgal 2912
sturmseparate 2919
doC32C4_i 2961
floorsqrtn 3318
fund_pm 3493
isok3 3626
nflist_D4_worker 3700
nflist_C5_worker 3945
polsubcycloC5_i 3993
checkcondCL 4091
nflist_C3_worker 4164
issquareclass 4172
makeA5resolvent 4221
stable_arch 4515
Y2m 4910
nflist_V4_worker 5023
ufund_pm 5241
ceildiv 5699
cycfindaut 5894
group_nTk 6111
X2p 6299
checkcondell_i 6317
ideallistsquare 6425
nflist_DL_worker 6433
ceilsqrtdiv 7170
Pell2prfa 7224
nflist_S32_worker 7467
usum2sq 7857
P2fa 7994
nflist 8421
makepol6 8497
C6fill 8699
checkcondDL 10436
cubictypedec 11396
nflist_CL_worker 11406
RgXV_polred 11415
bnf_get_disc 12229
pol2s 12635
nflist_S36_worker 14716
bnfY 20198
doA462 20251
nflist_A4S4_worker 22701
nflist_A4S4_worker_i 22714
makepolC4 23617
S4_get_disc 23848
makevunits 23967
eltlist2 23968
makeGid 23968
cyc_is_trivial 25290
C32D4pol 25291
divide 27129
nflist_C32D4_worker 27269
bigdisc 27283
oddnorm 27414
C4qfbsolve 27638
polsubC4_D 27639
_nfsubfields1 28466
_nfsubfields 31686
idlist 34362
RgVV_nb 34363
S4makeidclass 35021
floorsqrtdiv 35978
gtoset_shallow 36134
gfloorsqrtdiv 38228
S4makeid 40425
zv_is_1 41461
A4S4_fa 41594
makeA4S4 41944
aut2 42238
ZV_is_1 45724
myshallowconcat1 57503
quadcubpow 57627
r2 58330
polsubcycloC4_i 60085
S4data 65793
checkS4data 65793
ZV_iseven 110110
issolvable 110131
to_principal_unit 110135
mybnrclassfield 145268
authI 177327
polD4onecond 177330
mybnrclassfield_X 184633
polV4 223578
is_fundamental_pm 303674
uC3pol_f 414904
ok_int 567496
nfcoredisc2 629202
nfcoredisc 644756
uis_fundamental_pm 683756
uis_fundamental_pm_i 693362
checkU 1088751
sfloordiv 1180833
sceildiv 2142750

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16