Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - Qfb.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.16.2 lcov report (development 29419-8afb0ed749) Lines: 1102 1224 90.0 %
Date: 2024-07-02 09:03:41 Functions: 131 140 93.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
qfb_1 0
qfbcompraw_i 0
qfisolvep 0
qfr3_1 0
qfr3_powraw 0
qfr5_1 0
qfr_1_fill 0
qfrsolvep 0
quadgen 0
_qfimulraw 7
_qfisqrraw 7
qfbinv 7
qfipowraw 7
qfr5_powraw 7
qfrinvraw 7
rhoimag 7
qfrpowraw 14
qfbpowraw 21
qfr5_pow 21
qfr_1 35
qfr_disc 35
qfrsqr0 35
qfbred_real 63
qfb_comp_gen 84
qfrpow 112
qfr5_init 140
qfr3_init 371
qfbred_real_basecase_i 427
qfbred_real_i 427
qfrcomp0 441
qfr5_to_qfr 483
quadgen0 560
nupow 1008
quadpoly0 1036
quadpoly 2044
check_quaddisc_imag 2170
qfr_data_init 2170
qfbcompraw 2198
qfr3_pow 4557
mul_nucomp 4739
famat_divsqr 5299
qfr_1_by_disc 6867
check_quaddisc_real 6916
qfbcornacchia 7630
qfbsolve_all 10227
mul_nudupl 11606
nudupl 11648
qfr3_to_qfr 31920
cornacchia2_sqrt 40677
allsols 48008
qfbred 53129
qfbred0 54942
cornacchia 55245
GL2_qfb_equal 61068
pqfbred_basecase 61492
Qfb0 77231
qfbsqr 95638
pqfbred_iter_1 124020
pqfbred_rec 124020
qfb_minexpi 125056
qfbcomp 133598
primeform 135529
qfb3 139081
check_quaddisc 151590
qfr5_dist 184660
qfbredsl2_real 209519
qfr_to_qfr5 217700
qfisolvep_all 223061
quadpoly_i 241325
quadpoly_ii 243362
SL2_div_mul_e1 344322
nucomp 400722
parteucl 412328
qfbredsl2 519767
qfbsqr_i 698063
qfi_1 723347
qfi_1_by_disc 735375
qfrsolve_normform 770126
qfisqr0 793666
is_qfi 814212
qfb_inv 893374
qfbred_imag_1_b0 958604
quadpoly_bc 978737
qfbredsl2_real_basecase 979645
qfr3_comp 1009334
qfr3_compraw 1009334
setq_b0 1067943
qfr3_rho 1139439
qfr3_red 1172756
qfbpows 1318140
cornacchia2 1381740
qfbpow 1417662
lastqi 1421527
cornacchia2_i 1421534
qfisolve_normform 1445673
qfr5_comp 1735153
qfr5_compraw 1735167
check_qfbext 1839854
known_prime 1862963
pqfbred_1 1921185
qfr5_red 1952804
is_minimal 2046352
qfsolve_normform 2215799
normforms 2620772
REDB 2778583
qfbsolve_primitive 2828303
qfb_initrd 2838531
qfbsolve 2838538
qfbsolve_primitive_i 2843837
redimagsl2 4663447
lti2n 4940497
qfbredsl2_imag 4973695
qfbredsl2_imag_basecase 6564039
qfr5_rho 8486548
_qfimul 9767098
fix_expo 10217732
qfbpow_i 10299572
rhorealsl2 10810674
qfipow 11717122
primeform_u 12306096
REDBU 13227225
_rhorealsl2 13379252
rho_get_BC 14152279
dvmdii_round 16005811
ab_isreduced 17712392
qfbred_i 18196222
qfbred_imag 18250791
qfb_equal 23783634
_qfisqr 25889326
qfbcomp_i 27382353
qfb_sqr 27770176
qficomp0 63172163
qfb_comp 65916972
setq 81365478
qfbred_imag_1 82397908
qfbred_imag_av 82408835
qfbred_imag_basecase_av 82571863
qfb_maxexpi 87898586
sREDB 97892979
dvmdsu_round 97900839

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16