libPARI - Algebraic Number Theory

General Number Fields

Number field types

None of the following routines thoroughly check their input: they distinguish between bona fide structures as output by PARI routines, but designing perverse data will easily fool them. To give an example, a square matrix will be interpreted as an ideal even though the Z-module generated by its columns may not be an Z_K-module (i.e. the expensive nfisideal routine will not be called).

long nftyp(GEN x). Returns the type of number field structure stored in x, typ_NF, typ_BNF, or typ_BNR. Other answers are possible, meaning x is not a number field structure.

GEN get_nf(GEN x, long *t). Extract an nf structure from x if possible and return it, otherwise return NULL. Sets t to the nftyp of x in any case.

GEN get_bnf(GEN x, long *t). Extract a bnf structure from x if possible and return it, otherwise return NULL. Sets t to the nftyp of x in any case.

GEN get_nfpol(GEN x, GEN *nf) try to extract an nf structure from x, and sets *nf to NULL (failure) or to the nf. Returns the (monic, integral) polynomial defining the field.

GEN get_bnfpol(GEN x, GEN *bnf, GEN *nf) try to extract a bnf and an nf structure from x, and sets *bnf and *nf to NULL (failure) or to the corresponding structure. Returns the (monic, integral) polynomial defining the field.

GEN checknf(GEN x) if an nf structure can be extracted from x, return it; otherwise raise an exception. The more general get_nf is often more flexible.

GEN checkbnf(GEN x) if an bnf structure can be extracted from x, return it; otherwise raise an exception. The more general get_bnf is often more flexible.

GEN checkbnf_i(GEN bnf) same as checkbnf but return NULL instead of raising an exception.

void checkbnr(GEN bnr) Raise an exception if the argument is not a bnr structure.

GEN checknf_i(GEN nf) same as checknf but return NULL instead of raising an exception.

void checkbnrgen(GEN bnr) Raise an exception if the argument is not a bnr structure, complete with explicit generators for the ray class group. This is normally useless and checkbnr should be instead, unless you are absolutely certain that the generators will be needed at a later point, and you are about to embark in a costly intermediate computation. PARI functions do check that generators are present in bnr before accessing them: they will raise an error themselves; many functions that may require them, e.g. bnrconductor, often do not actually need them.

void checkrnf(GEN rnf) Raise an exception if the argument is not an rnf structure.

int checkrnf_i(GEN rnf) same as checkrnf but return 0 on failure and 1 on success.

void checkbid(GEN bid) Raise an exception if the argument is not a bid structure.

GEN checkbid_i(GEN bid) same as checkbid but return NULL instead of raising an exception and return bid on success.

GEN checkgal(GEN x) if a galoisinit structure can be extracted from x, return it; otherwise raise an exception.

void checksqmat(GEN x, long N) check whether x is a square matrix of dimension N. May be used to check for ideals if N is the field degree.

void checkprid(GEN pr) Raise an exception if the argument is not a prime ideal structure.

int checkprid_i(GEN pr) same as checkprid but return 0 instead of raising an exception and return 1 on success.

int is_nf_factor(GEN F) return 1 if F is an ideal factorization and 0 otherwise.

int is_nf_extfactor(GEN F) return 1 if F is an extended ideal factorization (allowing 0 or negative exponents) and 0 otherwise.

GEN get_prid(GEN ideal) return the underlying prime ideal structure if one can be extracted from ideal (ideal or extended ideal), and return NULL otherwise.

void checkabgrp(GEN v) Raise an exception if the argument is not an abelian group structure, i.e. a t_VEC with either 2 or 3 entries: [N,cyc] or [N,cyc, gen].

GEN abgrp_get_no(GEN x) extract the cardinality N from an abelian group structure.

GEN abgrp_get_cyc(GEN x) extract the elementary divisors cyc from an abelian group structure.

GEN abgrp_get_gen(GEN x) extract the generators gen from an abelian group structure.

void checkmodpr(GEN modpr) Raise an exception if the argument is not a modpr structure (from nfmodprinit).

GEN get_modpr(GEN x) return x if it is a modpr structure and NULL otherwise.

GEN checknfelt_mod(GEN nf, GEN x, const char *s) given an nf structure nf and a t_POLMOD x, return the attached polynomial representative (shallow) if x and nf are compatible. Raise an exception otherwise. Set s to the name of the caller for a meaningful error message.

void check_ZKmodule(GEN x, const char *s) check whether x looks like Z_K-module (a pair [A,I], where A is a matrix and I is a list of ideals; A has as many columns as I has elements. Otherwise raises an exception. Set s to the name of the caller for a meaningful error message.

long idealtyp(GEN *ideal, GEN *fa) The input is ideal, a pointer to an ideal (or extended ideal), which is usually modified, fa being set as a side-effect. Returns the type of the underlying ideal among id_PRINCIPAL (a number field element), id_PRIME (a prime ideal) id_MAT (an ideal in matrix form).

If ideal pointed to an ideal, set fa to NULL, and possibly simplify ideal (for instance the zero ideal is replaced by gen_0). If it pointed to an extended ideal, replace ideal by the underlying ideal and set fa to the factorization matrix component.

Extracting info from a nf structure

These functions expect a true nf argument attached to a number field K = Q[x]/(T), e.g. a bnf will not work. Let n = [K:Q] be the field degree.

GEN nf_get_pol(GEN nf) returns the polynomial T (monic, in Z[x]).

long nf_get_varn(GEN nf) returns the variable number of the number field defining polynomial.

long nf_get_r1(GEN nf) returns the number of real places r_1.

long nf_get_r2(GEN nf) returns the number of complex places r_2.

void nf_get_sign(GEN nf, long *r1, long *r2) sets r_1 and r_2 to the number of real and complex places respectively. Note that r_1+2r_2 is the field degree.

long nf_get_degree(GEN nf) returns the number field degree, n = r_1 + 2r_2.

GEN nf_get_disc(GEN nf) returns the field discriminant.

GEN nf_get_index(GEN nf) returns the index of T, i.e. the index of the order generated by the power basis (1,x,...,x^{n-1}) in the maximal order of K.

GEN nf_get_zk(GEN nf) returns a basis (w_1,w_2,...,w_n) for the maximal order of K. Those are polynomials in Q[x] of degree < n; it is guaranteed that w_1 = 1.

GEN nf_get_invzk(GEN nf) returns the matrix (m_{i,j})\in M_n(Z) giving the power basis (x^i) in terms of the (w_j), i.e such that x^{j-1} = sum_{i = 1}^n m_{i,j} w_i for all 1 <= j <= n; since w_1 = 1 = x^0, we have m_{i,1} = delta_{i,1} for all i. The conversion functions in the algtobasis family essentially amount to a left multiplication by this matrix.

GEN nf_get_roots(GEN nf) returns the r_1 real roots of the polynomial defining the number fields: first the r_1 real roots (as t_REALs), then the r_2 representatives of the pairs of complex conjugates.

GEN nf_get_allroots(GEN nf) returns all the complex roots of T: first the r_1 real roots (as t_REALs), then the r_2 pairs of complex conjugates.

GEN nf_get_M(GEN nf) returns the (r_1+r_2) x n matrix M giving the embeddings of K: M[i,j] contains w_j(alpha_i), where alpha_i is the i-th element of nf_get_roots(nf). In particular, if v is an n-th dimensional t_COL representing the element sum_{i = 1}^n v[i] w_i of K, then RgM_RgC_mul(M,v) represents the embeddings of v.

GEN nf_get_G(GEN nf) returns a n x n real matrix G such that Gv.Gv = T_2(v), where v is an n-th dimensional t_COL representing the element sum_{i = 1}^n v[i] w_i of K and T_2 is the standard Euclidean form on K\otimes R, i.e. T_2(v) = sum_{sigma} |sigma(v)|^2, where sigma runs through all n complex embeddings of K.

GEN nf_get_roundG(GEN nf) returns a rescaled version of G, rounded to nearest integers, specifically RM_round_maxrank(G).

GEN nf_get_ramified_primes(GEN nf) returns the vector of ramified primes.

GEN nf_get_Tr(GEN nf) returns the matrix of the Trace quadratic form on the basis (w_1,...,w_n): its (i,j) entry is Tr w_i w_j.

GEN nf_get_diff(GEN nf) returns the primitive part of the inverse of the above Trace matrix.

long nf_get_prec(GEN nf) returns the precision (in words) to which the nf was computed.

Extracting info from a bnf structure

These functions expect a true bnf argument, e.g. a bnr will not work.

GEN bnf_get_nf(GEN bnf) returns the underlying nf.

GEN bnf_get_clgp(GEN bnf) returns the class group in bnf, which is a 3-component vector [h, cyc, gen].

GEN bnf_get_cyc(GEN bnf) returns the elementary divisors of the class group (cyclic components) [d_1,..., d_k], where d_k | ... | d_1.

GEN bnf_get_gen(GEN bnf) returns the generators [g_1,...,g_k] of the class group. Each g_i has order d_i, and the full module of relations between the g_i is generated by the d_ig_i = 0.

GEN bnf_get_no(GEN bnf) returns the class number.

GEN bnf_get_reg(GEN bnf) returns the regulator.

GEN bnf_get_logfu(GEN bnf) returns (complex floating point approximations to) the logarithms of the complex embeddings of our system of fundamental units.

GEN bnf_get_fu(GEN bnf) returns the fundamental units. Raise an error if the bnf does not contain units in algebraic form.

GEN bnf_get_fu_nocheck(GEN bnf) as bnf_get_fu without checking whether units are present. Do not use this unless you initialize the bnf yourself!

GEN bnf_get_tuU(GEN bnf) returns a generator of the torsion part of Z_K^*.

long bnf_get_tuN(GEN bnf) returns the order of the torsion part of Z_K^*, i.e. the number of roots of unity in K.

Extracting info from a bnr structure

These functions expect a true bnr argument.

GEN bnr_get_bnf(GEN bnr) returns the underlying bnf.

GEN bnr_get_nf(GEN bnr) returns the underlying nf.

GEN bnr_get_clgp(GEN bnr) returns the ray class group.

GEN bnr_get_no(GEN bnr) returns the ray class number.

GEN bnr_get_cyc(GEN bnr) returns the elementary divisors of the ray class group (cyclic components) [d_1,..., d_k], where d_k | ... | d_1.

GEN bnr_get_gen(GEN bnr) returns the generators [g_1,...,g_k] of the ray class group. Each g_i has order d_i, and the full module of relations between the g_i is generated by the d_ig_i = 0. Raise a generic error if the bnr does not contain the ray class group generators.

GEN bnr_get_gen_nocheck(GEN bnr) as bnr_get_gen without checking whether generators are present. Do not use this unless you initialize the bnr yourself!

GEN bnr_get_bid(GEN bnr) returns the bid attached to the bnr modulus.

GEN bnr_get_mod(GEN bnr) returns the modulus attached to the bnr.

Extracting info from an rnf structure

These functions expect a true rnf argument, attached to an extension L/K, K = Q[y]/(T), L = K[x]/(P).

long rnf_get_degree(GEN rnf) returns the relative degree [L:K].

long rnf_get_absdegree(GEN rnf) returns the absolute degree [L:Q].

long rnf_get_nfdegree(GEN rnf) returns the degree of the base field [K:Q].

GEN rnf_get_nf(GEN rnf) returns the base field K, an nf structure.

GEN rnf_get_nfpol(GEN rnf) returns the polynomial T defining the base field K.

long rnf_get_nfvarn(GEN rnf) returns the variable y attached to the base field K.

void rnf_get_nfzk(GEN rnf, GEN *b, GEN *cb) returns the integer basis of the base field K.

GEN rnf_get_pol(GEN rnf) returns the relative polynomial defining L/K.

long rnf_get_varn(GEN rnf) returns the variable x attached to L.

GEN rnf_get_zk(GEN nf) returns the relative integer basis generating Z_L as a Z_K-module, as a pseudo-matrix (A,I) in HNF.

GEN rnf_get_disc(GEN rnf) is the output [d, s] of rnfdisc.

GEN rnf_get_idealdisc(GEN rnf) is the ideal discriminant d from rnfdisc.

GEN rnf_get_index(GEN rnf) is the index ideal f

GEN rnf_get_polabs(GEN rnf) returns an absolute polynomial defining L/Q.

GEN rnf_get_alpha(GEN rnf) a root alpha of the polynomial defining the base field, modulo polabs (cf. rnfequation)

GEN rnf_get_k(GEN rnf) a small integer k such that theta = beta + kalpha is a root of polabs, where beta is a root of pol and alpha a root of the polynomial defining the base field, as in rnf_get_alpha (cf. also rnfequation).

GEN rnf_get_invzk(GEN rnf) contains A^{-1}, where (A,I) is the chosen pseudo-basis for Z_L over Z_K.

GEN rnf_get_map(GEN rnf) returns technical data attached to the map K\to L. Currently, this contains data from rnfequation, as well as the polynomials T and P.

Extracting info from a bid structure

These functions expect a true bid argument, attached to a modulus I = I_0 I_ oo in a number field K.

GEN bid_get_mod(GEN bid) returns the modulus attached to the bid.

GEN bid_get_grp(GEN bid) returns the Abelian group attached to (Z_K/I)^*.

GEN bid_get_ideal(GEN bid) return the finite part I_0 of the bid modulus (an integer ideal).

GEN bid_get_arch(GEN bid) return the Archimedean part I_ oo of the bid modulus as a vector of real places in vec01 format, see "Label se:signatures".

GEN bid_get_archp(GEN bid) return the Archimedean part I_ oo of the bid modulus, as a vector of real places in indices format see "Label se:signatures".

GEN bid_get_fact(GEN bid) returns the ideal factorization I_0 = prod_i p_i^{e_i}.

bid_get_ideal(bid), via idealfactor.

GEN bid_get_no(GEN bid) returns the cardinality of the group (Z_K/I)^*.

GEN bid_get_cyc(GEN bid) returns the elementary divisors of the group (Z_K/I)^* (cyclic components) [d_1,..., d_k], where d_k | ... | d_1.

GEN bid_get_gen(GEN bid) returns the generators of (Z_K/I)^* contained in bid. Raise a generic error if bid does not contain generators.

GEN bid_get_gen_nocheck(GEN bid) as bid_get_gen without checking whether generators are present. Do not use this unless you initialize the bid yourself!

GEN bid_get_sprk(GEN bid) return a list of structures attached to the (Z_K/p^e)^* where p^e divides I_0 exactly.

GEN bid_get_sarch(GEN bid) return the structure attached to (Z_K/I_ oo )^*, by nfarchstar.

GEN bid_get_U(GEN bid) return the matrix with integral coefficients relating the local generators (from chinese remainders) to the global SNF generators (bid.gen).

GEN bid_get_ind(GEN bid) return a t_VECSMALL v of indices used while converting from local generators to the global generators: v[i] is the number of generators used to describe (Z_K / prod_{j < i} p_j^{e_j})^*.

Inserting info in a number field structure

If the required data is not part of the structure, it is computed then inserted, and the new value is returned.

These functions expect a bnf argument:

GEN bnf_build_cycgen(GEN bnf) the bnf contains generators [g_1,...,g_k] of the class group, each with order d_i. Then g_i^{d_i} = (x_i) is a principal ideal. This function returns the x_i as a factorization matrix (famat) giving the element in factored form as a product of S-units.

GEN bnf_build_matalpha(GEN bnf) the class group was computed using a factorbase S of prime ideals p_i, i <= r. They satisfy relations of the form prod_j p_i^{e_{i,j}} = (alpha_j), where the e_{i,j} are given by the matrices bnf[1] (W, singling out a minimal set of generators in S) and bnf[2] (B, expressing the rest of S in terms of the singled out generators). This function returns the alpha_j in factored form as a product of S-units.

GEN bnf_build_units(GEN bnf) returns a minimal set of generators for the unit group. The first element is a torsion unit, the others have infinite order.

These functions expect a rnf argument:

GEN rnf_build_nfabs(GEN rnf, long prec) given a rnf structure attched to L/K, (compute and) return an nf structure attached to L at precision prec.

void rnfcomplete(GEN rnf) as rnf_build_nfabs using the precision of K for prec.

GEN rnf_zkabs(GEN rnf) returns a Z-basis in HNF for Z_L as a pair [T, v], where T is rnf_get_polabs(rnf) and v a vector of elements lifted from Q[X]/(T). Note that rnf_build_nfabs essentially applies nfinit to the output of this function.

Increasing accuracy

GEN nfnewprec(GEN x, long prec). Raise an exception if x is not a number field structure (nf, bnf or bnr). Otherwise, sets its accuracy to prec and return the new structure. This is mostly useful with prec larger than the accuracy to which x was computed, but it is also possible to decrease the accuracy of x (truncating relevant components, which may speed up later computations). This routine may modify the original x (see below).

This routine is straightforward for nf structures, but for the other ones, it requires all principal ideals corresponding to the bnf relations in algebraic form (they are originally only available via floating point approximations). This in turn requires many calls to bnfisprincipal0, which is often slow, and may fail if the initial accuracy was too low. In this case, the routine will not actually fail but recomputes a bnf from scratch!

Since this process may be very expensive, the corresponding data is cached (as a clone) in the original x so that later precision increases become very fast. In particular, the copy returned by nfnewprec also contains this additional data.

GEN bnfnewprec(GEN x, long prec). As nfnewprec, but extracts a bnf structure form x before increasing its accuracy, and returns only the latter.

GEN bnrnewprec(GEN x, long prec). As nfnewprec, but extracts a bnr structure form x before increasing its accuracy, and returns only the latter.

GEN nfnewprec_shallow(GEN nf, long prec)

GEN bnfnewprec_shallow(GEN bnf, long prec)

GEN bnrnewprec_shallow(GEN bnr, long prec) Shallow functions underlying the above, except that the first argument must now have the corresponding number field type. I.e. one cannot call nfnewprec_shallow(nf, prec) if nf is actually a bnf.

Number field arithmetic

The number field K = Q[X]/(T) is represented by an nf (or bnf or bnr structure). An algebraic number belonging to K is given as

@3* a t_INT, t_FRAC or t_POL (implicitly modulo T), or

@3* a t_POLMOD (modulo T), or

@3* a t_COL v of dimension N = [K:Q], representing the element in terms of the computed integral basis (e_i), as

    sum(i = 1, N, v[i] * nf.zk[i])

The preferred forms are t_INT and t_COL of t_INT. Routines can handle denominators but it is much more efficient to remove denominators first (Q_remove_denom) and take them into account at the end.

@3Safe routines. The following routines do not assume that their nf argument is a true nf (it can be any number field type, e.g. a bnf), and accept number field elements in all the above forms. They return their result in t_COL form.

GEN nfadd(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x+y.

GEN nfsub(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x-y.

GEN nfdiv(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x / y.

GEN nfinv(GEN nf, GEN x) returns x^{-1}.

GEN nfmul(GEN nf,GEN x,GEN y) returns xy.

GEN nfpow(GEN nf,GEN x,GEN k) returns x^k, k is in Z.

GEN nfpow_u(GEN nf,GEN x, ulong k) returns x^k, k >= 0.

GEN nfsqr(GEN nf,GEN x) returns x^2.

long nfval(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pr) returns the valuation of x at the maximal ideal p attached to the prid pr. Returns LONG_MAX if x is 0.

GEN nfnorm(GEN nf,GEN x) absolute norm of x.

GEN nftrace(GEN nf,GEN x) absolute trace of x.

GEN nfpoleval(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN a) evaluate the t_POL pol (with coefficients in nf) on the algebraic number a (also in nf).

GEN FpX_FpC_nfpoleval(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN a, GEN p) evaluate the FpX pol on the algebraic number a (also in nf).

The following three functions implement trivial functionality akin to Euclidean division for which we currently have no real use. Of course, even if the number field is actually Euclidean, these do not in general implement a true Euclidean division.

GEN nfdiveuc(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b) returns the algebraic integer closest to x / y. Functionally identical to ground( nfdiv(nf,x,y) ).

GEN nfdivrem(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b) returns the vector [q,r], where

    q = nfdiveuc(nf, a, b);
    r = nfsub(nf, a, nfmul(nf,q,b));    \\ or r = nfmod(nf,a,b);

GEN nfmod(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b) returns r such that

    q = nfdiveuc(nf, a, b);
    r = nfsub(nf, a, nfmul(nf,q,b));

GEN nf_to_scalar_or_basis(GEN nf, GEN x) let x be a number field element. If it is a rational scalar, i.e. can be represented by a t_INT or t_FRAC, return the latter. Otherwise returns its basis representation (nfalgtobasis). Shallow function.

GEN nf_to_scalar_or_alg(GEN nf, GEN x) let x be a number field element. If it is a rational scalar, i.e. can be represented by a t_INT or t_FRAC, return the latter. Otherwise returns its lifted t_POLMOD representation (lifted nfbasistoalg). Shallow function.

GEN RgX_to_nfX(GEN nf, GEN x) let x be a t_POL whose coefficients are number field elements; apply nf_to_scalar_or_basis to each coefficient and return the resulting new polynomial. Shallow function.

GEN RgM_to_nfM(GEN nf, GEN x) let x be a t_MAT whose coefficients are number field elements; apply nf_to_scalar_or_basis to each coefficient and return the resulting new matrix. Shallow function.

GEN RgC_to_nfC(GEN nf, GEN x) let x be a t_COL or t_VEC whose coefficients are number field elements; apply nf_to_scalar_or_basis to each coefficient and return the resulting new t_COL. Shallow function.

@3Unsafe routines. The following routines assume that their nf argument is a true nf (e.g. a bnf is not allowed) and their argument are restricted in various ways, see the precise description below.

GEN nfinvmodideal(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN A) given an algebraic integer x and a non-zero integral ideal A in HNF, returns a y such that xy = 1 modulo A.

GEN nfpowmodideal(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN n, GEN ideal) given an algebraic integer x, an integer n, and a non-zero integral ideal A in HNF, returns an algebraic integer congruent to x^n modulo A.

GEN nfmuli(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x x y assuming that both x and y are either t_INTs or ZVs of the correct dimension.

GEN nfsqri(GEN nf, GEN x) returns x^2 assuming that x is a t_INT or a ZV of the correct dimension.

GEN nfC_nf_mul(GEN nf, GEN v, GEN x) given a t_VEC or t_COL v of elements of K in t_INT, t_FRAC or t_COL form, multiply it by the element x (arbitrary form). This is faster than multiplying coordinatewise since pre-computations related to x (computing the multiplication table) are done only once. The components of the result are in most cases t_COLs but are allowed to be t_INTs or t_FRACs. Shallow function.

GEN nfC_multable_mul(GEN v, GEN mx) same as nfC_nf_mul, where the argument x is replaced by its multiplication table mx.

GEN zkC_multable_mul(GEN v, GEN x) same as nfC_nf_mul, where v is a vector of algebraic integers, x is an algebraic integer, and x is replaced by zk_multable(x).

GEN zk_multable(GEN nf, GEN x) given a ZC x (implicitly representing an algebraic integer), returns the ZM giving the multiplication table by x. Shallow function (the first column of the result points to the same data as x).

GEN zk_inv(GEN nf, GEN x) given a ZC x (implicitly representing an algebraic integer), returns the QC giving the inverse x^{-1}. Return NULL if x is 0. Not memory clean but safe for gerepileupto.

GEN zkmultable_inv(GEN mx) as zk_inv, where the argument given is zk_multable(x).

GEN zkmultable_capZ(GEN mx) given a non-zero zkmultable mx attached to x \in Z_K, return the positive generator of (x)cap Z.

GEN zk_scalar_or_multable(GEN nf, GEN x) given a t_INT or ZC x, returns a t_INT equal to x if the latter is a scalar (t_INT or ZV_isscalar(x) is 1) and zk_multable(nf,x) otherwise. Shallow function.

The following routines implement multiplication in a commutative R-algebra, generated by (e_1 = 1,..., e_n), and given by a multiplication table M: elements in the algebra are n-dimensional t_COLs, and the matrix M is such that for all 1 <= i,j <= n, its column with index (i-1)n + j, say (c_k), gives e_i.e_j = sum c_k e_k. It is assumed that e_1 is the neutral element for the multiplication (a convenient optimization, true in practice for all multiplications we needed to implement). If x has any other type than t_COL where an algebra element is expected, it is understood as x e_1.

GEN multable(GEN M, GEN x) given a column vector x, representing the quantity sum_{i = 1}^N x_i e_i, returns the multiplication table by x. Shallow function.

GEN ei_multable(GEN M, long i) returns the multiplication table by the i-th basis element e_i. Shallow function.

GEN tablemul(GEN M, GEN x, GEN y) returns x.y.

GEN tablesqr(GEN M, GEN x) returns x^2.

GEN tablemul_ei(GEN M, GEN x, long i) returns x.e_i.

GEN tablemul_ei_ej(GEN M, long i, long j) returns e_i.e_j.

GEN tablemulvec(GEN M, GEN x, GEN v) given a vector v of elements in the algebra, returns the x.v[i].

The following routines implement naive linear algebra using the black box field mechanism:

GEN nfM_det(GEN nf, GEN M)

GEN nfM_inv(GEN nf, GEN M)

GEN nfM_mul(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN B)

GEN nfM_nfC_mul(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN B)

Elements in factored form

Computational algebraic theory performs extensively linear algebra on Z-modules with a natural multiplicative structure (K^*, fractional ideals in K, Z_K^*, ideal class group), thereby raising elements to horrendously large powers. A seemingly innocuous elementary linear algebra operation like C_i\leftarrow C_i - 10000 C_1 involves raising entries in C_1 to the 10000-th power. Understandably, it is often more efficient to keep elements in factored form rather than expand every such expression. A factorization matrix (or famat) is a two column matrix, the first column containing elements (arbitrary objects which may be repeated in the column), and the second one contains exponents (t_INTs, allowed to be 0). By abuse of notation, the empty matrix cgetg(1, t_MAT) is recognized as the trivial factorization (no element, no exponent).

Even though we think of a famat with columns g and e as one meaningful object when fully expanded as prod g[i]^{e[i]}, famats are basically about concatenating information to keep track of linear algebra: the objects stored in a famat need not be operation-compatible, they will not even be compared to each other (with one exception: famat_reduce). Multiplying two famats just concatenates their elements and exponents columns. In a context where a famat is expected, an object x which is not of type t_MAT will be treated as the factorization x^1. The following functions all return famats:

GEN famat_mul(GEN f, GEN g) f, g are famat, or objects whose type is not t_MAT (understood as f^1 or g^1). Returns fg. The empty factorization is the neutral element for famat multiplication.

GEN famat_mul_shallow(GEN f, GEN g) shallow version of famat_mul.

GEN famat_pow(GEN f, GEN n) n is a t_INT. If f is a t_MAT, assume it is a famat and return f^n (multiplies the exponent column by n). Otherwise, understand it as an element and returns the 1-line famat f^n.

GEN famat_pow_shallow(GEN f, GEN n) shallow version of famat_pow.

GEN famat_mulpow_shallow(GEN f, GEN g, GEN e) famat corresponding to f.g^e. Shallow function.

GEN famat_sqr(GEN f) returns f^2.

GEN famat_inv(GEN f) returns f^{-1}.

GEN famat_inv_shallow(GEN f) shallow version of famat_inv.

GEN famat_Z_gcd(GEN M, GEN n) restrict the famat M to the prime power dividing n.

GEN to_famat(GEN x, GEN k) given an element x and an exponent k, returns the famat x^k.

GEN to_famat_shallow(GEN x, GEN k) same, as a shallow function.

Note that it is trivial to break up a famat into its two constituent columns: gel(f,1) and gel(f,2) are the elements and exponents respectively. Conversely, mkmat2 builds a (shallow) famat from two t_COLs of the same length.

The last two functions makes an assumption about the elements: they must be regular algebraic numbers (not famats) over a given number field:

GEN famat_reduce(GEN f) given a famat f, returns a famat g without repeated elements or 0 exponents, such that the expanded forms of f and g would be equal. Shallow function.

GEN ZM_famat_limit(GEN f, GEN limit) given a famat f with t_INT entries, returns a famat g with all factors larger than limit multiplied out as the last entry (with exponent 1).

GEN famat_to_nf(GEN nf, GEN f) You normally never want to do this! This is a simplified form of nffactorback, where we do not check the user input for consistency.

The description of famat_to_nf says that you do not want to use this function. Then how do we recover genuine number field elements? Well, in most cases, we do not need to: most of the functions useful in this context accept famats as inputs, for instance nfsign, nfsign_arch, ideallog and bnfisunit. Otherwise, we can generally make good use of a quotient operation (modulo a fixed conductor, modulo ell-th powers); see the end of "Label se:Ideal_reduction".

@3Caveat. Receiving a famat input, bnfisunit assumes that it is an algebraic integer, since this is expensive to check, and normally easy to ensure from the user's side; do not feed it ridiculous inputs.

GEN famatsmall_reduce(GEN f) as famat_reduce, but for exponents given by a t_VECSMALL.

Ideal arithmetic

@3Conversion to HNF.

GEN idealhnf(GEN nf, GEN x) returns the HNF of the ideal defined by x: x may be an algebraic number (defining a principal ideal), a maximal ideal (as given by idealprimedec or idealfactor), or a matrix whose columns give generators for the ideal. This last format is complicated, but useful to reduce general modules to the canonical form once in a while:

@3* if strictly less than N = [K:Q] generators are given, x is the Z_K-module they generate,

@3* if N or more are given, it is assumed that they form a Z-basis (that the matrix has maximal rank N). This acts as mathnf since the Z_K-module structure is (taken for granted hence) not taken into account in this case.

Extended ideals are also accepted, their principal part being discarded.

GEN idealhnf0(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns the HNF of the ideal generated by the two algebraic numbers x and y.

The following low-level functions underlie the above two: they all assume that nf is a true nf and perform no type checks:

GEN idealhnf_principal(GEN nf, GEN x) returns the ideal generated by the algebraic number x.

GEN idealhnf_shallow(GEN nf, GEN x) is idealhnf except that the result may not be suitable for gerepile: if x is already in HNF, we return x, not a copy!

GEN idealhnf_two(GEN nf, GEN v) assuming a = v[1] is a non-zero t_INT and b = v[2] is an algebraic integer, possibly given in regular representation by a t_MAT (the multiplication table by b, see zk_multable), returns the HNF of aZ_K+bZ_K.


The basic ideal routines accept all nfs (nf, bnf, bnr) and ideals in any form, including extended ideals, and return ideals in HNF, or an extended ideal when that makes sense:

GEN idealadd(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x+y.

GEN idealdiv(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x/y. Returns an extended ideal if x or y is an extended ideal.

GEN idealmul(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns xy. Returns an extended ideal if x or y is an extended ideal.

GEN idealsqr(GEN nf, GEN x) returns x^2. Returns an extended ideal if x is an extended ideal.

GEN idealinv(GEN nf, GEN x) returns x^{-1}. Returns an extended ideal if x is an extended ideal.

GEN idealpow(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN n) returns x^n. Returns an extended ideal if x is an extended ideal.

GEN idealpows(GEN nf, GEN ideal, long n) returns x^n. Returns an extended ideal if x is an extended ideal.

GEN idealmulred(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns an extended ideal equal to xy.

GEN idealpowred(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN n) returns an extended ideal equal to x^n.

More specialized routines suffer from various restrictions:

GEN idealdivexact(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns x/y, assuming that the quotient is an integral ideal. Much faster than idealdiv when the norm of the quotient is small compared to Nx. Strips the principal parts if either x or y is an extended ideal.

GEN idealdivpowprime(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pr, GEN n) returns x p^{-n}, assuming x is an ideal in HNF or a rational number, and pr a prid attached to p. Not suitable for gerepileupto since it returns x when n = 0.

GEN idealmulpowprime(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pr, GEN n) returns x p^{n}, assuming x is an ideal in HNF or a rational number, and pr a prid attached to p. Not suitable for gerepileupto since it retunrs x when n = 0.

GEN idealprodprime(GEN nf, GEN v) given a list v of prime ideals in prid form, return their product. Assume that nf is a true nf structure.

GEN idealprod(GEN nf, GEN v) given a list v of ideals, return their product. Assume that nf is a true nf structure.

GEN idealHNF_mul(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y) returns xy, assuming than nf is a true nf, x is an integral ideal in HNF and y is an integral ideal in HNF or precompiled form (see below). For maximal speed, the second ideal y may be given in precompiled form y = [a,b], where a is a non-zero t_INT and b is an algebraic integer in regular representation (a t_MAT giving the multiplication table by the fixed element): very useful when many ideals x are going to be multiplied by the same ideal y. This essentially reduces each ideal multiplication to an N x N matrix multiplication followed by a N x 2N modular HNF reduction (modulo xycap Z).

GEN idealHNF_inv(GEN nf, GEN I) returns I^{-1}, assuming that nf is a true nf and x is a fractional ideal in HNF.

GEN idealHNF_inv_Z(GEN nf, GEN I) returns (Icap Z).I^{-1}, assuming that nf is a true nf and x is an integral fractional ideal in HNF. The result is an integral ideal in HNF.


GEN idealaddtoone(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN B) given to coprime integer ideals A, B, returns [a,b] with a\in A, b\in B, such that a + b = 1 The result is reduced mod AB, so a, b will be small.

GEN idealaddtoone_i(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN B) as idealaddtoone except that nf must be a true nf, and only a is returned.

GEN zkchineseinit(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN B, GEN AB) given two coprime integral ideals A and B (in any form, preferably HNF) and their product AB (in HNF form), initialize a solution to the Chinese remainder problem modulo AB.

GEN zkchinese(GEN zkc, GEN x, GEN y) given zkc from zkchineseinit, and x, y two integral elements given as t_INT or ZC, return a z modulo AB such that z = x mod A and z = y mod B.

GEN zkchinese1(GEN zkc, GEN x) as zkchinese for y = 1; useful to lift elements in a nice way from (Z_K/A_i)^* to (Z_K/prod_i A_i)^*.

GEN hnfmerge_get_1(GEN A, GEN B) given two square upper HNF integral matrices A, B of the same dimension n > 0, return a in the image of A such that 1-a is in the image of B. (By abuse of notation we denote 1 the column vector [1,0,...,0].) If such an a does not exist, return NULL. This is the function underlying idealaddtoone.

GEN idealaddmultoone(GEN nf, GEN v) given a list of n (globally) coprime integer ideals (v[i]) returns an n-dimensional vector a such that a[i]\in v[i] and sum a[i] = 1. If [K:Q] = N, this routine computes the HNF reduction (with Gl_{nN}(Z) base change) of an N x nN matrix; so it is well worth pruning "useless" ideals from the list (as long as the ideals remain globally coprime).

GEN idealapprfact(GEN nf, GEN fx) as idealappr, except that x must be given in factored form. (This is unchecked.)

GEN idealcoprime(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y). Given 2 integral ideals x and y, returns an algebraic number alpha such that alpha x is an integral ideal coprime to y.

GEN idealcoprimefact(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN fy) same as idealcoprime, except that y is given in factored form, as from idealfactor.

GEN idealchinese(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y)

GEN idealchineseinit(GEN nf, GEN x)

Maximal ideals

The PARI structure attached to maximal ideals is a prid (for prime ideal), usually produced by idealprimedec and idealfactor. In this section, we describe the format; other sections will deal with their daily use.

A prid attached to a maximal ideal p stores the following data: the underlying rational prime p, the ramification degree e >= 1, the residue field degree f >= 1, a p-uniformizer pi with valuation 1 at p and valuation 0 at all other primes dividing p and a rescaled ``anti-uniformizer'' tau used to compute valuations. This tau is an algebraic integer such that tau/p has valuation -1 at p and is integral at all other primes; in particular, the valuation of x\inZ_K is positive if and only if the algebraic integer xtau is divisible by p (easy to check for elements in t_COL form).

GEN pr_get_p(GEN pr) returns p. Shallow function.

GEN pr_get_gen(GEN pr) returns pi. Shallow function.

long pr_get_e(GEN pr) returns e.

long pr_get_f(GEN pr) returns f.

GEN pr_get_tau(GEN pr) returns zk_scalar_or_multable(nf, tau), which is the t_INT 1 iff p is inert, and a ZM otherwise. Shallow function.

int pr_is_inert(GEN pr) returns 1 if p is inert, 0 otherwise.

GEN pr_norm(GEN pr) returns the norm p^f of the maximal ideal.

ulong upr_norm(GEN pr) returns the norm p^f of the maximal ideal, as an ulong. Assume that the result does not overflow.

GEN pr_inv(GEN pr) return the fractional ideal p^{-1}, in HNF.

GEN pr_inv_p(GEN pr) return the integral ideal p p^{-1}, in HNF.

GEN idealprimedec(GEN nf, GEN p) list of maximal ideals dividing the prime p.

GEN idealprimedec_limit_f(GEN nf, GEN p, long f) as idealprimedec, limiting the list to primes of residual degree <= f if f is non-zero.

GEN idealprimedec_limit_norm(GEN nf, GEN p, GEN B) as idealprimedec, limiting the list to primes of norm <= B, which must be a positive t_INT.

GEN idealprimedec_kummer(GEN nf, GEN Ti, long ei, GEN p) let nf (true nf) correspond to K = Q[X]/(T) (T monic ZX). Let T = prod_i T_i^{e_i} (mod p) be the factorization of T and let (f,g,h) be as in Dedekind criterion for prime p: f = prod T_i, g = prod T_i^{e_i-1}, h = (T - fg) / p, and let D be the gcd of (f,g,h) in F_p[X]. Let Ti (FpX) be one irreducible factor T_i not dividing D, with ei = e_i. This function returns the prime ideal attached to T_i by Kummer / Dedekind criterion, namely p Z_K + T_i(\bar{X}) Z_K, which has ramification index e_i over p. Shallow function.

GEN idealHNF_Z_factor(GEN x, GEN *pvN, GEN *pvZ) given an integral (non-0) ideal x in HNF, compute both the factorization of Nx and of xcapZ. This returns the vector of prime divisors of both and sets *pvN and *pvZ to the corresponding t_VECSMALL vector of exponents for the factorization for the Norm and intersection with Z respetively.

GEN nf_pV_to_prV(GEN){nf, GEN P} given a vector of rational primes P, return the vector of all prime ideals above the P[i].

GEN nf_deg1_prime(GEN nf) let nf be a true nf. This function returns a degree 1 (unramified) prime ideal not dividing nf.index. In fact it returns an ideal above the smallest prime p >= [K:Q] satisfying those conditions.

GEN prV_lcm_capZ(GEN L) given a vector L of prid (maximal ideals) return the squarefree positive integer generating their lcm intersected with Z. Not gerepile-safe.

GEN pr_uniformizer(GEN pr, GEN F) given a prid attached to p / p and F in Z divisible exactly by p, return an F-uniformizer for pr, i.e. a t in Z_K such that v_{p}(t) = 1 and (t, F/p) = 1. Not gerepile-safe.

Decomposition group

GEN idealramfrobenius(GEN nf, GEN gal, GEN pr, GEN ram) Let K be the number field defined by nf and assume K/Q be a Galois extension with Galois group given gal = galoisinit(nf), and that pr is the prime ideal P in prid format, and that P is ramified, and ram is its list of ramification groups as output by idealramgroups. This function returns a permutation of which defines an automorphism sigma in the decomposition group of P such that if p is the unique prime number in P, then sigma(x) = x^p mod P for all x\inZ_K.

GEN idealfrobenius_aut(GEN nf, GEN gal, GEN pr, GEN aut) faster version of idealfrobenius(nf, gal, pr where aut must be equal to nfgaloispermtobasis(nf, gal).

Reducing modulo maximal ideals

GEN nfmodprinit(GEN nf, GEN pr) returns an abstract modpr structure, attached to reduction modulo the maximal ideal pr, in idealprimedec format. From this data we can quickly project any pr-integral number field element to the residue field.

GEN modpr_get_pr(GEN x) return the pr component from a modpr structure.

GEN modpr_get_p(GEN x) return the p component from a modpr structure (underlying rational prime).

GEN modpr_get_T(GEN x) return the T component from a modpr structure: either NULL (prime of degree 1) or an irreducible FpX defining the residue field over F_p.

In library mode, it is often easier to use directly

GEN nf_to_Fq_init(GEN nf, GEN *ppr, GEN *pT, GEN *pp) concrete version of nfmodprinit: nf and *ppr are the inputs, the return value is a modpr and *ppr, *pT and *pp are set as side effects.

The input *ppr is either a maximal ideal or already a modpr (in which case it is replaced by the underlying maximal ideal). The residue field is realized as F_p[X]/(T) for some monic T\inF_p[X], and we set *pT to T and *pp to p. Set T = NULL if the prime has degree 1 and the residue field is F_p.

In short, this receives (or initializes) a modpr structure, and extracts from it T, p and p.

GEN nf_to_Fq(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN modpr) returns an Fq congruent to x modulo the maximal ideal attached to modpr. The output is canonical: all elements in a given residue class are represented by the same Fq.

GEN Fq_to_nf(GEN x, GEN modpr) returns an nf element lifting the residue field element x, either a t_INT or an algebraic integer in algtobasis format.

GEN modpr_genFq(GEN modpr) Returns an nf element whose image by nf_to_Fq is X \pmod T, if deg T > 1, else 1.

GEN zkmodprinit(GEN nf, GEN pr) as nfmodprinit, but we assume we will only reduce algebraic integers, hence do not initialize data allowing to remove denominators. More precisely, we can in fact still handle an x whose rational denominator is not 0 in the residue field (i.e. if the valuation of x is non-negative at all primes dividing p).

GEN zk_to_Fq_init(GEN nf, GEN *pr, GEN *T, GEN *p) as nf_to_Fq_init, able to reduce only p-integral elements.

GEN zk_to_Fq(GEN x, GEN modpr) as nf_to_Fq, for a p-integral x.

GEN nfM_to_FqM(GEN M, GEN nf,GEN modpr) reduces a matrix of nf elements to the residue field; returns an FqM.

GEN FqM_to_nfM(GEN M, GEN modpr) lifts an FqM to a matrix of nf elements.

GEN nfV_to_FqV(GEN A, GEN nf,GEN modpr) reduces a vector of nf elements to the residue field; returns an FqV with the same type as A (t_VEC or t_COL).

GEN FqV_to_nfV(GEN A, GEN modpr) lifts an FqV to a vector of nf elements (same type as A).

GEN nfX_to_FqX(GEN Q, GEN nf,GEN modpr) reduces a polynomial with nf coefficients to the residue field; returns an FqX.

GEN FqX_to_nfX(GEN Q, GEN modpr) lifts an FqX to a polynomial with coefficients in nf.

The following function is technical and may avoid computing a true nfmodpr:

GEN pr_basis_perm(GEN nf, GEN pr) given a true nf structure and a prime ideal pr above p, return as a t_VECSMALL the f(p/p) indices i such that the nf.zk[i] mod p form an F_p-basis of the residue field.


long nfval(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN P) return v_P(x)

@3Unsafe functions. assume nf is a genuine nf structure, that P, Q are prid.

long ZC_nfval(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN P) returns v_P(x), assuming x is a ZC, representing a non-zero algebraic integer.

long ZC_nfvalrem(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pr, GEN *newx) returns v = v_P(x), assuming x is a ZC, representing a non-zero algebraic integer, and sets *newx to xtau^v which is an algebraic integer coprime to p.

int ZC_prdvd(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN P) returns 1 is P divides x and 0 otherwise. Assumes that x is a ZC, representing an algebraic integer. Faster than computing v_P(x).

int pr_equal(GEN nf, GEN P, GEN Q) returns 1 is P and Q represent the same maximal ideal: they must lie above the same p and share the same e,f invariants, but the p-uniformizer and tau element may differ. Returns 0 otherwise.


``Signs'' of the real embeddings of number field element are represented in additive notation, using the standard identification (Z/2Z, +) \to ({-1,1}, x ), s:--->(-1)^s.

With respect to a fixed nf structure, a selection of real places (a divisor at infinity) is normally given as a t_VECSMALL of indices of the roots nf.roots of the defining polynomial for the number field. For compatibility reasons, in particular under GP, the (obsolete) vec01 form is also accepted: a t_VEC with gen_0 or gen_1 entries.

The following internal functions go back and forth between the two representations for the Archimedean part of divisors (GP: 0/1 vectors, library: list of indices):

GEN vec01_to_indices(GEN v) given a t_VEC v with t_INT entries return as a t_VECSMALL the list of indices i such that v[i] != 0. (Typically used with 0,1-vectors but not necessarily so.) If v is already a t_VECSMALL, return it: not suitable for gerepile in this case.

GEN vecsmall01_to_indices(GEN v) as


GEN indices_to_vec01(GEN p, long n) return the 0/1 vector of length n with ones exactly at the positions p[1], p[2],...

GEN nfembed(GEN nf, GEN x, long k) returns a floating point approximation of the k-th embedding of x (attached to the k-th complex root in nf.roots).

GEN nfsign(GEN nf,GEN x) x being a number field element and nf any form of number field, return the 0-1-vector giving the signs of the r_1 real embeddings of x, as a t_VECSMALL. Linear algebra functions like Flv_add_inplace then allow keeping track of signs in series of multiplications.

If x is a t_VEC of number field elements, return the matrix whose columns are the signs of the x[i].

GEN nfsign_arch(GEN nf,GEN x,GEN arch) arch being a list of distinct real places, either in vec01 (t_VEC with gen_0 or gen_1 entries) or indices (t_VECSMALL) form (see vec01_to_indices), returns the signs of x at the corresponding places. This is the low-level function underlying nfsign.

int nfchecksigns(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pl) pl is a t_VECSMALL with r_1 components, all of which are in {-1,0,1}. Return 1 if sigma_i(x) pl[i] >= 0 for all i, and 0 otherwise.

GEN nfsign_units(GEN bnf, GEN archp, int add_tu) archp being a divisor at infinity in indices form (or NULL for the divisor including all real places), return the signs at archp of a system of fundamental units for the field, in the same order as bnf.tufu if add_tu is set; and in the same order as bnf.fu otherwise.

GEN nfsign_from_logarch(GEN L, GEN invpi, GEN archp) given L the vector of the log sigma(x), where sigma runs through the (real or complex) embeddings of some number field, invpi being a floating point approximation to 1/pi, and archp being a divisor at infinity in indices form, return the signs of x at the corresponding places. This is the low-level function underlying nfsign_units; the latter is actually a trivial wrapper bnf structures include the log sigma(x) for a system of fundamental units of the field.

GEN set_sign_mod_divisor(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN y, GEN sarch) let f = f_0f_ oo be a divisor, let sarch be the output of nfarchstar(nf, f0, finf), and let x,y be two number field elements. Returns yt with t integral, t = 1 mod^* f_0 such that x and ty have the same signs at f_ oo ; if x = NULL, make ty totally positive at f_ oo .

GEN nfarchstar(GEN nf, GEN f0, GEN finf) for a divisor f = f_0f_ oo represented by the integral ideal f0 in HNF and the finf in indices form, returns (Z_K/f_ oo )^* in a form suitable for computations mod f. More precisely, returns [c, g, M, finf], where c = [2,..., 2] gives the cyclic structure of that group (#f_ oo copies of Z/2Z), g a minimal system of independent generators, which are furthermore congruent to 1 mod f_0 (no condition if f_0 = Z_K), and M is the matrix of signs of the g[i] at f_ oo , which is square and invertible over F_2.

GEN idealprincipalunits(GEN nf, GEN pr, long e) returns the multiplicative group (1 + pr) / (1 + pr^e) as an abelian group. Faster than idealstar when the norm of pr is large, since it avoids (useless) work in the multiplicative group of the residue field.

Maximal order and discriminant, conversion to nf structure

A number field K = Q[X]/(T) is defined by a monic T\inZ[X]. The low-level function computing a maximal order is

void nfmaxord(nfmaxord_t *S, GEN T0, long flag), where the polynomial T_0 is squarefree with integer coefficients. Let K be the étale algebra Q[X]/(T_0) and let T = ZX_Q_normalize(T_0), i.e. T = C T_0(X/L) is monic and integral for some C,Q\in Q.

The structure nfmaxord_t is initialized by the call; it has the following fields:

    GEN T0, T, dT, dK; /* T0, T, discriminants of T and K */
    GEN unscale; /* the integer L */
    GEN index; /* index of power basis in maximal order */
    GEN dTP, dTE; /* factorization of |dT|, primes / exponents */
    GEN dKP, dKE; /* factorization of |dK|, primes / exponents */
    GEN basis; /* Z-basis for maximal order of Q[X]/(T) */

@3The exponent vectors are t_VECSMALL. The primes in dTP and dKP are pseudoprimes, not proven primes. We recommend restricting to T = T_0, i.e. either to pass the input polynomial through ZX_Q_normalize before the call, or to forget about T_0 and go on with the polynomial T; otherwise unscale != 1, all data is expressed in terms of T != T_0, and needs to be converted to T_0. For instance to convert the basis to Q[X]/(T_0):

    RgXV_unscale(S.basis, S.unscale)

Instead of passing T (monic ZX), one can use the format [T,listP] as in nfbasis or nfinit, which computes an order which is maximal at a set of primes, but need not be the maximal order.

The flag is an or-ed combination of the binary flags, both of them deprecated:

nf_PARTIALFACT: do not try to fully factor dT and only look for primes less than primelimit. In that case, the elements in dTP and dKP need not all be primes. But the resulting dK, index and basis are correct provided there exists no prime p > primelimit such that p^2 divides the field discriminant dK. This flag is deprecated: the [T,listP] format is safer and more flexible.

nf_ROUND2: use the ROUND2 algorithm instead of the default ROUND4. This flag is deprecated: this algorithm is consistently slower.

void nfinit_basic(nfmaxord_t *S, GEN T0) a wrapper around nfmaxord (without the deprecated flag) that also accepts number field structures (nf, bnf,...) for T0.

GEN nfmaxord_to_nf(nfmaxord_t *S, GEN ro, long prec) convert an nfmaxord_t to an nf structure at precision prec, where ro is NULL. The argument ro may also be set to a vector with r_1 + r_2 components containing the roots of S- > T suitably ordered, i.e. first r_1 t_REAL roots, then r_2 t_COMPLEX representing the conguate pairs, but this is strongly discouraged: the format is error-prone, and it is hard to compute the roots to the right accuracy in order to achieve prec accuracy for the nf. This function uses the integer basis S- > basis as is, without performing LLL-reduction. Unless the basis is already known to be reduced, use rather the following higher-level function:

GEN nfinit_complete(nfmaxord_t *S, long flag, long prec) convert an nfmaxord_t to an nf structure at precision prec. The flag has the same meaning as in nfinitall. If S- > basis is known to be reduced, it will be faster to use nfmaxord_to_nf.

GEN indexpartial(GEN T, GEN dT) T a monic separable ZX, dT is either NULL (no information) or a multiple of the discriminant of T. Let K = Q[X]/(T) and Z_K its maximal order. Returns a multiple of the exponent of the quotient group Z_K/(Z[X]/(T)). In other word, a denominator d such that d x\inZ[X]/(T) for all x\inZ_K.

Computing in the class group

We compute with arbitrary ideal representatives (in any of the various formats seen above), and call

GEN bnfisprincipal0(GEN bnf, GEN x, long flag). The bnf structure already contains information about the class group in the form \oplus_{i = 1}^n (Z/d_iZ) g_i for canonical integers d_i (with d_n | ... | d_1 all > 1) and essentially random generators g_i, which are ideals in HNF. We normally do not need the value of the g_i, only that they are fixed once and for all and that any (non-zero) fractional ideal x can be expressed uniquely as x = (t)prod_{i = 1}^n g_i^{e_i}, where 0 <= e_i < d_i, and (t) is some principal ideal. Computing e is straightforward, but t may be very expensive to obtain explicitly. The routine returns (possibly partial) information about the pair [e,t], depending on flag, which is an or-ed combination of the following symbolic flags:

@3* nf_GEN tries to compute t. Returns [e,t], with t an empty vector if the computation failed. This flag is normally useless in non-trivial situations since the next two serve analogous purposes in more efficient ways.

@3* nf_GENMAT tries to compute t in factored form, which is much more efficient than nf_GEN if the class group is moderately large; imagine a small ideal x = (t)g^{10000}: the norm of t has 10000 as many digits as the norm of g; do we want to see it as a vector of huge meaningless integers? The idea is to compute e first, which is easy, then compute (t) as x prod g_i^{-e_i} using successive idealmulred, where the ideal reduction extracts small principal ideals along the way, eventually raised to large powers because of the binary exponentiation technique; the point is to keep this principal part in factored unexpanded form. Returns [e,t], with t an empty vector if the computation failed; this should be exceedingly rare, unless the initial accuracy to which bnf was computed was ridiculously low (and then bnfinit should not have succeeded either). Setting/unsetting nf_GEN has no effect when this flag is set.

@3* nf_GEN_IF_PRINCIPAL tries to compute t only if the ideal is principal (e = 0). Returns gen_0 if the ideal is not principal. Setting/unsetting nf_GEN has no effect when this flag is set, but setting/unsetting nf_GENMAT is possible.

@3* nf_FORCE in the above, insist on computing t, even if it requires recomputing a bnf from scratch. This is a last resort, and normally the accuracy of a bnf can be increased without trouble, but it may be that some algebraic information simply cannot be recovered from what we have: see bnfnewprec. It should be very rare, though.

In simple cases where you do not care about t, you may use

GEN isprincipal(GEN bnf, GEN x), which is a shortcut for bnfisprincipal0(bnf, x, 0).

The following low-level functions are often more useful:

GEN isprincipalfact(GEN bnf, GEN C, GEN L, GEN f, long flag) is about the same as bnfisprincipal0 applied to C prod L[i]^{f[i]}, where the L[i] are ideals, the f[i] integers and C is either an ideal or NULL (omitted). Make sure to include nf_GENMAT in flag!

GEN isprincipalfact_or_fail(GEN bnf, GEN C, GEN L, GEN f) is for delicate cases, where we must be more clever than nf_FORCE (it is used when trying to increase the accuracy of a bnf, for instance). If performs

    isprincipalfact(bnf,C, L, f, nf_GENMAT);

but if it fails to compute t, it just returns a t_INT, which is the estimated precision (in words, as usual) that would have been sufficient to complete the computation. The point is that nf_FORCE does exactly this internally, but goes on increasing the accuracy of the bnf, then discarding it, which is a major inefficiency if you intend to compute lots of discrete logs and have selected a precision which is just too low. (It is sometimes not so bad since most of the really expensive data is cached in bnf anyway, if all goes well.) With this function, the caller may decide to increase the accuracy using bnfnewprec (and keep the resulting bnf!), or avoid the computation altogether. In any case the decision can be taken at the place where it is most likely to be correct.

void bnftestprimes(GEN bnf, GEN B) is an ingredient to certify unconditionnally a bnf computed assuming GRH, cf. bnfcertify. Running this function successfully proves that the classes of all prime ideals of norm <= B belong to the subgroup of the class group generated by the factorbase used to compute the bnf (equal to the class group under GRH). If the condition is not true, then (GRH is false and) the function will run forever.

If it is known that primes of norm less than B generate the class group (through variants of Minkowski's convex body or Zimmert's twin classes theorems), then the true class group is proven to be a quotient of bnf.clgp.

Floating point embeddings, the T_2 quadratic form

We assume the nf is a true nf structure, attached to a number field K of degree n and signature (r_1,r_2). We saw that

GEN nf_get_M(GEN nf) returns the (r_1+r_2) x n matrix M giving the embeddings of K, so that if v is an n-th dimensional t_COL representing the element sum_{i = 1}^n v[i] w_i of K, then RgM_RgC_mul(M,v) represents the embeddings of v. Its first r_1 components are real numbers (t_INT, t_FRAC or t_REAL, usually the latter), and the last r_2 are complex numbers (usually of t_COMPLEX, but not necessarily for embeddings of rational numbers).

GEN embed_T2(GEN x, long r1) assuming x is the vector of floating point embeddings of some algebraic number v, i.e.

    x = RgM_RgC_mul(nf_get_M(nf), algtobasis(nf,v));

@3returns T_2(v). If the floating point embeddings themselves are not needed, but only the values of T_2, it is more efficient to restrict to real arithmetic and use

    gnorml2( RgM_RgC_mul(nf_get_G(nf), algtobasis(nf,v)));

GEN embednorm_T2(GEN x, long r1) analogous to embed_T2, applied to the gnorm of the floating point embeddings. Assuming that

    x = gnorm( RgM_RgC_mul(nf_get_M(nf), algtobasis(nf,v)) );

@3returns T_2(v).

GEN embed_roots(GEN z, long r1) given a vector z of r_1+r_2 complex embeddings of the algebraic number v, return the r_1+2r_2 roots of its characteristic polynomial. Shallow function.

GEN embed_disc(GEN z, long r1, long prec) given a vector z of r_1+r_2 complex embeddings of the algebraic number v, return a floating point approximation of the discriminant of its characteristic polynomial as a t_REAL of precision prec.

GEN embed_norm(GEN x, long r1) given a vector z of r_1+r_2 complex embeddings of the algebraic number v, return (a floating point approximation of) the norm of v.

Ideal reduction, low level

In the following routines nf is a true nf, attached to a number field K of degree n:

GEN nf_get_Gtwist(GEN nf, GEN v) assuming v is a t_VECSMALL with r_1+r_2 entries, let

|| x ||_v^2 = sum_{i = 1}^{r_1+r_2} 2^{v_i}varepsilon_i|sigma_i(x)|^2,

where as usual the sigma_i are the (real and) complex embeddings and varepsilon_i = 1, resp. 2, for a real, resp. complex place. This is a twisted variant of the T_2 quadratic form, the standard Euclidean form on K\otimes R. In applications, only the relative size of the v_i will matter.

Let G_v\in M_n(R) be a square matrix such that if x\in K is represented by the column vector X in terms of the fixed Z-basis of Z_K in nf, then

||x||_v^2 = ^t (G_v X).G_v X.

(This is a kind of Cholesky decomposition.) This function returns a rescaled copy of G_v, rounded to nearest integers, specifically RM_round_maxrank(G_v). Suitable for gerepileupto, but does not collect garbage. For convenience, also allow v = NULL (nf_get_roundG) and v a t_MAT as output from the function itself: in both these cases, shallow function.

GEN nf_get_Gtwist1(GEN nf, long i). Simple special case. Returns the twisted G matrix attached to the vector v whose entries are all 0 except the i-th one, which is equal to 10.

GEN idealpseudomin(GEN x, GEN G). Let x, G be two ZMs, such that the product Gx is well-defined. This returns a ``small'' integral linear combinations of the columns of x, given by the LLL-algorithm applied to the lattice G x. Suitable for gerepileupto, but does not collect garbage.

In applications, x is an integral ideal, G approximates a Cholesky form for the T_2 quadratic form as returned by nf_get_Gtwist, and we return a small element a in the lattice (x,T_2). This is used to implement idealred.

GEN idealpseudomin_nonscalar(GEN x, GEN G). As idealpseudomin, but we insist of returning a non-scalar a (ZV_isscalar is false), if the dimension of x is > 1.

In the interpretation where x defines an integral ideal on a fixed Z_K basis whose first element is 1, this means that a is not rational.

GEN idealpseudored(GEN x, GEN G). As idealpseudomin but we return the full reduced Z-basis of x as a t_MAT instead of a single vector.

GEN idealred_elt(GEN nf, GEN x) shortcut for

    idealpseudomin(x, nf_get_roundG(nf))

Ideal reduction, high level

Given an ideal x this means finding a ``simpler'' ideal in the same ideal class. The public GP function is of course available

GEN idealred0(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN v) finds an a\in K^* such that (a) x is integral of small norm and returns it, as an ideal in HNF. What ``small'' means depends on the parameter v, see the GP description. More precisely, a is returned by idealpseudomin((x_Z) x^(-1),G) divided by x_Z, where x_Z = (xcap Z) and where G is nf_get_Gtwist(nf, v) for v != NULL and nf_get_roundG(nf) otherwise.

@3Usually one sets v = NULL to obtain an element of small T_2 norm in x:

GEN idealred(GEN nf, GEN x) is a shortcut for idealred0(nf,x,NULL).

The function idealred remains complicated to use: in order not to lose information x must be an extended ideal, otherwise the value of a is lost. There is a subtlety here: the principal ideal (a) is easy to recover, but a itself is an instance of the principal ideal problem which is very difficult given only an nf (once a bnf structure is available, bnfisprincipal0 will recover it).

GEN idealmoddivisor(GEN bnr, GEN x) A proof-of-concept implementation, useless in practice. If bnr is attached to some modulus f, returns a ``small'' ideal in the same class as x in the ray class group modulo f. The reason why this is useless is that using extended ideals with principal part in a computation, there is a simple way to reduce them: simply reduce the generator of the principal part in (Z_K/f)^*.

GEN famat_to_nf_moddivisor(GEN nf, GEN g, GEN e, GEN bid) given a true nf attached to a number field K, a bid structure attached to a modulus f, and an algebraic number in factored form prod g[i]^{e[i]}, such that (g[i],f) = 1 for all i, returns a small element in Z_K congruent to it mod f. Note that if f contains places at infinity, this includes sign conditions at the specified places.

A simpler case when the conductor has no place at infinity:

GEN famat_to_nf_modideal_coprime(GEN nf, GEN g, GEN e, GEN f, GEN expo) as above except that the ideal f is now integral in HNF (no need for a full bid), and we pass the exponent of the group (Z_K/f)^* as expo; any multiple will also do, at the expense of efficiency. Of course if a bid for f is available, if is easy to extract f and the exact value of expo from it (the latter is the first elementary divisor in the group structure). A useful trick: if you set expo to any positive integer, the result is correct up to expo-th powers, hence exact if expo is a multiple of the exponent; this is useful when trying to decide whether an element is a square in a residue field for instance! (take expo = 2).

GEN nf_to_Fp_coprime(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN modpr) a low-level simple variant of famat_to_nf_modideal_coprime: nf is a true nf structure, modpr is from zkmodprinit attached to a prime of degree 1 above the prime number p, and x is either a number field element or a famat factorization matrix. We finally assume that no component of x has a denominator p.

What to do when the g[i] are not coprime to f, but only prod g[i]^{e[i]} is? Then the situation is more complicated, and we advise to solve it one prime divisor of f at a time. Let v the valuation attached to a maximal ideal pr and assume v(f) = k > 0:

GEN famat_makecoprime(GEN nf, GEN g, GEN e, GEN pr, GEN prk, GEN expo) returns an element in (Z_K/pr^k)^* congruent to the product prod g[i]^{e[i]}, assumed to be globally coprime to f. As above, expo is any positive multiple of the exponent of (Z_K/pr^k)^*, for instance (Nv-1)p^{k-1}, if p is the underlying rational prime. You may use other values of expo (see the useful trick in famat_to_nf_modideal_coprime).

GEN Idealstarprk(GEN nf, GEN pr, long k, long flag) same as Idealstar for I = pr^k

Class field theory

Under GP, a class-field theoretic description of a number field is given by a triple A, B, C, where the defining set [A,B,C] can have any of the following forms: [bnr], [bnr,subgroup], [bnf,modulus], [bnf,modulus,subgroup]. You can still use directly all of (libpari's routines implementing) GP's functions as described in Chapter 3, but they are often awkward in the context of libpari programming. In particular, it does not make much sense to always input a triple A,B,C because of the fringe [bnf,modulus,subgroup]. The first routine to call, is thus

GEN Buchray(GEN bnf, GEN mod, long flag) initializes a bnr structure from bnf and modulus mod. flag is an or-ed combination of nf_GEN (include generators) and nf_INIT (if omitted, do not return a bnr, only the ray class group as an abelian group). In fact, a single value of flag actually makes sense: nf_GEN | nf_INIT to initialize a proper bnr: removing nf_GEN saves very little time, but the corresponding crippled bnr structure will raise errors in most class field theoretic functions. Possibly also 0 to quickly compute the ray class group structure; bnrclassno is faster if we only need the order of the ray class group.

Now we have a proper bnr encoding a bnf and a modulus, we no longer need the [bnf,modulus] and [bnf,modulus,subgroup] forms, which would internally call Buchray anyway. Recall that a subgroup H is given by a matrix in HNF, whose column express generators of H on the fixed generators of the ray class group that stored in our bnr. You may also code the trivial subgroup by NULL.

GEN bnrconductor(GEN bnr, GEN H, long flag) see the documentation of the GP function.

GEN bnrconductor_i(GEN bnr, GEN H, long flag) shallow variant of bnrconductor. Useful when flag = 2 and the conductor is the bnr modulus: avoids copying the bnr (wasteful).

long bnrisconductor(GEN bnr, GEN H) returns 1 is the class field defined by the subgroup H (of the ray class group mod f coded in bnr) has conductor f. Returns 0 otherwise.

GEN bnrchar_primitive(GEN bnr, GEN chi, GEN bnrc) Given a normalized character chi = [d,c] on bnr.clgp (see char_normalize) of conductor bnrc.mod, compute the primitive character chic on bnrc.clgp equivalent to chi, given as a normalized character [D,C] : chic(bnrc.gen[i]) is zeta_D^{C[i]}, where D is minimal. It is easier to use bnrconductor_i(bnr,chi,2), but the latter recomputes bnrc for each new character.

GEN bnrdisc(GEN bnr, GEN H, long flag) returns the discriminant and signature of the class field defined by bnr and H. See the description of the GP function for details. flag is an or-ed combination of the flags rnf_REL (output relative data) and rnf_COND (return 0 unless the modulus is the conductor).

GEN bnrsurjection(GEN BNR, GEN bnr) BNR and bnr defined over the same field K, for moduli F and f with F | f, returns the matrix of the canonical surjection Cl_K(F)\to Cl_K(f) (giving the image of the fixed ray class group generators of BNR in terms of the ones in bnr). BNR must include the ray class group generators.

GEN ABC_to_bnr(GEN A, GEN B, GEN C, GEN *H, int addgen) This is a quick conversion function designed to go from the too general (inefficient) A, B, C form to the preferred bnr, H form for class fields. Given A, B, C as explained above (omitted entries coded by NULL), return the attached bnr, and set H to the attached subgroup. If addgen is 1, make sure that if the bnr needed to be computed, then it contains generators.

Relative equations, Galois conjugates

GEN nfissquarefree(GEN nf, GEN P) given P a polynomial with coefficients in nf, return 1 is P is squarefree, and 0 otherwise. If is allowed (though less efficient) to replace nf by a monic ZX defining the field.

GEN rnfequationall(GEN A, GEN B, long *pk, GEN *pLPRS) A is either an nf type (corresponding to a number field K) or an irreducible ZX defining a number field K. B is an irreducible polynomial in K[X]. Returns an absolute equation C (over Q) for the number field K[X]/(B). C is the characteristic polynomial of b + k a for some roots a of A and b of B, and k is a small rational integer. Set *pk to k.

If pLPRS is not NULL set it to [h_0, h_1], h_i\in Q[X], where h_0+h_1 Y is the last non-constant polynomial in the pseudo-Euclidean remainder sequence attached to A(Y) and B(X-kY), leading to C = Res_Y(A(Y), B(Y-kX)). In particular a := -h_0/h_1 is a root of A in Q[X]/(C), and X - ka is a root of B.

GEN nf_rnfeq(GEN A, GEN B) wrapper around rnfequationall to allow mapping K\to L (eltup) and converting elements of L between absolute and relative form (reltoabs, abstorel), without computing a full rnf structure, which is useful if the relative integral basis is not required. In fact, since A may be a t_POL or an nf, the integral basis of the base field is not needed either. The return value is the same as rnf_get_map. Shallow function.

GEN nf_rnfeqsimple(GEN nf, GEN relpol) as nf_rnfeq except some fields are omitted, so that only the abstorel operation is supported. Shallow function.

GEN eltabstorel(GEN rnfeq, GEN x) rnfeq is as given by rnf_get_map (but in this case rnfeltabstorel is more robust), nf_rnfeq or nf_rnfeqsimple, return x as an element of L/K, i.e. as a t_POLMOD with t_POLMOD coefficients. Shallow function.

GEN eltabstorel_lift(GEN rnfeq, GEN x) same as eltabstorel, except that x is returned in partially lifted form, i.e. as a t_POL with t_POLMOD coefficients.

GEN eltreltoabs(GEN rnfeq, GEN x) rnfeq is as given by rnf_get_map (but in this case rnfeltreltoabs is more robust) or nf_rnfeq, return x in absolute form.

void nf_nfzk(GEN nf, GEN rnfeq, GEN *zknf, GEN *czknf) rnfeq as given by nf_rnfeq, nf a true nf structure, set *zknf and *czknf to a suitable representation of nf.zk allowing quick computation of the map K\to L by the function nfeltup, without computing a full rnf structure, which is useful if the relative integral basis is not required. The computed values are the same as in rnf_get_nfzk. Shallow function.

GEN nfeltup(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN zknf, GEN czknf) zknf and czknf are initialized by nf_nfzk or rnf_get_nfzk (but in this case rnfeltup is more robust); nf is a true nf structure for K, returns x \in K as a (lifted) element of L, in absolute form.

GEN Rg_nffix(const char *f, GEN T, GEN c, int lift) given a ZX T and a ``coefficient'' c supposedly belonging to Q[y]/(T), check whether this is a the case and return a cleaned up version of c. The string f is the calling function name, used to report errors.

This means that c must be one of t_INT, t_FRAC, t_POL in the variable y with rational coefficients, or t_POLMOD modulo T which lift to a rational t_POL as above. The cleanup consists in the following improvements:

@3* t_POL coefficients are reduced modulo T.

@3* t_POL and t_POLMOD belonging to Q are converted to rationals, t_INT or t_FRAC.

@3* if lift is non-zero, convert t_POLMOD to t_POL, and otherwise convert t_POL to t_POLMODs modulo T.

GEN RgX_nffix(const char *f, GEN T, GEN P, int lift) check whether P is a polynomials with coefficients in the number field defined by the absolute equation T(y) = 0, where T is a ZX and returns a cleaned up version of P. This checks whether P is indeed a t_POL with variable compatible with coefficients in Q[y]/(T), i.e.

    varncmp(varn(P), varn(T)) < 0

@3and applies Rg_nffix to each coefficient.

GEN RgV_nffix(const char *f, GEN T, GEN P, int lift) as RgX_nffix for a vector of coefficients.

GEN polmod_nffix(const char *f, GEN rnf, GEN x, int lift) given a t_POLMOD x supposedly defining an element of rnf, check this and perform Rg_nffix cleanups.

GEN polmod_nffix2(const char *f, GEN T, GEN P, GEN x, int lift) as in polmod_nffix, where the relative extension is explicitly defined as L = (Q[y]/(T))[x]/(P), instead of by an rnf structure.

long numberofconjugates(GEN T, long pinit) returns a quick multiple for the number of Q-automorphism of the (integral, monic) t_POL T, from modular factorizations, starting from prime pinit (you can set it to 2). This upper bounds often coincides with the actual number of conjugates. Of course, you should use nfgaloisconj to be sure.

GEN nfroots_if_split(GEN *pt, GEN T) let *pt point either to a number field structure or an irreducible ZX, defining a number field K. Given T a monic squarefree polynomial with coefficients in Z_K, return the list of roots of pol in K if the polynomial splits completely, and NULL otherwise. In other words, this checks whether K[X]/(T) is normal over K (hence Galois since T is separable by assumption).

In the case where *pT is a ZX, the function has to compute internally a conditional nf attached to K , whose nf.zk may not define the maximal order Z_K (see nfroots); *pT is then replaced by the conditional nf to avoid losing that information.

Cyclotomics units

GEN nfrootsof1(GEN nf) returns a two-component vector [w,z] where w is the number of roots of unity in the number field nf, and z is a primitive w-th root of unity.

GEN nfcyclotomicunits(GEN nf, GEN zu) where zu is as output by nfrootsof1(nf), return the vector of the cyclotomic units in nf expressed over the integral basis.

Obsolete routines

Still provided for backward compatibility, but should not be used in new programs. They will eventually disappear.

GEN zidealstar(GEN nf, GEN x) short for Idealstar(nf,x,nf_GEN)

GEN zidealstarinit(GEN nf, GEN x) short for Idealstar(nf,x,nf_INIT)

GEN zidealstarinitgen(GEN nf, GEN x) short for Idealstar(nf,x,nf_GEN|nf_INIT)

GEN buchimag(GEN D, GEN c1, GEN c2, GEN gCO) short for

    Buchquad(D,gtodouble(c1),gtodouble(c2), /*ignored*/0)

GEN buchreal(GEN D, GEN gsens, GEN c1, GEN c2, GEN RELSUP, long prec) short for

  Buchquad(D,gtodouble(c1),gtodouble(c2), prec)

The following use a naming scheme which is error-prone and not easily extensible; besides, they compute generators as per nf_GEN and not nf_GENMAT. Don't use them:

GEN isprincipalforce(GEN bnf,GEN x)

GEN isprincipalgen(GEN bnf, GEN x)

GEN isprincipalgenforce(GEN bnf, GEN x)

GEN isprincipalraygen(GEN bnr, GEN x), use bnrisprincipal.

@3Variants on polred: use polredbest.

GEN factoredpolred(GEN x, GEN fa)

GEN factoredpolred2(GEN x, GEN fa)

GEN smallpolred(GEN x)

GEN smallpolred2(GEN x), use Polred.

GEN polred0(GEN x, long flag, GEN p)

GEN polredabs(GEN x)

GEN polredabs2(GEN x)

GEN polredabsall(GEN x, long flun)

@3Superseded by bnrdisclist0:

GEN discrayabslist(GEN bnf,GEN listes)

GEN discrayabslistarch(GEN bnf, GEN arch, long bound)

@3Superseded by idealappr (flag is ignored)

GEN idealappr0(GEN nf, GEN x, long flag)

Galois extensions of Q

This section describes the data structure output by the function galoisinit. This will be called a gal structure in the following.

Extracting info from a gal structure

The functions below expect a gal structure and are shallow. See the documentation of galoisinit for the meaning of the member functions.

GEN gal_get_pol(GEN gal) returns gal.pol

GEN gal_get_p(GEN gal) returns gal.p

GEN gal_get_e(GEN gal) returns the integer e such that gal.mod == gal.p^e.

GEN gal_get_mod(GEN gal) returns gal.mod.

GEN gal_get_roots(GEN gal) returns gal.roots.

GEN gal_get_invvdm(GEN gal) gal[4].

GEN gal_get_den(GEN gal) return gal[5].

GEN gal_get_group(GEN gal) returns

GEN gal_get_gen(GEN gal) returns gal.gen.

GEN gal_get_orders(GEN gal) returns gal.orders.

Miscellaneous functions

GEN nfgaloispermtobasis(GEN nf, GEN gal) return the images of the field generator by the automorphisms gal.orders expressed on the integral basis nf.zk.

GEN nfgaloismatrix(GEN nf, GEN s) returns the ZM attached to the automorphism s, seen as a linear operator expressend on the number field integer basis. This allows to use

    M = nfgaloismatrix(nf, s);
    sx = ZM_ZC_mul(M, x);   /* or RgM_RgC_mul(M, x) if x is not integral */

instead of

    sx = nfgaloisapply(nf, s, x);

for an algebraic integer x.

Quadratic number fields and quadratic forms


void check_quaddisc(GEN x, long *s, long *mod4, const char *f) checks whether the GEN x is a quadratic discriminant (t_INT, not a square, congruent to 0,1 modulo 4), and raise an exception otherwise. Set *s to the sign of x and *mod4 to x modulo 4 (0 or 1).

void check_quaddisc_real(GEN x, long *mod4, const char *f) as check_quaddisc; check that signe(x) is positive.

void check_quaddisc_imag(GEN x, long *mod4, const char *f) as check_quaddisc; check that signe(x) is negative.

t_QFI, t_QFR

GEN qfi(GEN x, GEN y, GEN z) creates the t_QFI (x,y,z).

GEN qfr(GEN x, GEN y, GEN z, GEN d) creates the t_QFR (x,y,z) with distance component d.

GEN qfr_1(GEN q) given a t_QFR q, return the unit form q^0.

GEN qfi_1(GEN q) given a t_QFI q, return the unit form q^0.

int qfb_equal1(GEN q) returns 1 if the t_QFI or t_QFR q is the unit form.


GEN qficomp(GEN x, GEN y) compose the two t_QFI x and y, then reduce the result. This is the same as gmul(x,y).

GEN qfrcomp(GEN x, GEN y) compose the two t_QFR x and y, then reduce the result. This is the same as gmul(x,y).

GEN qfisqr(GEN x) as qficomp(x,y).

GEN qfrsqr(GEN x) as qfrcomp(x,y).

@3Same as above, without reducing the result:

GEN qficompraw(GEN x, GEN y)

GEN qfrcompraw(GEN x, GEN y)

GEN qfisqrraw(GEN x)

GEN qfrsqrraw(GEN x)

GEN qfbcompraw(GEN x, GEN y) compose two t_QFIs or two t_QFRs, without reduce the result.


GEN powgi(GEN x, GEN n) computes x^n (will work for many more types than t_QFI and t_QFR, of course). Reduce the result.

GEN qfrpow(GEN x, GEN n) computes x^n for a t_QFR x, reducing along the way. If the distance component is initially 0, leave it alone; otherwise update it.

GEN qfbpowraw(GEN x, long n) compute x^n (pure composition, no reduction), for a t_QFI or t_QFR x.

GEN qfipowraw(GEN x, long n) as qfbpowraw, for a t_QFI x.

GEN qfrpowraw(GEN x, long n) as qfbpowraw, for a t_QFR x.

Order, discrete log

GEN qfi_order(GEN q, GEN o) assuming that the t_QFI q has order dividing o, compute its order in the class group. The order can be given in all formats allowed by generic discrete log functions, the preferred format being [ord, fa] (t_INT and its factorization).

GEN qfi_log(GEN a, GEN g, GEN o) given a t_QFI a and assuming that the t_QFI g has order o, compute an integer k such that a^k = g. Return cgetg(1, t_VEC) if there are no solutions. Uses a generic Pollig-Hellman algorithm, then either Shanks (small o) or Pollard rho (large o) method. The order can be given in all formats allowed by generic discrete log functions, the preferred format being [ord, fa] (t_INT and its factorization).

GEN qfi_Shanks(GEN a, GEN g, long n) given a t_QFI a and assuming that the t_QFI g has (small) order n, compute an integer k such that a^k = g. Return cgetg(1, t_VEC) if there are no solutions. Directly uses Shanks algorithm, which is inefficient when n is composite.

Solve, Cornacchia

The following functions underly qfbsolve; p denotes a prime number.

GEN qfisolvep(GEN Q, GEN p) solves Q(x,y) = p over the integers, for a t_QFI Q. Return gen_0 if there are no solutions.

GEN qfrsolvep(GEN Q, GEN p) solves Q(x,y) = p over the integers, for a t_QFR Q. Return gen_0 if there are no solutions.

long cornacchia(GEN d, GEN p, GEN *px, GEN *py) solves x^2+ dy^2 = p over the integers, where d > 0. Return 1 if there is a solution (and store it in *x and *y), 0 otherwise.

long cornacchia2(GEN d, GEN p, GEN *px, GEN *py) as cornacchia, for the equation x^2 + dy^2 = 4p.

Prime forms

GEN primeform_u(GEN x, ulong p) t_QFI whose first coefficient is the prime p.

GEN primeform(GEN x, GEN p, long prec)

Efficient real quadratic forms

Unfortunately, t_QFRs are very inefficient, and are only provided for backward compatibility.

@3* they do not contain needed quantities, which are thus constantly recomputed (the discriminant D, sqrt {D} and its integer part),

@3* the distance component is stored in logarithmic form, which involves computing one extra logarithm per operation. It is much more efficient to store its exponential, computed from ordinary multiplications and divisions (taking exponent overflow into account), and compute its logarithm at the very end.

Internally, we have two representations for real quadratic forms:

@3* qfr3, a container [a,b,c] with at least 3 entries: the three coefficients; the idea is to ignore the distance component.

@3* qfr5, a container with at least 5 entries [a,b,c,e,d]: the three coefficients a t_REAL d and a t_INT e coding the distance component 2^{Ne} d, in exponential form, for some large fixed N.

It is a feature that qfr3 and qfr5 have no specified length or type. It implies that a qfr5 or t_QFR will do whenever a qfr3 is expected. Routines using these objects all require a global context, provided by a struct qfr_data *:

    struct qfr_data {
      GEN D;        /* discriminant, t_INT   */
      GEN sqrtD;    /* sqrt(D), t_REAL       */
      GEN isqrtD;   /* floor(sqrt(D)), t_INT */

void qfr_data_init(GEN D, long prec, struct qfr_data *S) given a discriminant D > 0, initialize S for computations at precision prec ( sqrt {D} is computed to that initial accuracy).

@3All functions below are shallow, and not stack clean.

GEN qfr3_comp(GEN x, GEN y, struct qfr_data *S) compose two qfr3, reducing the result.

GEN qfr3_pow(GEN x, GEN n, struct qfr_data *S) compute x^n, reducing along the way.

GEN qfr3_red(GEN x, struct qfr_data *S) reduce x.

GEN qfr3_rho(GEN x, struct qfr_data *S) perform one reduction step; qfr3_red just performs reduction steps until we hit a reduced form.

GEN qfr3_to_qfr(GEN x, GEN d) recover an ordinary t_QFR from the qfr3 x, adding distance component d.

Before we explain qfr5, recall that it corresponds to an ideal, that reduction corresponds to multiplying by a principal ideal, and that the distance component is a clever way to keep track of these principal ideals. More precisely, reduction consists in a number of reduction steps, going from the form (a,b,c) to rho(a,b,c) = (c, -b mod 2c, *); the distance component is multiplied by (a floating point approximation to) (b + sqrt {D}) / (b - sqrt {D}).

GEN qfr5_comp(GEN x, GEN y, struct qfr_data *S) compose two qfr5, reducing the result, and updating the distance component.

GEN qfr5_pow(GEN x, GEN n, struct qfr_data *S) compute x^n, reducing along the way.

GEN qfr5_red(GEN x, struct qfr_data *S) reduce x.

GEN qfr5_rho(GEN x, struct qfr_data *S) perform one reduction step.

GEN qfr5_dist(GEN e, GEN d, long prec) decode the distance component from exponential (qfr5-specific) to logarithmic form (as in a t_QFR).

GEN qfr_to_qfr5(GEN x, long prec) convert a t_QFR to a qfr5 with initial trivial distance component ( = 1).

GEN qfr5_to_qfr(GEN x, GEN d), assume x is a qfr5 and d was the original distance component of some t_QFR that we converted using qfr_to_qfr5 to perform efficiently a number of operations. Convert x to a t_QFR with the correct (logarithmic) distance component.

Linear algebra over Z

Hermite and Smith Normal Forms

GEN ZM_hnf(GEN x) returns the upper triangular Hermite Normal Form of the ZM x (removing 0 columns), using the ZM_hnfall algorithm. If you want the true HNF, use ZM_hnfall(x, NULL, 0).

GEN ZM_hnfmod(GEN x, GEN d) returns the HNF of the ZM x (removing 0 columns), assuming the t_INT d is a multiple of the determinant of x. This is usually faster than ZM_hnf (and uses less memory) if the dimension is large, > 50 say.

GEN ZM_hnfmodid(GEN x, GEN d) returns the HNF of the matrix (x | d Id) (removing 0 columns), for a ZM x and a t_INT d.

GEN ZM_hnfmodall(GEN x, GEN d, long flag) low-level function underlying the ZM_hnfmod variants. If flag is 0, calls ZM_hnfmod(x,d); flag is an or-ed combination of:

@3* hnf_MODID call ZM_hnfmodid instead of ZM_hnfmod,

@3* hnf_PART return as soon as we obtain an upper triangular matrix, saving time. The pivots are non-negative and give the diagonal of the true HNF, but the entries to the right of the pivots need not be reduced, i.e. they may be large or negative.

@3* hnf_CENTER returns the centered HNF, where the entries to the right of a pivot p are centered residues in [-p/2, p/2[, hence smallest possible in absolute value, but possibly negative.

GEN ZM_hnfmodall_i(GEN x, GEN d, long flag) as ZM_hnfmodall without final garbage collection. Not gerepile-safe.

GEN ZM_hnfall(GEN x, GEN *U, long remove) returns the upper triangular HNF H of the ZM x; if U is not NULL, set if to the matrix U such that x U = H. If remove = 0, H is the true HNF, including 0 columns; if remove = 1, delete the 0 columns from H but do not update U accordingly (so that the integer kernel may still be recovered): we no longer have x U = H; if remove = 2, remove 0 columns from H and update U so that x U = H. The matrix U is square and invertible unless remove = 2.

This routine uses a naive algorithm which is potentially exponential in the dimension (due to coefficient explosion) but is fast in practice, although it may require lots of memory. The base change matrix U may be very large, when the kernel is large.

GEN ZM_hnfall_i(GEN x, GEN *U, long remove) as ZM_hnfall without final garbage collection. Not gerepile-safe.

GEN ZM_hnfperm(GEN A, GEN *ptU, GEN *ptperm) returns the hnf H = P A U of the matrix P A, where P is a suitable permutation matrix, and U\in Gl_n(Z). P is chosen so as to (heuristically) minimize the size of U; in this respect it is less efficient than ZM_hnflll but usually faster. Set *ptU to U and *pterm to a t_VECSMALL representing the row permutation attached to P = (delta_{i,perm[i]}. If ptU is set to NULL, U is not computed, saving some time; although useless, setting ptperm to NULL is also allowed.

GEN ZM_hnf_knapsack(GEN x) given a ZM x, compute its HNF h. Return h if it has the knapsack property: every column contains only zeroes and ones and each row contains a single 1; return NULL otherwise. Not suitable for gerepile.

GEN ZM_hnflll(GEN x, GEN *U, int remove) returns the HNF H of the ZM x; if U is not NULL, set if to the matrix U such that x U = H. The meaning of remove is the same as in ZM_hnfall.

This routine uses the LLL variant of Havas, Majewski and Mathews, which is polynomial time, but rather slow in practice because it uses an exact LLL over the integers instead of a floating point variant; it uses polynomial space but lots of memory is needed for large dimensions, say larger than 300. On the other hand, the base change matrix U is essentially optimally small with respect to the L_2 norm.

GEN ZM_hnfcenter(GEN M). Given a ZM in HNF M, update it in place so that non-diagonal entries belong to a system of centered residues. Not suitable for gerepile.

Some direct applications: the following routines apply to upper triangular integral matrices; in practice, these come from HNF algorithms.

GEN hnf_divscale(GEN A, GEN B,GEN t) A an upper triangular ZM, B a ZM, t an integer, such that C := tA^{-1}B is integral. Return C.

GEN hnf_invscale(GEN A, GEN t) A an upper triangular ZM, t an integer such that C := tA^{-1} is integral. Return C. Special case of hnf_divscale when B is the identity matrix.

GEN hnf_solve(GEN A, GEN B) A a ZM in upper HNF (not necessarily square), B a ZM or ZC. Return A^{-1}B if it is integral, and NULL if it is not.

GEN hnf_invimage(GEN A, GEN b) A a ZM in upper HNF (not necessarily square), b a ZC. Return A^{-1}B if it is integral, and NULL if it is not.

int hnfdivide(GEN A, GEN B) A and B are two upper triangular ZM. Return 1 if A^{-1} B is integral, and 0 otherwise.

@3Smith Normal Form.

GEN ZM_snf(GEN x) returns the Smith Normal Form (vector of elementary divisors) of the ZM x.

GEN ZM_snfall(GEN x, GEN *U, GEN *V) returns ZM_snf(x) and sets U and V to unimodular matrices such that U x V = D (diagonal matrix of elementary divisors). Either (or both) U or V may be NULL in which case the corresponding matrix is not computed.

GEN ZV_snfall(GEN d, GEN *U, GEN *V) here d is a ZV; same as ZM_snfall applied to diagonal(d), but faster.

GEN ZM_snfall_i(GEN x, GEN *U, GEN *V, int returnvec) same as ZM_snfall, except that, depending on the value of returnvec, we either return a diagonal matrix (as in ZM_snfall, returnvec is 0) or a vector of elementary divisors (as in ZM_snf, returnvec is 1) .

void ZM_snfclean(GEN d, GEN U, GEN V) assuming d, U, V come from d = ZM_snfall(x, &U, &V), where U or V may be NULL, cleans up the output in place. This means that elementary divisors equal to 1 are deleted and U, V are updated. The output is not suitable for gerepileupto.

void ZV_snf_trunc(GEN D) given a vector D of elementary divisors (i.e. a ZV such that d_i | d_{i+1}), truncate it in place to leave out the trivial divisors (equal to 1).

GEN ZM_snf_group(GEN H, GEN *U, GEN *Uinv) this function computes data to go back and forth between an abelian group (of finite type) given by generators and relations, and its canonical SNF form. Given an abstract abelian group with generators g = (g_1,...,g_n) and a vector X = (x_i)\inZ^n, we write g X for the group element sum_i x_i g_i; analogously if M is an n x r integer matrix g M is a vector containing r group elements. The group neutral element is 0; by abuse of notation, we still write 0 for a vector of group elements all equal to the neutral element. The input is a full relation matrix H among the generators, i.e. a ZM (not necessarily square) such that gX = 0 for some X\inZ^n if and only if X is in the integer image of H, so that the abelian group is isomorphic to Z^n/Im H. The routine assumes that H is in HNF; replace it by its HNF if it is not the case. (Of course this defines the same group.)

Let G a minimal system of generators in SNF for our abstract group: if the d_i are the elementary divisors (... | d_2 | d_1), each G_i has either infinite order (d_i = 0) or order d_i > 1. Let D the matrix with diagonal (d_i), then

G D = 0, G = g U_{inv}, g = G U,

for some integer matrices U and U_{inv}. Note that these are not even square in general; even if square, there is no guarantee that these are unimodular: they are chosen to have minimal entries given the known relations in the group and only satisfy D | (U U_{inv} - Id) and H | (U_{inv}U - Id).

The function returns the vector of elementary divisors (d_i); if U is not NULL, it is set to U; if Uinv is not NULL it is set to U_{inv}. The function is not memory clean.

GEN ZV_snf_group(GEN d, GEN *newU, GEN *newUi), here d is a ZV; same as ZM_snf_group applied to diagonal(d), but faster.

The following 3 routines underly the various matrixqz variants. In all case the m x n t_MAT x is assumed to have rational (t_INT and t_FRAC) coefficients

GEN QM_ImQ_hnf(GEN x) returns an HNF basis for Im_Q x cap Z^n.

GEN QM_ImZ_hnf(GEN x) returns an HNF basis for Im_Z x cap Z^n.

GEN QM_minors_coprime(GEN x, GEN D), assumes m >= n, and returns a matrix in M_{m,n}(Z) with the same Q-image as x, such that the GCD of all n x n minors is coprime to D; if D is NULL, we want the GCD to be 1.

The following routines are simple wrappers around the above ones and are normally useless in library mode:

GEN hnf(GEN x) checks whether x is a ZM, then calls ZM_hnf. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN hnfmod(GEN x, GEN d) checks whether x is a ZM, then calls ZM_hnfmod. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN hnfmodid(GEN x,GEN d) checks whether x is a ZM, then calls ZM_hnfmodid. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN hnfall(GEN x) calls ZM_hnfall(x, &U, 1) and returns [H, U]. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN hnflll(GEN x) calls ZM_hnflll(x, &U, 1) and returns [H, U]. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN hnfperm(GEN x) calls ZM_hnfperm(x, &U, &P) and returns [H, U, P]. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN smith(GEN x) checks whether x is a ZM, then calls ZM_snf. Normally useless in library mode.

GEN smithall(GEN x) checks whether x is a ZM, then calls ZM_snfall(x, &U, &V) and returns [U,V,D]. Normally useless in library mode.

@3Some related functions over K[X], K a field:

GEN gsmith(GEN A) the input matrix must be square, returns the elementary divisors.

GEN gsmithall(GEN A) the input matrix must be square, returns the [U,V,D], D diagonal, such that UAV = D.

GEN RgM_hnfall(GEN A, GEN *pB, long remove) analogous to ZM_hnfall.

GEN smithclean(GEN z) cleanup the output of smithall or gsmithall (delete elementary divisors equal to 1, updating base change matrices).

The LLL algorithm

The basic GP functions and their immediate variants are normally not very useful in library mode. We briefly list them here for completeness, see the documentation of qflll and qflllgram for details:

@3* GEN qflll0(GEN x, long flag)

GEN lll(GEN x) flag = 0

GEN lllint(GEN x) flag = 1

GEN lllkerim(GEN x) flag = 4

GEN lllkerimgen(GEN x) flag = 5

GEN lllgen(GEN x) flag = 8

@3* GEN qflllgram0(GEN x, long flag)

GEN lllgram(GEN x) flag = 0

GEN lllgramint(GEN x) flag = 1

GEN lllgramkerim(GEN x) flag = 4

GEN lllgramkerimgen(GEN x) flag = 5

GEN lllgramgen(GEN x) flag = 8

The basic workhorse underlying all integral and floating point LLLs is

GEN ZM_lll(GEN x, double D, long flag), where x is a ZM; D \in ]1/4,1[ is the Lovász constant determining the frequency of swaps during the algorithm: a larger values means better guarantees for the basis (in principle smaller basis vectors) but longer running times (suggested value: D = 0.99).

@3Important. This function does not collect garbage and its output is not suitable for either gerepile or gerepileupto. We expect the caller to do something simple with the output (e.g. matrix multiplication), then collect garbage immediately.

@3flag is an or-ed combination of the following flags:

@3* LLL_GRAM. If set, the input matrix x is the Gram matrix ^t v v of some lattice vectors v.

@3* LLL_INPLACE. If unset, we return the base change matrix U, otherwise the transformed matrix x U or ^t U x U (LLL_GRAM). Implies LLL_IM (see below).

@3* LLL_KEEP_FIRST. The first vector in the output basis is the same one as was originally input. Provided this is a shortest non-zero vector of the lattice, the output basis is still LLL-reduced. This is used to reduce maximal orders of number fields with respect to the T_2 quadratic form, to ensure that the first vector in the output basis corresponds to 1 (which is a shortest vector).

@3* LLL_COMPATIBLE. This is a no-op on 64-bit kernels; on 32-bit kernels, restrict to 64-bit-compatible accuracies in the course of LLL algorithms. This is very likely to produce identical results on all kernels, but this is not guaranteed.

The last three flags are mutually exclusive, either 0 or a single one must be set:

@3* LLL_KER If set, only return a kernel basis K (not LLL-reduced).

@3* LLL_IM If set, only return an LLL-reduced lattice basis T. (This is implied by LLL_INPLACE).

@3* LLL_ALL If set, returns a 2-component vector [K, T] corresponding to both kernel and image.

GEN lllfp(GEN x, double D, long flag) is a variant for matrices with inexact entries: x is a matrix with real coefficients (types t_INT, t_FRAC and t_REAL), D and flag are as in ZM_lll. The matrix is rescaled, rounded to nearest integers, then fed to ZM_lll. The flag LLL_INPLACE is still accepted but less useful (it returns an LLL-reduced basis attached to rounded input, instead of an exact base change matrix).

GEN ZM_lll_norms(GEN x, double D, long flag, GEN *ptB) slightly more general version of ZM_lll, setting *ptB to a vector containing the squared norms of the Gram-Schmidt vectors (b_i^*) attached to the output basis (b_i), b_i^ *= b_i + sum_{j < i} mu_{i,j} b_j^*.

GEN lllintpartial_inplace(GEN x) given a ZM x of maximal rank, returns a partially reduced basis (b_i) for the space spanned by the columns of x: |b_i +- b_j| >= |b_i| for any two distinct basis vectors b_i, b_j. This is faster than the LLL algorithm, but produces much larger bases.

GEN lllintpartial(GEN x) as lllintpartial_inplace, but returns the base change matrix U from the canonical basis to the b_i, i.e. x U is the output of lllintpartial_inplace.

GEN RM_round_maxrank(GEN G) given a matrix G with real floating point entries and independent columns, let G_e be the rescaled matrix 2^e G rounded to nearest integers, for e >= 0. Finds a small e such that the rank of G_e is equal to the rank of G (its number of columns) and return G_e. This is useful as a preconditioning step to speed up LLL reductions, see nf_get_Gtwist. Suitable for gerepileupto, but does not collect garbage.

Reduction modulo matrices

GEN ZC_hnfremdiv(GEN x, GEN y, GEN *Q) assuming y is an invertible ZM in HNF and x is a ZC, returns the ZC R equal to x mod y (whose i-th entry belongs to [-y_{i,i}/2, y_{i,i}/2[). Stack clean unless x is already reduced (in which case, returns x itself, not a copy). If Q is not NULL, set it to the ZC such that x = yQ + R.

GEN ZM_hnfdivrem(GEN x, GEN y, GEN *Q) reduce each column of the ZM x using ZC_hnfremdiv. If Q is not NULL, set it to the ZM such that x = yQ + R.

GEN ZC_hnfrem(GEN x, GEN y) alias for ZC_hnfremdiv(x,y,NULL).

GEN ZM_hnfrem(GEN x, GEN y) alias for ZM_hnfremdiv(x,y,NULL).

GEN ZC_reducemodmatrix(GEN v, GEN y) Let y be a ZM, not necessarily square, which is assumed to be LLL-reduced (otherwise, very poor reduction is expected). Size-reduces the ZC v modulo the Z-module Y spanned by y : if the columns of y are denoted by (y_1,..., y_{n-1}), we return y_n = v modulo Y, such that the Gram-Schmidt coefficients mu_{n,j} are less than 1/2 in absolute value for all j < n. In short, y_n is almost orthogonal to Y.

GEN ZM_reducemodmatrix(GEN v, GEN y) Let y be as in ZC_reducemodmatrix, and v be a ZM. This returns a matrix v which is congruent to v modulo the Z-module spanned by y, whose columns are size-reduced. This is faster than repeatedly calling ZC_reducemodmatrix on the columns since most of the Gram-Schmidt coefficients can be reused.

GEN ZC_reducemodlll(GEN v, GEN y) Let y be an arbitrary ZM, LLL-reduce it then call ZC_reducemodmatrix.

GEN ZM_reducemodlll(GEN v, GEN y) Let y be an arbitrary ZM, LLL-reduce it then call ZM_reducemodmatrix.

Besides the above functions, which were specific to integral input, we also have:

GEN reducemodinvertible(GEN x, GEN y) y is an invertible matrix and x a t_COL or t_MAT of compatible dimension. Returns x - y\lfloor y^{-1}x \rceil, which has small entries and differs from x by an integral linear combination of the columns of y. Suitable for gerepileupto, but does not collect garbage.

GEN closemodinvertible(GEN x, GEN y) returns x - reducemodinvertible(x,y), i.e. an integral linear combination of the columns of y, which is close to x.

GEN reducemodlll(GEN x,GEN y) LLL-reduce the non-singular ZM y and call reducemodinvertible to find a small representative of x mod y Z^n. Suitable for gerepileupto, but does not collect garbage.

Finite abelian groups and characters

Abstract groups

A finite abelian group G in GP format is given by its Smith Normal Form as a pair [h,d] or triple [h,d,g]. Here h is the cardinality of G, (d_i) is the vector of elementary divisors, and (g_i) is a vector of generators. In short, G = \oplus_{i <= n} (Z/d_iZ) g_i, with d_n | ... | d_2 | d_1 and prod d_i = h.

Let e(x) := exp (2ipi x). For ease of exposition, we restrict to complex-valued characters, but everything applies to more general fields K where e denotes a morphism (Q,+) \to (K^*, x ) such that e(a/b) denotes a b-th root of unity.

A character on the abelian group \oplus (Z/d_jZ) g_j is given by a row vector chi = [a_1,...,a_n] such that chi(prod g_j^{n_j}) = e(sum a_j n_j / d_j).

GEN cyc_normalize(GEN d) shallow function. Given a vector (d_i)_{i <= n} of elementary divisors for a finite group (no d_i vanish), returns the vector D = [1] if n = 0 (trivial group) and [d_1, d_1/d_2,..., d_1/d_n] otherwise. This will allow to define characters as chi(prod g_j^{x_j}) = e(sum_j x_j a_j D_j / D_1), see char_normalize.

GEN char_normalize(GEN chi, GEN ncyc) shallow function. Given a character chi = (a_j) and ncyc from cyc_normalize above, returns the normalized representation [d, (n_j)], such that chi(prod g_j^{x_j}) = zeta_d^{sum_j n_j x_j}, where zeta_d = e(1/d) and d is minimal. In particular, d is the order of chi. Shallow function.

GEN char_simplify(GEN D, GEN N) given a quasi-normalized character [D, (N_j)] such that chi(prod g_j^{x_j}) = zeta_D^{sum_j N_j x_j}, but where we only assume that D is a multiple of the character order, return a normalized character [d, (n_j)] with d minimal. Shallow function.

GEN char_denormalize(GEN cyc, GEN d, GEN n) given a normalized representation [d, n] (where d need not be minimal) of a character on the abelian group with abelian divisors cyc, return the attached character (where the image of each generator g_i is given in terms of roots of unity of different orders cyc[i]).

GEN charconj(GEN cyc, GEN chi) return the complex conjugate of chi.

GEN charmul(GEN cyc, GEN a, GEN b) return the product character a x b.

GEN chardiv(GEN cyc, GEN a, GEN b) returns the character a / b = a x \overline{b}.

int char_check(GEN cyc, GEN chi) return 1 if chi is a character compatible with cyclic factors cyc, and 0 otherwise.

GEN cyc2elts(GEN d) given a t_VEC d = (d_1,...,d_n) of non-negative integers, return the vector of all t_VECSMALLs of length n whose i-th entry lies in [0,d_i]. Assumes that the product of the d_i fits in a long.

Dirichlet characters

The functions in this section are specific to characters on (Z/NZ)^*. The argument G is a special bid structure as returned by znstar0(N, nf_INIT). In this case, there are additional ways to input character via Conrey's representation. The character chi is either a t_INT (Conrey label), a t_COL (a Conrey logarithm) or a t_VEC (generic character on bid.gen as explained in the previous subsection). The following low-level functions are called by GP's generic character functions.

int zncharcheck(GEN G, GEN chi) return 1 if chi is a valid character and 0 otherwise.

GEN zncharconj(GEN G, GEN chi) as charconj.

GEN znchardiv(GEN G, GEN a, GEN b) as chardiv.

GEN zncharker(GEN G, GEN chi) as charker.

GEN znchareval(GEN G, GEN chi, GEN n, GEN z) as chareval.

GEN zncharmul(GEN G, GEN a, GEN b) as charmul.

GEN zncharorder(GEN G, GEN chi) as charorder.

The following functions handle characters in Conrey notation (attached to Conrey generators, not G.gen):

int znconrey_check(GEN cyc, GEN chi) return 1 if chi is a valid Conrey logarithm and 0 otherwise.

GEN znconrey_normalized(GEN G, GEN chi) return normalized character attached to chi, as in char_normalize but on Conrey generators.

GEN znconreyfromchar(GEN G, GEN chi) return Conrey logarithm attached to the generic (t_VEC, on G.gen)

GEN znconreyfromchar_normalized(GEN G, GEN chi) return normalized Conrey character attached to the generic (t_VEC, on G.gen) character chi.

GEN znconreylog_normalize(GEN G, GEN m) given a Conrey logarithm m (t_COL), return the attached normalized Conrey character, as in char_normalize but on Conrey generators.

GEN Zideallog(GEN G, GEN x) return the znconreylog of x expressed on G.gen, i.e. the ordinary discrete logarithm from ideallog.

Central simple algebras


Low-level routines underlying alginit.

GEN alg_csa_table(GEN nf, GEN mt, long v, long flag) algebra defined by a multiplication table.

GEN alg_cyclic(GEN rnf, GEN aut, GEN b, long flag) cyclic algebra.

GEN alg_hasse(GEN nf, long d, GEN hi, GEN hf, long v, long flag) algebra defined by local Hasse invariants.

GEN alg_hilbert(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, long v, long flag) quaternion algebra.

GEN alg_matrix(GEN nf, long n, long v, GEN L, long flag) matrix algebra.

Type checks

void checkalg(GEN a) raise an exception if a was not initialized by alginit.

long alg_type(GEN al) internal function called by algtype: assume al was created by alginit (thereby saving a call to checkalg). Return values are symbolic rather than numeric:

@3* al_NULL: not a valid algebra.

@3* al_TABLE: table algebra output by algtableinit.

@3* al_CSA: central simple algebra output by alginit and represented by a multiplication table over its center.

@3* al_CYCLIC: central simple algebra output by alginit and represented by a cyclic algebra.

long alg_model(GEN al, GEN x) given an element x in algebra al, check for inconsistencies (raise a type error) and return the representation model used for x:

@3* al_ALGEBRAIC: basistoalg form, algebraic representation.

@3* al_BASIS: algtobasis form, column vector on the integral basis.

@3* al_MATRIX: left multiplication table.

@3* al_TRIVIAL: trivial algebra of degree 1; can be understood as both basis or algebraic form (since e_1 = 1).

Shallow accessors

All these routines assume their argument was initialized by alginit and provide minor speedups compared to the GP equivalent. The routines returning a GEN are shallow.

long alg_get_absdim(GEN al) low-level version of algabsdim.

long alg_get_dim(GEN al) low-level version of algdim.

long alg_get_degree(GEN al) low-level version of algdegree.

GEN alg_get_aut(GEN al) low-level version of algaut.

GEN alg_get_auts(GEN al), given a cyclic algebra al = (L/K,sigma,b) of degree n, returns the vector of sigma^i, 1 <= i < n.

GEN alg_get_b(GEN al) low-level version of algb.

GEN alg_get_basis(GEN al) low-level version of albasis.

GEN alg_get_center(GEN al) low-level version of algcenter.

GEN alg_get_char(GEN al) low-level version of algchar.

GEN alg_get_hasse_f(GEN al) low-level version of alghassef.

GEN alg_get_hasse_i(GEN al) low-level version of alghassei.

GEN alg_get_invbasis(GEN al) low-level version of alginvbasis.

GEN alg_get_multable(GEN al) low-level version of algmultable.

GEN alg_get_relmultable(GEN al) low-level version of algrelmultable.

GEN alg_get_splittingfield(GEN al) low-level version of algsplittingfield.

GEN alg_get_abssplitting(GEN al) returns the absolute nf structure attached to the rnf returned by algsplittingfield.

GEN alg_get_splitpol(GEN al) returns the relative polynomial defining the rnf returned by algsplittingfield.

GEN alg_get_splittingdata(GEN al) low-level version of algsplittingdata.

GEN alg_get_splittingbasis(GEN al) the matrix Lbas from algsplittingdata

GEN alg_get_splittingbasisinv(GEN al) the matrix Lbasinv from algsplittingdata.

GEN alg_get_tracebasis(GEN al) returns the traces of the basis elements; used by algtrace.

GEN alg_change_overorder_shallow(GEN al, GEN ord)

GEN alg_complete(GEN rnf, GEN aut, GEN hi, GEN hf, int maxord)

GEN alg_ordermodp(GEN al, GEN p)

GEN algbasischarpoly(GEN al, GEN x, long v)

GEN algbasismul(GEN al, GEN x, GEN y)

GEN algbasismultable(GEN al, GEN x)

GEN algbasismultable_Flm(GEN mt, GEN x, ulong m)

GEN algleftordermodp(GEN al, GEN Ip, GEN p)

GEN bnfgwgeneric(GEN bnf, GEN Lpr, GEN Ld, GEN pl, long var)

GEN bnrgwsearch(GEN bnr, GEN Lpr, GEN Ld, GEN pl)

void checkhasse(GEN nf, GEN hi, GEN hf, long n)

long cyclicrelfrob(GEN rnf, GEN auts, GEN pr)

GEN hassecoprime(GEN hi, GEN hf, long n)

GEN hassedown(GEN nf, long n, GEN hi, GEN hf)

GEN hassewedderburn(GEN hi, GEN hf, long n)

long localhasse(GEN rnf, GEN cnd, GEN pl, GEN auts, GEN b, long k)

GEN nfgwkummer(GEN nf, GEN Lpr, GEN Ld, GEN pl, long var)
