Aurel Page on Tue, 01 Oct 2024 16:15:27 +0200

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Re: What is the Mathematica "PowerMod[a, 1/2, m]" equivalent in PARI/GP?

On 01/10/2024 15:37, wrote:
Mathworld page on qudratic residue mentions a polynomial time algorithm:

Schoof (1985) gives an algorithm for finding x with running time O(ln^{10} n) (Hardy et al. 1990). The congruence can solved by the Wolfram Language command PowerMod[q, 1/2, p].

Since "PowerMod[]" is much slower than PARI/GP "issquare()" they likely did not implement
that polynomial time (10th power though) algorithm.
The polynomial time algorithm is for the case where the modulus has already been factored. Computing square roots mod N is provably as hard as factoring N.
