American Citizen on Mon, 23 Sep 2024 23:33:29 +0200

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Re: How to compute functions defined by recurrences?

The Inverse symbolic calculator does not locate this constant. It doesn't seem to be algebraic for low degree (algdeg(n,d) command) also.

It would be nice to find an exact symbolic _expression_ for this constant, hopefully I am not overlooking something here.

On 9/23/24 14:08, Charles Greathouse wrote:
k is -0.120526166805581503451769239491718240700000837213342230433749796337295780027993182203117298864948031052323469664... thanks to PARI's fast prodnumrat.

I started by computing the leading coefficients and saw they were growing quickly, so I thought to look at their first quotients. These seemed to be growing linearly, so I looked at their differences and it seemed to settle down pretty quickly to 1.5 so I was fairly sure the main term would be something like 1.5k + a for some a. Solving for a with as large a term as I could quickly compute I saw it was suspiciously close to -1.5, so the total looked like 1.5 * 3 * 4.5 * ... * 1.5(n-1) which is just (n-1)! times 1.5^(n-1). I chose to write 1.5^n because it was neater and absorb the extra 1.5 into the constant.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 2:23 PM kevin lucas <> wrote:
Thanks so much for your replies! I’m amazed how fast you got somewhere and still trying to digest all of it, but I think I have more than enough to continue with for now. To Charles, how did you guess the (n-1)! for the leading coefficient?
Also if there's a way to get enough digits of k to try to recognize it I’d be very interested.

On Mon 23. Sep 2024 at 19:09, Charles Greathouse <> wrote:
And indeed
-5/36 * prodnumrat(1-5/24/k/(3*(k-1)/2),2)
is about -0.1205, so my empirical k was (approximately) correct.

I recognize that this doesn't address the part of your question about computing the whole polynomial for large n. My code generates D_250(x) in about 8 seconds, which isn't bad considering the output is around 1 MB (a bit more printed, a bit less internal). I'm sure there are clever ways to do it better but if you need a bit output it's never going to be super fast.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 12:36 PM Charles Greathouse <> wrote:
I'm not afraid of inflicting bad code (or embarrassing myself) on the list, so I'll give

D(n)=if(n==0, return(1)); my(d=D(n-1)); x^2*(1-x)^2*(d')/2 + intformal((1-5*x^2)*d)/8

which I think is the naive transcription of the definition. Let's use f(n) as the leading coefficient of D_n(x). Then, speaking purely numerically, it looks like
f(n)/f(n-1) = 1.5n  + C
where the constant looks suspiciously like -1.5. If that's right, you should have a factorial-like function as the leading coefficient, something like
f(n) = -k * (n-1)! * (3/2)^n
Numerically it seems to work pretty well with a constant k near 0.120.

OK, so how did we do? From the defining formula, it looks like

f(n) = prod(k=1,n, (3*k-3)/2-5/24/k)

which indeed has the (n-1)! * (3/2)^n but I missed the correction term.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 11:06 AM kevin lucas <> wrote:
In some recent work I found myself having to investigate the asymptotics of the Debye polynomials, which I will here take as *defined* by the following integrodifferential recurrence:

$D_{n+1}(x)= \frac{1}{2}x^2(1-x)^2D'_n(x) + \frac{1}{8}\int_0^x(1-5t^2)D_n(t)dt$
with $D_0(x)=1$

These are polynomials of degree 3n. I mostly care about the leading term as n grows, but I'd also like to know how to compute these polynomials to high degree assuming only this recurrence. I have a horribly slow and ugly GP script which I am too embarrassed by to inflict on this list, and it doesn't go high enough to get the digits to guess at asymptotics.

More generally, I can't find from the usual sources how to accelerate computing families of *functions* given by recurrences. If for example all one had was this recurrence for Bernoulli polynomials, could one easily compute B_1000(x) (or at least an arbitrary coefficient) in PARI/GP?

As usual any help, comments or references are appreciated.