hermann on Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:52:49 +0200

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Re: New cgal4gp repo — Make CGAL functionality available for PARI/GP.

On 2024-07-18 22:24, hermann@stamm-wilbrandt.de wrote:

I recorded an animated .gif demonstrating all, find it in this posting:

You can get some ideas of what becomes possible for GP on CGAL homepage:

I checked in CGAL Basic Viewer stuff, with most needed doc:

Works under Ubuntu 22.04 as well as Raspberry Pi OS.

Previous example did not have much GP, here is a more GP demo:

hermann@7600x:~/cgal4gp/Basic_Viewer$ gp -q ~/tqf.gp cgal.Basic_Viewer.4.gp
? n=5*13;
? Q=get_tqf(n);
? M=Q~*Q;
? S=[x|x<-Vec(qfminim(M,n)[3]),qfeval(M,x)==n];
? points=[Q*s|s<-concat(S,-S)];
? CGAL_convex_hull_3(points)
[96, 282, 564, 188]
? CGAL_draw()
Using OpenGL context 4.6 GL

The convex hull created from the computed points is on right side.
I will have to figure out how to get rid of edges inside a face for left view:


