hermann on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:27:21 +0200

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Re: vector of t_FRAC questions

On 2024-07-16 11:32, Karim Belabas wrote:

How can I get "??gcd" help in terminal instead of dvi viewer?

Something like

  help     = "gphelp -detex -utf8 -ch 4 -cb 0 -cu 2"

in your .gprc (see 'man gphelp' for the meaning of he various flags).

Note that you can also call 'gphelp' directly, it works outside of gp.
You can turn the above command into an alias and use it in a terminal.



Thanks, I tried the latter, and it was difficult to read on my default
black terminal background. But after changing to a gray that made ghelp
easy to read, as well ad the bash command line, it looks good !

With below alias in .bashrc "?? gcd" in terminal does what I want:

$ tail -1 .bashrc
alias ??="gphelp -detex -utf8 -ch 4 -cb 0 -cu 2"

