hermann on Sat, 25 May 2024 22:59:01 +0200

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Re: Making use of "GP in your browser" questions

On 2024-05-24 23:07, Bill Allombert wrote:
The file  gp-sta.wasm is a binary file generated from PARI source code
(and GNU GMP) with emscripten.
So it is covered by the GNU GPL v2+. So you need to point to the GPL and
you need to also distribute the source code of PARI and GNU GMP.

Everything should be available from
except the is no wasm file yet, I need to fix it.

Whether you want to copy or link to gp-sta.wasm is your choice, but it
is probably safer to copy
them, in case I make some incompatible change on the PARI website.


What I really want is to use JavaScript PARI/GP in a JSCAD code, like the code you see on right:


So I need to run gp-sta.js in node, not in browser.
gp-sta.js has no export, so require does not work.
But "import" does.
But import does not allow to import with "http:" or "https:" out of the box.
But with "--experimental-network-imports"
use of "http:" states that "https:" is needed for non-local addresses like
so still work in progress.

But what is amazing is that local gp-sta.js PARI/GP runs in node already(!!), see below.



As stated import works, but node told me that "await import(...)" has to be used.

hermann@j4105:~/gpminimal$ node
Welcome to Node.js v20.13.1.
Type ".help" for more information.
await import("./gp-sta.js")
[Module: null prototype] {
  default: {
    FS_createPath: [Function: createPath],
    FS_createDataFile: [Function: createDataFile],
    FS_createPreloadedFile: [Function: FS_createPreloadedFile],
    FS_unlink: [Function: unlink],
    FS_createLazyFile: [Function: createLazyFile],
    FS_createDevice: [Function: createDevice] { major: 66 },
    requestFullscreen: [Function: requestFullscreen],
    requestAnimationFrame: [Function: requestAnimationFrame],
    setCanvasSize: [Function: setCanvasSize],
    pauseMainLoop: [Function: pause],
    resumeMainLoop: [Function: resume],
    getUserMedia: [Function: getUserMedia],
    createContext: [Function: createContext],
    _gp_embedded_init: [Function (anonymous)],
    _gp_embedded: [Function (anonymous)],
    _pari_emscripten_plot_init: [Function (anonymous)],
    _main: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_ii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_iiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_vii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_iii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_iiiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_iiiiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_vi: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_viii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_viiiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_i: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_iidi: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_id: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_viiiiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_v: [Function (anonymous)],
    dynCall_viiii: [Function (anonymous)],
    ___emscripten_embedded_file_data: 406976,
    addRunDependency: [Function: addRunDependency],
    removeRunDependency: [Function: removeRunDependency],
    ccall: [Function: ccall]
GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.15.5 (development 28239-6c020b568b)
wasm running emscripten (portable C/GMP-6.2.1 kernel) 32-bit version compiled: Feb 17 2024, clang version 19.0.0git (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project e769fb8699e3fa8e40623764f7713bfc783b0330)
                            threading engine: single
               (readline not compiled in, extended help enabled)

                     Copyright (C) 2000-2022 The PARI Group

PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes

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parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000
? Goodbye!