hermann on Fri, 24 May 2024 22:37:42 +0200

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Re: Making use of "GP in your browser" questions

On 2024-05-24 13:48, hermann@stamm-wilbrandt.de wrote:

1) is there some doc on how to correctly make use of

function myevalm(s) { return
Module.ccall("gp_embedded","string",["string"],[s]); }

in browser JavaScript?

Bill pointed me to a wrong file location in directory structure.
This works:

hermann@j4105:~$ tree gp
├── PARI_GP Development Headquarters_files
│   ├── gp-sta.js
│   ├── gp-sta.wasm
│   ├── Logo_PARI-GP_Couleurs_L150px.png
│   └── pari.css
└── PARI_GP Development Headquarters.html

1 directory, 5 files

2) Is it OK to use


in own webpages for using myevalm() ?

I did simplify the webpage further and further until I reached only 24 lines.
Then I realized that I run into CORS issues.
So I did need to copy gp-sta.js and gp-sta.wasm from
and store them locally to minimal.html:

$ ssh web23.web138@stamm-wilbrandt.de ls -l httpdocs/gp
web23.web138@stamm-wilbrandt.de's password:
total 13828
-rw-r--r-- 1 web23.web138 psacln   105545 24. Mai 22:07 gp-sta.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 web23.web138 psacln 14047724 24. Mai 22:07 gp-sta.wasm
-rw-r--r-- 1 web23.web138 psacln     1127 24. Mai 22:17 minimal.html

That really works, you can try:


??primes results in

Help: https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/dochtml/help-stable/primes.

?primes gives help in browser console:

primes(n): returns the vector of the first n primes (integer), or the primes in gp-sta.js:1:15229
interval n = [a,b].    gp-sta.js:1:15229
<empty string>    gp-sta.js:1:15229

Input [p|p<-primes([2,100]),p%4==1] and then pressing "eval" button results in:

%4 = [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 73, 89, 97]

The big question is, whether I am allowed to store gp-sta.js and gp-sta.wasm on my website?

The more important question is whether JSCAD (JavaScript) script allows to fetch


by injecting appropriate CORS headers, and thus not requiring that file to be stored on https://jscad.app



Just because minimal.html is so small ...

<pre id="output"></pre>
<textarea id="code input"></textarea>
<button type="button" id="loading" onclick="eval()">eval</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var input = document.getElementById("code input");
  var output = document.getElementById("output");
  var but = document.getElementById("loading");
  var initonce = false;
  function mystart() { myinit(); initonce = true;
                       but.removeAttribute("disabled"); }
  var Module = { noInitialRun: true, onRuntimeInitialized: mystart };
  function myinit() { Module.ccall("gp_embedded_init",null,["number",
                                   "number"],[4000000,1000000000]); }
  function myevalm(s) { return Module.ccall("gp_embedded",
                                            "string",["string"],[s]); }
  function evalgp(x) {
    var s = myevalm(x);
    if (s == "retry.") { setTimeout(function (){ evalgp(x); }, 500); }
    else               { output.innerHTML = s; }
  function eval() { if (initonce) { evalgp(input.value) } }
<script async="" type="text/javascript" src="gp-sta.js"></script>