Gareth Ma on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 18:19:05 +0100

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Re: Best way to determine horizontal plane ℤ³ that contains most vectors of given vector of vectrs

Try this:

? z = vecsort(matreduce([v[3] | v <- S])~, 2, 4)[1, 1]; z
%21 = -1
? PP = [v | v <- S, v[3] == z]; PP
%22 = [[1, 0, -1]~, [4, -1, -1]~, [7, -3, -1]~, [3, -1, -1]~, [8, -3, -1]~, [2, -1, -1]~, [9, -3, -1]~, [7, -2, -1]~, [4, -2, -1]~, [6, -2, -1]~, [5, -2, -1]~]

On 09/02/2024 17:12, wrote:
On 2024-02-09 17:35, Gareth Ma wrote:
Note your code depends on max(L) - min(L), which is probably not what
you want?

I think so, since I don't know whih z-coordinate contains maximal count of vectors.

You can replace your C with matreduce(L).

This is example input:

S=[[12, -4, -3]~, [1, 0, -1]~, [6, -2, -2]~, [11, -4, -3]~, [0, 0, 1]~, [15, -5, -3]~, [4, -1, -1]~, [9, -3, -2]~, [14, -5, -3]~, [7, -3, -1]~, [2, -1, 0]~, [3, -1, -1]~, [8, -3, -2]~, [13, -5, -3]~, [8, -3, -1]~, [3, -1, 0]~, [2, -1, -1]~, [9, -3, -1]~, [7, -2, -1]~, [12, -4, -2]~, [17, -6, -3]~, [4, -2, -1]~, [1, 0, 0]~, [6, -2, -1]~, [11, -4, -2]~, [16, -6, -3]~, [10, -4, -2]~, [5, -2, -1]~]

What I want is this (PP=[v|v<-S,v[3]==mx];):

PP=[[1, 0, -1]~, [4, -1, -1]~, [7, -3, -1]~, [3, -1, -1]~, [8, -3, -1]~, [2, -1, -1]~, [9, -3, -1]~, [7, -2, -1]~, [4, -2, -1]~, [6, -2, -1]~, [5, -2, -1]~]

How can "matreduce(S)" help?

matreduce(S)=[[0, 0, 1]~, 1; [1, 0, -1]~, 1; [1, 0, 0]~, 1; [2, -1, -1]~, 1; [2, -1, 0]~, 1; [3, -1, -1]~, 1; [3, -1, 0]~, 1; [4, -2, -1]~, 1; [4, -1, -1]~, 1; [5, -2, -1]~, 1; [6, -2, -2]~, 1; [6, -2, -1]~, 1; [7, -3, -1]~, 1; [7, -2, -1]~, 1; [8, -3, -2]~, 1; [8, -3, -1]~, 1; [9, -3, -2]~, 1; [9, -3, -1]~, 1; [10, -4, -2]~, 1; [11, -4, -3]~, 1; [11, -4, -2]~, 1; [12, -4, -3]~, 1; [12, -4, -2]~, 1; [13, -5, -3]~, 1; [14, -5, -3]~, 1; [15, -5, -3]~, 1; [16, -6, -3]~, 1; [17, -6, -3]~, 1]

