> I presume that many shortcuts (dynamic lookup structures) can be used, to trade memory for speed.
My current code already does that to some extent by not storing each n, 2n, 4n, etc, but just calculating them as needed. I did consider using more complicated methods like the ones you suggest, but I was hoping to avoid them!
On 3 Jan 2024, at 10:33 pm, Ruud H.G. van Tol <rvtol@isolution.nl> wrote:
On 2024-01-03 02:13, Joe Slater wrote:I wrote the following script to calculate terms of A060322. It does a
decent job, but takes a lot of memory: at present I can only calculate
around 70 terms. Can anyone suggest a way to push it further?
A060322(n)= /* Provide an array from 1..n of the number of integers with a
stopping time of _n_ */
v2=vector(x-1,i,[(x-1)/3| x<-2^(x-i)*v[i],(x%3)==1]);
Stopping-time (reaching 1) is owned by dropping-time (reaching first lower-or-equal).Dropping time is owned by residue classes.https://oeis.org/A100982https://oeis.org/A368514/a368514.svgFor example: 1 + i* 2^2 -> 1 + i* 3^1 2 + i* 2^1 -> 1 + i* 3^0 3 + i* 2^4 -> 2 + i* 3^2 7 + i* 2^7 -> 5 + i* 3^4 11 + i* 2^5 -> 10 + i* 3^3etc.https://oeis.org/A243115https://oeis.org/wiki/User:Ruud_H.G._van_Tol/Collatz#Dropping_structureWith these in mind, I presume that many shortcuts (dynamic lookup structures) can be used, to trade memory for speed.-- Ruud