hermann on Tue, 17 Oct 2023 22:21:23 +0200 |
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Re: Which unfactored sofar RSA numbers have sum of squares representation? |
RSA_numbers_factored repo RSA.totient() function allows to efficiently compute GP eulerphi() by making use of the stored prime factors for each factored RSA number. RSA.reduced_totient() is efficiently computed Charmichael function, also based on stored prime factors. It seems that 4 dividing quotient of both functions allows to tell that the corresponding RSA number has sum of squares representation. Unfortunately for this knowledge of prime factors is necessary as in previous posting: ? foreach(RSA.factored(1),r,[l,n,p,q]=r;\ print(l," ",RSA.totient(r)/RSA.reduced_totient(r)," ",p%4,",",q%4)) 59 4 1,1 129 4 1,1 130 2 3,3 155 2 3,3 160 2 3,3 180 8 1,1 190 26 3,3 640 2 3,3 220 2 3,3 230 4 1,1 768 4 1,1 250 2 3,3 ? None of RSA-numbers =3 (mod 4) has sum of squares representations, and none have 4 as divider of the quotient: ? foreach(RSA.factored(3),r,[l,n,p,q]=r;\ print(l," ",RSA.totient(r)/RSA.reduced_totient(r)," ",p%4,",",q%4)) 79 6 1,3 100 2 3,1 110 2 3,1 120 2 3,1 140 2 3,1 150 2 1,3 170 22 3,1 576 2 1,3 200 2 1,3 210 2 3,1 704 2 1,3 232 2 3,1 240 2 1,3 ? Regards, Hermann. On 2023-08-12 18:19, hermann@stamm-wilbrandt.de wrote:
A requirement for sum of squares representation of n=RSA-l is, that n%4==1.Here are all (un)factored sofar RSA numbers that are =1 (mod 4). Separation possible by nrp = Mod(qnr, n)^(phi/4), with qnr a quadratic non-residue (mod n), and phi=(p-1)*(q-1). But knowing n=p*q is required. If p==1 (mod 4) and q==1 (mod 4), p and q have unique sum of squares. And by Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity n has two representations as sum of squares.If p==3 (mod 4) and q==3 (mod 4), n does not have sum of squares representation.pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $ gp -q < phi.gp validate(rsa): ✓ RSA p%4 q%4 nrp 59 1 1 1 129 1 1 1 130 3 3 -1 155 3 3 -1 160 3 3 -1 180 1 1 1 190 3 3 -1 640 3 3 -1 220 3 3 -1 230 1 1 1 768 1 1 1 250 3 3 -1 280 309 310 320 340 360 370 390 430 450 460 1536 470 500 617 2048 pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $ pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $ cat phi.gp \r RSA_numbers_factored print("RSA p%4 q%4 nrp"); for(i=1,#rsa,\ if(#rsa[i]>=4,\ [l,n,p,q]=rsa[i];\ forprime(t=2,oo,if( kronecker(t, p)==-1, qnrp=t; break()));\ assert(Mod(qnrp, p)^((p-1)/2) == Mod(-1, p));\ forprime(t=2,oo,if( kronecker(t, q)==-1, qnrq=t; break()));\ assert(Mod(qnrq, q)^((q-1)/2) == Mod(-1, q));\ m = chinese(Mod(qnrp, p), Mod(qnrq, q));\ qnr = lift(m);\ assert(Mod(qnr, n) == m);\ phi=(p-1)*(q-1);\ assert(Mod(qnr, n)^(phi/2) == 1);\ if(n%4==3, next);\printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d\n", l, p%4, q%4, centerlift(Mod(qnr, n)^(phi/4))),\[l,n]=rsa[i];if(n%4==1,print(l));\ )\ ) pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $ Regards, Hermann.