About the last paper (by Jared Asuncion), it talks about a "ecpp()" function, which is not provided by Pari/gp AFAIK.
Is there some Pari/gp code implementing ECPP somewhere ?
My goal is to understand and experiment ECPP with Pari/gp with a special kind of numbers (Wagstaff numbers) and see if I can find "constants" for different instances of this kind of numbers.
I've already found that Denomme-Savin/Tsumura method for proving the primality of Fermat numbers SEEMS (as a candidate PRP test) to work for Wagstaff numbers. However, the method of their proof CANNOT be used for Wagstaff numbers, which are not smooth.
So, I'd like to find a Pari/gp code implementing ECPP. Efficiency is not the goal. Learning is the goal.