Jean-Luc ARNAUD on Fri, 30 Jun 2023 02:24:01 +0200

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How to interrupt a MT calculation?

Hi all,

In such a script:




    ()->t=time(); factorint(n, 1); time()-t,

    ()->t=time(); factorint(n, 3); time()-t,
    ()->t=time(); if (n>2^468-1, factorint(n, 7), factorint(n, 6)); time()-t,
    ()->t=time(); factorint(n, 9); time()-t,
    ()->t=time(); factorint(n, 11); time()-t,
    ()->t=time(); print(factor(n)); time()-t


How is it possible to programmatically stop the calculations, let say as soon as a result is returned?

I can't even stop it manually with a Control-C or a break command...

TIA for any advice.

Jean-Luc Arnaud