Edmond Griffin on Sun, 19 Feb 2023 16:58:45 +0100

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Segmentation Fault in Pari/GP from gp2c-run


    I am working on an old conjecture of Erdos-Turan using Pari/GP.  Although the computations are simple, the number of them is very large.  To speed things up, I hoped to convert my .gp code into C using gp2c. I am having difficulty doing so.

   I believe both gp and gp2c were built successfully on my machine - a quad core i7 MacBook Pro.  When I compile and run the code using gp2c-run I get no warnings of undeclared or unused variables.  I do get the following warning before gp starts:

ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups

   Then when I call my function (extDnkc) I get

? extDnkc(15,6,0,"/Volumes/BinPolyData/Diffs/")    
  ***   user warning: 
  ***   at top-level: extDnkc(15,6,0,"/Volumes/BinPolyData/Diffs/")
  ***                 ^---------------------------------------------
  *** extDnkc: bug in PARI/GP (Segmentation Fault), please report.

Can you suggest a course of action?

Thank you very much,
Ed Griffin

P.S.  For refernce, here is my gp code:

extDnkc(n, k, c, fPath) = {
/* =======================================================================
This function looks in fPath for a file called D_n_k_TN.csv where n and k
are input integers.  It then applies the Extension process described in
Borwein to generate a new set of basic binary polynomials.  
Unlike extDnk this function only records ("keeps") extended polynomials 
Whose norms differ from k by c. By Proposition 5, the only useful values 
of c are 0, 1, 2.

Although the function produces no direct outputs it does create a file.

    n = poly width
    k = poly norm
    c = change in norm (out norm = in norm + c)
    fPath = full file path to data sets
Outputs: (none but does create/append files)
Author: EE Griffin II
Date:   Feb 12, 2023
========================================================================== */
Try to open the input file located in fPath. If this doesn't work bail
out with an error message.
    fName = strjoin([fPath,strprintf("D_%d_%d_TN.csv", n, k)]);
    iferr(fIn=fileopen(fName,"r"), ERR, 
        warning(strprintf("Bad input file: %s",fName)); return,errname(ERR)=="e_FILE");

As shown in Proposition 5 an element of D_n_k can only extend to an element in  
D_n+1_k, D_n+1_k+1, or D_n+1_k+2. So the input is checked and a file is opened
if input c is in {0,1,2}.
        fName = strjoin([fPath,strprintf("D_%d_%d_TD.csv", n+1, k+c)]);
        iferr(fOut=fileopen(fName,"a"), ERR,
            warning(strprintf("Bad output file: %s",fName)); 
            fileclose(fIn);return, errname(ERR)=="e_FILE");
        warning(strprintf("Third input, c = norm change, must be in {0,1,2}"));return;

Each extension of a binary polynomial corresponds to adding a power of 2 to the 
integer index of that polynomial.  Calculate an array of 2^n
    pwrOf2 = vector(1001, m, 2^m);

Loop over the input file line-by-line.  Each D_n_k is a .csv file with 3
integers per row. They are:
    qIdx  = the integer index of the polynomial (=p(2))
    phiQ  = upper bound of extension loop
    qDeg  = the degree of q
(Note that two associated values are inputs: 
    qWid  = n = the polynomial width (= # of non-zero coefficients in q)
    qNorm = k = the largest coeff in the square of q
We use filereadstr to read in a line and then split it into three parts.
    while(strL = filereadstr(fIn),
        strS = strsplit(strL,",");
        qIdx = eval(strS[1]);
        phiQ = eval(strS[2]);
        degQ = eval(strS[3]);
Loop over the possible extensions of q, using phiQ per Borwein
        for(MM = degQ+1, phiQ, 

Calculate the index, coefficients and norm of p.  By the definition of the index, 
adding another monomial of higher degree to q is the same as adding a power of 2
to the index of q.
            pIdx = qIdx + pwrOf2[MM];
            pV = binary(pIdx);
            pNorm = vecmax(p2V);
Check to see if p is a basic binary polynomial.  If so, write out the data for it
            if(pNorm == k+c,
            if(#select(x->x,p2V[-MM-1..-1]) == MM+1, 
                phiP = 2*#pV - 1 - iferr(vecmax(select(x->(x==0), p2V, 1)), ERR, 0,errname(ERR)=="e_DOMAIN");
                filewrite(fOut, strprintf("%d,%d,%d",pIdx, phiP ,MM));
Close the output files
        iferr(fileclose(fOut), ERR,
            warning(strprintf("Could not close output file")),errname(ERR)=="e_FILE"

Close the input file