Ruud H.G. van Tol on Sun, 20 Nov 2022 16:51:00 +0100

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Re: symbol manipulation

On 2022-11-20 15:09, Bill Allombert wrote:
On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 01:45:26PM +0100, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

I'm looking for a simpler way to investigate how a formula evolves, for
formulas with inner loops.

My test-formula:
A071521(n)= my(t=1/3; sum(k=0, logint(n, 3), t*=3; logint(n\t, 2)+1)

f(n)=my( t= 1/3
, add_(v1,v2)=  Str("((",v1,")+(",v2,"))")
, mul_(v1,v2)=  Str("((",v1,")*(",v2,"))")
, idiv_(v1,v2)= Str("((",v1,")\\(",v2,"))")
, logint_(v,b)= Str("logint(",v,",",b,")")
, sum_(f,t,s)=  Str("sum(k_=",f,",",t,",",s,")")
, a_(n)= sum_(
     k=0, logint_(n,3), add_(logint_(idiv_(n, (mul_(t,3))), 2), 1))

my(f_); eval(Str("f_()=",f(2))); f_
%3 = ()->my(f_);sum(k_=0,logint(5,3),((logint(((5)\(((1/3)*(3)))),2))+(1)))

This does not seem quite right, since this does not depend on k.

In this case the k is only used as an iteration count.
Do you mean that in such a case, sum() is not the best function to use?

[sum(k=0, logint(n, 3), 1+logint(3*n\(t*=3),2)) |n<-[1..20]; t<-[1]]

The ultimately desired return value is "logint(x,2)".
How feasible/doable is that?

It is unclear what purpose this would serve you.

"code lineage". For example to show per call what the inner loop looks like when it would be pre-resolved/inlined.

One trick is to convert functional values to variables this way:
? eval(Str("'logint_",x,"_",2))
%3 = logint_x_2

that you can then add and multiply as needed.

-- Ruud