Karim Belabas on Fri, 08 Jul 2022 11:36:56 +0200

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Re: Hilbert class polynomial roots mod q

* Karim Belabas [2022-07-08 11:26]:
> and in fact just computing x^p mod T is the bottleneck (deg T ~ 5, p ~ 2^32);
Just to be clear: the computation is x^p mod (T,p) and is done using a
sliding window algorithm, naive polynomial arithmetic over F_p, and
naive F_p arithmetic [ deg(T) is too small to make Barett reduction useful ]

It's the function Flxq_powu() in case anybody's interested.

Maybe hardcoding (and optimizing) multiplication of small degree
polynomials and Euclidean division would be enough to bridge the
performance gap.


Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251), Université de Bordeaux
Vice-président en charge du Numérique
T: (+33) 05 40 00 29 77; http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~kbelabas/