Zhao Li on Wed, 04 May 2022 11:16:26 +0200

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Re: slow factor

Dear Bill,

	Thank you. 
	In practice we can restrict the input polynomial in the integer ring.
	This function works very well. But we found it failed for this polynomial.

P = -400000*ieta + 3600000*ep*ieta + 4*ep*ieta^2 - 11300000*ep^2*ieta - 20*ep^2*ieta^2 + 15000000*ep^3*ieta + 33*ep^3*ieta^2 - 7200000*ep^4*ieta - 18*ep^4*ieta^2;

	We do not fully understand the reason yet.


Theoretical Physics Division
Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences

> On Apr 30, 2022, at 3:28 AM, Bill Allombert <Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 02:12:33AM +0800, Zhao Li wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> 	We are using GP for factoring the multivariate polynomial, which
>> 	however could be extremely slow compared to Factor function in
>> 	mathematica. 
> Yes, this is very slow. In fact, this is not even really documented!
>> 	So we were wondering if there is any option to make factor more efficient in GP.
> Probably not... Over what ring do you want to factor ?
> Your example is in Z[i][X,Y] (with i^2=-1).
> PARI do not have fast GCD code for such ring, so issquarefree(P) is very slow.
> You can try the following script which skip the issquarefree step:
> fact(P) =
> {
>  my(x=variable(P),y=variable(Vec(P)));
>  my(d=poldegree(P,y));
>  my(C=content(P),FC=factor(C));
>  for(i=1,oo,
>    my(R=substpol(factor(subst(P/C,ieta,(x+i)^d)),(x+i)^d,ieta));
>    R= matconcat([FC,R]~);
>    my(F=factorback(R)*C);
>    if(pollead(P)*F==pollead(F)*P,
>      return(R)));
> }
> ? fact(P)
> ? ##
>  ***   last result computed in 8,564 ms.
> (which is slow but still usable).
> Cheers,
> Bill