Aleksandr Lenin on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 14:30:54 +0100

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Re: Tower field extensions in libPARI


On 3/19/20 2:33 PM, Bill Allombert wrote:
>  a=ffgen((x^2+1)*Mod(1,11),'a);
>  Ea=ellinit([0,1],a);
>  [r,m]=ffextend(a,x^6 + (a + 3),'b);
>  Eb=ellinit(ffmap(m,Ea[1..5]),r);
>  ellcard(Eb)
> %12 = 3138424833600
>  mi=ffinvmap(m);
>  minpoly(ffmaprel(mi,r))
> %14 = x^6+(a+3)

am I getting it right that the proper way to build such an elliptic
curve is to use T_FFELT elements instead of FpX/FpXQ-s, and my approach
towards it was incorrect?