Hans Ruegg on Mon, 16 Dec 2019 04:02:57 +0100

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Re: Problems finding .gp files in Android version

Update: PariDroid seems not to have any access to the file system at all. I tried: fileopen("test0.gp", "w") and got an error. The same thing happened when using an absolute path, such as fileopen("/storage/sdcard0/test0.gp", "w"). I made sure that apps have all their permissions granted, but it did not work.
From: Jacques Gélinas <jacquesg00@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 11:52:34 AM
To: Hans Ruegg <hanscusco@hotmail.com>; pari-users@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr <pari-users@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr>
Subject: Re: Problems finding .gp files in Android version
You must find the gprc file where the defaults are set.
On my Windows system, it is now called gprc.txt     “Reading GPRC: gprc.txt ...Done.”
and in it there are the lines
path = "C:/Users/Jacques/Documents/………..”
datadir = "C:/Users/Jacques/Documents/………."

Notice the forward slashes on my system.
To start, try in GP
$ default
$ default(path, “C:/…”)

Hope this helps,

Jacques Gélinas

De : Hans Ruegg
Envoyé : ‎dimanche‎, ‎15‎ ‎décembre‎ ‎2019 ‎10‎:‎03
À : pari-users@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr

Hello PARI team,

first I would like to thank you very much for making this great program available. On my Windows computer it works very fine.
Now I am testing the Android version, and I could not find out how to read .gp files from the file system, nor did I find any documentation about this. In the main directory of the internal storage I created a directory "PARI", and inside this directory  a file "test.gp". First I tried to open it directly from a file explorer, but the OS apparently was not informed about such files being associated with PARI, nor did it offer PARIDroid as an option for opening it.
Then I tried, inside PARI: read("/storage/sdcard0/PARI/test.gp") and read("/storage/emulated/0/PARI/test.gp"). The path names are OK, according to the file explorer. But PARI always said: "read: error opening input file: "(...).
I found then, as a workaround, that I can copy multi-line text/instructions from a script file into the PARI edit box, and execute them this way. But it would still be better to have direct access to the files.
Your help would be much appreciated.

With kind regards,

Hans Ruegg