Remy José Cano on Sat, 13 Jul 2019 04:20:58 +0200

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Re: On saving clicks and keystrokes everyday...

Merci Jacques...Oui, professor Knuth used to craft seriously good
things like you pointed.

i am agree with you, i should be intercepted any call to system() [did
mean, by default]

however, since i committed to study and read any third-party source or
scanning every binary before its execution, besides the fact i
optimistically trust in Google, for now i (feel i) am safe.

I convinced one of the helpdesk's members where i am in order to
disable the secure mode at one of our labs... i explained him the
involved risks and my purpose as time limited user and he decided to
support me temporarily as a beta test stage on that matters.

If i last working safely enough time, maybe they will allow me to join
the helpdesk staff. Something that would add work load on my shoulders
but also fits to my goals...


A friend.

On 12/07/2019, Jacques Gélinas <> wrote:
> Of course, this will not work on my Windows computer, since system() is
> intercepted, as it should be (I do not want my hard disk to be held hhostage
> for a large ransom in Bitcoins):
> $ default(secure)
> 1
> $ system("date")
>   ***   at top-level: system("date")
>   ***                 ^--------------
>   *** system: [secure mode]: system commands not allowed
> Tried to run 'date'.
> $ \v
>         GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.12.1 (development 23932-643d17838)
>          amd64 running cygwin (x86-64/GMP-6.1.2 kernel) 64-bit version
>                  compiled: Jun  6 2019, gcc version 7.3.0 (GCC)
>                             threading engine: single
>                  (readline v7.0 enabled, extended help enabled)
> Already in 1980, Donald Knuth designed TeX to be secure that way.
> When PDFLaTex needs a pipe command to generate pictures with Gnuplot, the
> default has to be changed, and this is the same for GP.
> Jacques Gélinas


Remy José Cano Ramírez
1-43 Entrada principal a Santa Juana. Mérida, ME 5101, Venezuela
Phone: +58 412 077 6 077;