Bill Allombert on Fri, 23 Mar 2018 23:40:59 +0100

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Re: Datatypes for sieve algorithms

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 10:18:14PM +0000, Jacques Gélinas wrote:
> Thanks for the fast response with dvice and some speedups.
> Note that I had to use Vec(Q) == GP for this to work (and change
> primes_zv back to primes for my standalone Windows GP).

If you replace primes_zv to primes, then you have to change either 
Q==GP; to Vec(Q) == GP; 
GP = primes(NP); to  GP = Vecsmall(primes(NP));

If you use the installer binary (instead of the stand alone), 
you should be able to use install() (this is a limitation of the
PE executable format used by windows).

If you use Windows 10, you can install the linux emulation and run
gp there after apt-get install pari-gp.
