Karim Belabas on Mon, 06 Aug 2012 17:11:34 +0200

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Re: How to factor integer over Z[i]?

* Andrew Lelechenko [2012-08-06 16:40]:
> I can factor an integer over the ring of integers and I can factor a
> Gaussian integer over the ring of Gaussian integers:
> ? factor(25)
> %5 =
> [5 2]
> ? factor(5+I)
> time = 0 ms.
> %2 =
> [     -I 1]
> [  1 + I 1]
> [2 + 3*I 1]
> But how should I ask PARI/GP to factor an integer over Gaussian
> integers? I tried for example factor(5+0*I), but it doesn't work well.

Here's a simple possibility:

\\ assume n is a t_INT
Zi_Z_factor(n) = my (f = factor(n*I)); f[1,1] /= I; f;

(17:02) gp > Zi_Z_factor(5)
%1 = 
[1 - 2*I 1]

[1 + 2*I 1]

This is not a very flexible hack. You can factor elements over arbitrary
(principal) number fields as follows:

  ? K = bnfinit(y^2 + 1)   \\ here, Q(i) ~ Q[y]/(y^2+1)
  ? F = idealfactor(K, 5);
  ? F[,1] = apply(x->nfbasistoalg(K,bnfisprincipal(K,x)[2]), F[,1]);
  ? F
  %4 = 
  [ Mod(y - 2, y^2 + 1) 1]

  [Mod(-y - 2, y^2 + 1) 1]

(Some version of this will also work over non-principal fields, but you
have to test all possible products of the prime ideal factors for
principal ideals, and you no longer have uniqueness, of course.)


Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite Bordeaux 1          Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/~belabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/  [PARI/GP]