John Cremona on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 16:52:38 +0100

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Re: PARI-GP use of elldata & seadata packages

I expect that you will get a more helpful reply from the experts, but
I know that when one builds pari/gp from source one needs to put these
extra files in the right place before building.  I don't know the
right place to put them for the Windows version as I have only used
pari/gp on linux (at least for the last 15 years).

John Cremona

On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Alan Powell <> wrote:
> As a PARI-GP newbie, I could use a little help in installing
> or activating the optional “elldata” and “seadata” packages.
> I installed PARI-GP 2.5.0 running under Windows 7 SP1 and User
> Guide examples seem to work normally.
> I then downloaded, unzipped and copied the extra packages to the
> PARI-GP (gp.exe) executable folder [C:\Program Files (x86)\PARI\]
> as follows:
> 1. A folder named elldata containing 200 files named ell0 thru ell199
> 2. A single file named seadata (no filename extension) size 39,870KB
> The User Guide elliptic functions seem to work e.g.
> E = ellinit([0,0,0,-4,0])  outputs voluminous curve parameters
> allap(E,11)  correctly outputs  = 0    but
> ellidentify(E)  returns
> *** ellidentify: Elliptic curves files not available for conductor 64
> [Missing C:/Program Files (x64)PARI/elldata/ell0].
> [Note missing “/” between (x64) and “PARI”]
> trying example:
> ellsea(E,nextprime(10^6))  returns
> *** unknown function or error in formal parameters: elsea(E,97).
> I would appreciate any suggestions to access the elldata & seadata
> packages.
> Alan Powell