Joerg Arndt on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 11:53:59 +0200

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Re: elapsed time and system command

* cino hilliard <> [Apr 04. 2006 10:52]:
> [...]

> >
> >If timing would return wall clock time, it would be next to
> >meaningless, i.e. depend on system load.
> >Please keep it the way it is!
> Write() is a Pari function. Why can't I use Pari to time the performance of 
> this function?
> system() is a Pari function. Why can't I use Pari to time the performance 
> of this function
> call?
> In other words, why do I have to use something "meaningless" to measure the 
> performance of
> meaningful buit in Pari functions?
> Cheers and Roebuck,
> Cino

You now have compile-time workaround, so everything should be fine.

You can always measure wall-clock time with /usr/bin/time
You do (at least, also) want to know how many cycles where eaten.

We might introduce a time format string that
gives the possibility to see it all.
As in

% /usr/bin/time find
 0.03user 0.14system 0:11.55elapsed 1%CPU

Then we have it all.

default(timeformat," %Uuser %Ssystem %Eelapsed %C%%CPU") <--= suggestion
which at the moment would be
default(timeformat,"time = %U ")
as in
? factor(2^239-1)
time = 23 ms.

best regards,