Prof. J. E. Cremona on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:44:21 +0200

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setting output precision

Is there an easy way in gp to do computations to high precision (say, 100) but only output in low precision (say, 10)? I know that I can achieve this by adding lots of lines like
in my script, but thought there might be a better way of just turning down the precision for output only.

This is in a computation where intermerdiate stages have to be done to high precision but (of course) I only need the result to low precision.

 Prof. J. E. Cremona             |
 University of Nottingham        | Tel.:  +44-115-9514920
 School of Mathematical Sciences | Fax:   +44-115-9514951
 University Park                 | Email:
 Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK          |

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