Vincent Torri on Thu, 09 Jun 2005 16:40:16 +0200

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Re: dumb question about rationals

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Bill Allombert wrote:

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 02:20:33PM +0200, Vincent Torri wrote:


my program is almost working. But in some cases, i got the error message:

impossible assignment I-->S

This mean you try to convert (with itos) a PARI object to a C long
integer and either the object is not a PARI integer, or it is too large
to fit in a signed long.

i've not thought about a too lage integer. I'll check that. There is no way to get a long long ? only long ?

Please use symbolic name for type (4=t_FRAC, 1=t_INT, etc.)


Another question: What i do is the following :

1) I allocate 2 arrays of GEN (with malloc), say t1, t2
2) I init the 2 arrays
3) I do my stuff (a loop) :
  a) i fill t2 with modified values of t1
  b) t1 = t2 (i do a loop on k : t1[k] = t2[k])
4) store the values of t1, at the end of the loop
5) I free the 2 arrays.

Could the problem above (it appears in step 4) arise from the fact that I
use allocated arrays and I'm doing step 3)b) ? Should I use PARI vector
instead of arrays

Usually it is simpler to use PARI vector allocated in the stack
than using malloc, though there are exceptions.

If you do
GEN *T=(GEN*)malloc(1000,sizeof(GEN))
for(i=0;i<1000;i++) T[i]=stoi(i)

then T is actually an array of pointer to objects stored in the PARI
stack. If you gerepile() the stack, T will not be updated and
element of T will point to random data.

I've experienced that :) So I removed my garbge collector stuff :)

Thank you for your answers

Vincent Torri