McLaughlin, James on Fri, 20 Feb 2004 23:38:09 +0100

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peculiar parenthesis problem.

I have a question concerning the use of { and }.

I am using 
          GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.2.7 (development CHANGES-1.844)
                i686 running cygwin (ix86 kernel) 32-bit version
               compiled: Oct 28 2003, gcc-3.3.1 (cygming special)
                (readline v4.3 enabled, extended help available)

                       Copyright (C) 2003 The PARI Group

I have some code that runs fine as it is below, with the start
parenthesis in the middle as shown (after the "N=100;" line). I have
stripped the original code as much as possible to isolate and show the

I need the "{ }" because of the "for" loop running over several lines.

 If I move the ${$ to the start of the code, which seems the logical
place to put it(see the second piece of code below), I get no output. 

I suspect the problem lies with the way I defined d(n) and subsequently
g(n) and h(n). I want something that lets me evaluate these functions at
different values of n. As it is, just doing g(33) etc works. The only
problem is with the { and }.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Jimmy Mc Laughlin.

g(n) =  (d(n)*d(n-1)+(n)^k*(d(n-1)-d(n)));
for(i = 3,N,
print ([i,1.0*d(i-1)]);

second bit of code below

g(n) =  (d(n)*d(n-1)+(n)^k*(d(n-1)-d(n)));


for(i = 3,N,
print ([i,d(i-1)]);
