Karim BELABAS on Thu, 5 Nov 1998 16:01:53 +0100 (MET)

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Re: Latest version of GP for DOS

> I am currently running 2.0.5 alpha under DOS but it is giving me a message
> 	bug in gadd please report
> Is there a more recent compiled version available?

There is (2.0.12.alpha), but I've delayed it as well as the main (UNIX)
release as various problems showed up. I'm trying to put everything together
(really!) for tomorrow.

Sorry again for the delay,


P.S: The DOS release is functionnally equivalent to the UNIX one, now,
excluding the install() function. Everything else marked with the UNIX sign
in the docs (extern(), etended help, readline,...) is there.
Karim Belabas                    email: Karim.Belabas@math.u-psud.fr
Dep. de Mathematiques, Bat. 425
Universite Paris-Sud             Tel: (00 33) 1 69 15 57 48
F-91405 Orsay (France)           Fax: (00 33) 1 69 15 60 19
PARI/GP Home Page: http://pari.home.ml.org