Karim Belabas on Mon, 17 Apr 2023 13:55:00 +0200

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Re: ==/=== docs

* Ruud H.G. van Tol [2023-04-17 13:19]:
> ? ??==
> [...]
>    ? [0] == [0,0] \\ not equal
>    %9 = 1
> Looks to me like something went wrong there.
> Maybe '===' was meant?

Thanks for spotting this. Weak equality '==' was meant, but the result
is %9 = 0, not 1. Fixed in 'master'.


Pr Karim Belabas, U. Bordeaux, Vice-président en charge du Numérique
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux UMR 5251 - (+33) 05 40 00 29 77